
Chapter 8: Too much info

The uncomfortable skin tingles that made me want to scratch my skin off began as Jarek moved to sit back on the couch. Fighting to control it I got up keeping my gaze on anything but him. This couldn’t be normal. Would be away from him cause this?

Jarek’s jerky movements as his eyes locked onto me made me feel better. Knowing I wasn’t the only one feeling this made it easier to fight. Ajax and him had made it back to the couch one with a scowl on his face and the other full of wonder.

"Am I winning some points for my honesty?" Wilder smiled lighting up his face sending me back in time to when my dad used to smile at me.

"Yea, for now." Smiling back at him catching Ajax go frozen at the sight of it. "So what is this danger we are talking about? More of those trolls trying to take me out?"

He gave a short laugh before his face got serious. "Do you know why your parents were killed?"

"No and the police never found anything that could solve it." 

“Your parents were mates and bonded so fast. Their love was like a whirlwind and they were so happy but not many others were. I was one of the unhappy until I saw their love and the strength they gave each other.” He looked over at his bookshelf as his body trembled at the memories. “If only I had figured it out sooner and caught on to what was happening outside of this school they would still be here.”

I stayed quiet keeping my eyes between his back and his bookshelf filled with several of the books my father had read to me. "Did you know dad was the reason I got into reading? He used to read me kids’ books at bedtime like a normal dad but when we got into the bigger books we would reenact them for mom. I hated being the girly roles so he took those." I laughed remembering him in the many different dresses he had worn. "He didn't make a very pretty princess but I looked amazing as the pirate or prince."

I heard his first sniffle as he cried quietly beside me. "He... he did that?"

"Yea. Mom made him the dresses since we never found any in his size." I put my hand on Freya's head needing the comfort. "He mentioned his father and mother would read to him using different voices for the characters and he had always loved that. So he mixed that in with his love of acting to make our family tradition. Tell me, Wilder, what was my father’s favorite book?"

"E-Easy." He chuckled wiping his eyes. "It was a human written book called ‘Twenty Thousand Leagues under the sea.’ I started reading him that book when he had turned eight years old and fell in love with the ocean. He would draw pictures of the different sea creatures between the human realm and ours commenting about how they were different."

I smiled feeling my tears hit my lips wetting them. "He still did that but he added in land creatures as well. Although any that were from the human realm he said came from his imagination. I guess he wanted me to feel human so I would end up being human." I turned my head back toward him. "Do you know why my father would want me to be human when I am not? And do you know what I am?"

He looked shocked. "You don't know what you are other than dragon? He raised you as human?"

I nodded and waited for his answer. It was the main reason I came to see if he was my grandfather.

"Now that I think about it I bet it has to do with why he ran with your mother in the first place along with what happened after bonding.” His body fully turned back toward me. “After fully bonding there was an uprise because they weren’t both the same species of supernatural. Normally it would be wolf shifter and wolf shifter or dragon and dragon but not your parents. Your father was fae like me and your mother was dragon but not any dragon shifter. She was the daughter of the Fire King, the Alpha of the fire dragons.”

Jarek stood up looking like he couldn’t decide between shock or rage. “My mate is royal. Fire clan royal?”

All this information being thrown as me was pushing my instinct to run. I didn’t want to focus on what I was, what this place was, or who any of them were to me. I just wanted to know what happened to my parents, so I knew who to make pay for it.

Snarling I glowered at Wilder. “Enough! Tell me why my parents had to die and who did it. Tell me who I will be killing soon.”

“Woah. No need to get kill happy.” Ajax laughed like I made a joke.

Without looking at him I snorted. “No need for you to speak. The adults are talking.” My eyes lasered in on my gramps. “Now please. You’re telling me too much all at once and I just need to know why my parents were taken from me.”

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