
Chapter Three

Charlie’s POV

Nothing exciting happened in the first two lessons of the morning, same boring day like any other, the most exiting my life became was in my after school job. Part of the reason I had to do my homework in my lunch hour or early hours of the morning was because of work, I loved my job, yes I was only waiting tables but the tips I get I hid under a broken floorboard in my room, I was trying to save up to get out of this town as soon as I turned eighteen. My parents couldn’t drag me back to their hell hole then.

As lunch time neared, the girls were getting more and more excited, I should mention that I go to an all girls school, my father didn’t want me getting knocked up at fourteen like how he had knocked up my mother and then got burdened with me.

Apparently the royals were coming at lunch time, they wanted a tour of our school as apparently it was one of the top science schools. If you believed that then you must of seen a pig fly. If they were coming then, it would be perfect. I could hide away in my usual spot in the library, studying as best I could, at least the library would be quiet for once.

The lunch bell went and I casually slipped off to the library as every female in the school was heading outside with the teachers, screams and cheers were erupting so I guess they had arrived. I roll my eyes and pulled the library door closed behind me, bringing me some silence although the girls screams were growing louder.

I plugged in my headphones and pulled out a book from my bag and began to read, the girly screams were loud and very distracting, no matter how loud I turned up the music to my headphones all I could hear was them. “All for a guy” and I yank them out of my ears.

“Excuse me” a smooth velvety voice made me jump in my seat and I turn around to face a guy who was staring back at me. I let my eyes run over him quickly, well dressed in a suit with a tie, his black shoes were even polished. My eyes lingered on his face just a moment too long, ash blonde hair that was stuck out everywhere in a weirdly styled mess, bright green eyes and a strong chiselled jaw.

My breath caught in my chest, he was gorgeous. I clear my throat “Can I help you?”

His pale pink lips turned ever so slightly at the corner “I was just wondering where the bathroom was”

I nodded and directed him to the nearest bathroom and turn back to my work listening out for him but instead of moving away I feel him move closer, he pulls out a chair and sits on it watching me

“Why are you not with the other girls?” I close my eyes trying to ignore his beautiful voice, his woodsy scent filling my nostrils.

I shrug my shoulders at the guy and try to continue reading, not an easy task when you are being watched so intensely. “I’m not like them”

“I can see that, you will not even look at me, whilst they are out there screaming, screaming so much they have not noticed it is only my parents out there” I shrug my shoulders again, he was very well spoken.

“I’m sorry, but I am really really busy, I have to do this now so I can work later” I still refused to look at him

“You work?” What is it with this guy and all these questions, there were plenty of girls out there ready to drop to their knees and suck his cock if that’s what he wanted.

I sighed and closed the book and turned my chair to face him “What do you want me to say, that I can do what I want, when I want because of daddy’s money. Well I am sorry sir, we don’t all come from that background” I was a bit snappier than I planned to be and this guy just smiles at me annoyingly.

I frown at his reaction, what did this guy want and I get up to walk past him, he grabs my arm, stopping me from going anywhere “What’s your name?”

I rip my arm out of his grasp, it was bad enough my father hit me, I was not having another man think he could do what he wanted too me. What I didn’t realise is when he had grabbed me a thread had caught in his watch and as he removed his arm, it had pulled at my turtle neck, specifically the collar around my neck and he just stared at the bruising that my father had caused. I adjust my clothes and cover it as quickly as possible. Crap, this is all I need.

His eyes narrowed but he didn’t say a word  and i remember his question “Charlotte, but I prefer Charlie”

“Then Charlie it is, I am Alexander and I shall see you later”

“Well Charlie, that was weird” I often find talking to myself helpful. When I reached down to grab another book out my bag, a bag of apple slices had appeared, a note was stuck to the front ‘thought you would enjoy these, A’

I know you shouldn’t accept food from strangers but I was hungry and quickly scoffed them down. After a few minutes, the screams outside grew louder, Alexander had clearly made his way outside, lessons were cancelled for the rest of the day because of the royals and I decided to head to work, maybe they would let me start work early, a chance to get some extra tips.

Thankfully work wasn’t to far away and when I arrived the manager was grateful to see me, apparently a couple of girls had called in sick and when I asked about starting work early he practically ripped me off the ground in a hug.

The hug made me cringe “Sorry kiddo, forgot you don’t like to be touched” I shrugged it off, Sam was just trying to be kind, “Oh by the way, the royals are coming here this evening, do you think you can be their server, after all you are my best one” I nod my head but all I can think about is how I’m going to be seeing Alexander again, hopefully he will keep his mouth shut about the bruises.

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