

In the opulent setting of Stanley's luxurious residence, Liam relaxed on an exquisite couch, his eyes fixated on the pristine glass of wine on the table as he patiently waited for Stanley to return from the washroom.

Stanley had called him, inviting him to a small party at his house which he said they would be having with one of his friends. With eager anticipation, Liam anticipated the arrival of their guest.

"My apologies, Liam, for keeping you waiting." Stanley said with a smile as he walked back to the sitting room, taking his seat next to Liam.

"No problem, I'm enjoying the ambiance." Liam replied, smiling back.

"Our guest should be here any moment." Stanley said, as he picked up the remote and turned up the volume on the TV, allowing the actors' dialogues to fill the room.

"Who is this your friend and why the party,what is the party for? I don't understand." Liam asked.

"Don't worry friend, it's meant to be a surprise. You will know her when she comes."

"Her." Liam asked, confu
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