Fated to love you

Fated to love you

By:  shalomm_m  Completed
Language: English
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The moon goddess had a sense of humor for pairing Fiona with the devilish alpha behind all her struggles. Worst still, the devilish Alpha rejects her And just when she thinks her hopes of a fairytale love is crushed and she would live alone in her misery The powerful rival of her mate swoops into her life with sexy blue eyes and an unwavering interest and a burning passion for her. She is torn between the teeth of two powerful Alphas The one who refuses to claim her and the one who wants to consume her. But now Fiona has learned to fight dirty and would do anything to get the attention of her mate including getting her fingers into the deep and becoming a pawn for her so called mate. What she doesn't realize is that all along she is on the wrong side of the battle She is tangled in a steamy twist of betrayal, secrets, revenge, and love. With only one thing she on her mind; love. When the truth reveals can she forgive? Can true love triumph over revenge? And can one love the devil?

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Dianette Pickens
I agree some of the chapters are too descriptive and the reader feels robbed BUT is a nice story. If the ending is chapter 150 it was a huge down. I wished the author had brought us closure with Mac. Would have loved to see her Father flourish. Definitely a wedding or the mating at least.
2023-12-27 04:03:08
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Dan Dan
Absolutely love this! Kept me reading all night long ......
2023-07-19 19:59:37
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Delinda Schumacher
90 chapters 5-9-23
2023-05-10 00:15:03
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Very thrilling book, I love the description and how you can feel the tension all through!
2023-04-07 19:15:07
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Firstly, as interesting as the mystery is, it’s now Chapter 45 & it’s exhausting reading in this girl’s convoluted thoughts! Where is the dialogue? Is this being translated from another language? Phrasing is awkward, spelling begs checking, grammar is minimal.
2023-06-04 01:46:47
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Chapters 131 through 138 are reposted duplicates of Chapter 130. This is cheating. I want a refund so I can read better books with actual new content.
2023-07-05 12:08:19
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The book looks intriguing but keeps going round in circles, with too many unnecessary descriptions. A full chapter only for describing an item in one person's thought, making it boring. Well, not my kind of read anymore... ciao
2023-06-23 16:00:09
150 Chapters
Chapter One: What are the chances of being rejected?
Mac didn't want me. It was obvious from the first moment we felt the bond between us, I knew it from the first time he stared into my eyes without any emotion. There was no room for me in his heart. When I was much younger, I would sit in front of the mirror, staring at my reflection as my mother combed my hair, softly narrating her love story, how she met my father, her mate, all over again as I smiled at her reflection in the mirror, this was our routine, and she had told me the story of how she met my father a million times, yet every time it felt just as special to me, just as brand new as she brushed my hair and whispered the tale all over again with tears filling my eyes as she smiled down at me. It was apparent who her love belonged to, but I knew it also belonged to me, even though not as intently as it did to my father. I was lucky to live their love, and even though she eventually faded into nothing but a memory, I lived my life waiting for that one-moment love to find me
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Chapter Two: Blue eyes
The silence in the house told me exactly what I wanted to hear. I waited till everyone had gone to sleep, it was a crazy idea, and no one would have tolerated it anyway, so I had to be wise and do things on my own. Immediately we put the laundry away, Father returned, and Amanda rushed to serve and attend to him while I sat there, consumed by my thoughts and plans to visit Mac. I had gone over the idea about a million times in one night, yet I could not foresee it ending in a good way. It also gave me the perfect time to take some money for a cab. After assessing the house from what I could hear, I climbed down slowly from the bed, thankfully Amanda was such a deep sleeper; it didn't matter the noise that was being made, nothing could separate her from her lovely sleep, and we were the only ones who shared a room with a window big enough to allow my tiny frame to pass through. I jumped into my freest pair of jeans and hoodie. I needed the comfort first and then carefully, l let my
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Chapter Three: A sexy encounter?
His ocean Blue eyes were shining in the dark. They were so beautiful and alluring; they pulled me in. The moon goddess really loves me to have paired me with someone as dreamy as Mac. It made me so happy to know that he was here, staring at me, that I could hold his attention for this long, I could still feel his stare burning into my skin, and it made me feel hot in places that had no business being hot. What was so different now? Maybe he was shy? I mean, right now his inability to keep his eyes off me shows a great level of interest, and I wonder what happened earlier when we met, why he couldn't even spare me a glance when we realised that we were mates. I mean, it was a casual drop-off by my father and he got to find out that the daughter of his father's chauffeur was his mate so it must have been so shocking and extremely cringe to him right? That must have made him shy, right? I was snapped from my thoughts by the jerk of a warm hand pulling me behind the curtain. That was q
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Chapter Four: Am I dreaming or living a nightmare?
There were so many things I expected when I finally regained consciousness When my body betrayed me by coming awake. The sexy stranger and I being tied up before a number of stern-looking alphas, Mac staring at me with the same nonchalant expression and now maybe more of hatred and disappointment? Father’s voice and eminent disappointment grounding me and expressing how foolish my decisions were, my sisters staring at me with pity and disdain and whoever read out my punishment according to the law, Amanda looking at me with a look that screamed betrayal and how could you? Mr. Ashen banning me from his estate and declaring that I was unfit for the position of Luna and I was forbidden from ever setting my eyes on his son. the ‘i told you’ look on the butler's stern face. But of all the things I imagined, never in a million years and lifetimes could I have imagined that I would wake up in my own room and on my own bed. That I would find myself in my room, on my bed with my jeans and sw
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Chapter Five: A mate or a spy?
By the time I returned from walking around the neighborhood and sitting idly in a park while obsessing over the events of last night, my brain was tired of drawing conclusions that led nowhere. I met my entire family all hurdled over the dining table and eating. Father was smiling so brightly, as Gwen chatted something about her husband's field, I wondered when she arrived. I could tell Father was excited to be having a meal with his girls and when he saw me, his smile only increased. “You're back, I heard you went out for an unusual morning run.'' He teased, smiling with his eyes while he beckoned me to come over and join them at the table. Father certainly didn't know anything about last night. I walked over and took a seat at the dining table, Gisselle and Amanda stared at me weirdly, exchanging looks and finally accepting that I actually went jogging. All through my time out, I kept thinking, How did I get home? What exactly happened? It was driving me insane so severely that I
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Chapter Six: L?
The silence in the house was deafening. once the door behind me was successfully locked everything came to a halt. I caught my sisters and my father all huddled around the dining table looking guilty, they had been eavesdropping and from the looks on their faces they knew I was well aware. Too tired and heartbroken to deal with any of it, I walked briskly into the room I shared with Amanda and shut the door loudly caging myself in. I climbed up to my bed and the waterworks officially began. Is love meant to hurt like this? Was I not enough? Did he have the faintest idea of the agony he put me through each time I stumbled through his emptiness and emotionless feelings toward me. I should have known he would only come here for intel, to use me, maybe there was nothing I could do to make this man love me. The tears flowed in harder in loud angry sobs and I was grateful to have locked the door behind me, I really didn't need anyone's counsel at the moment, I was too occupied with the voi
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Chapter Seven: Another encounter of Fate?
Who the hell was L? What did that even mean, I had a faint idea that it was the blue eyed stranger who probably dropped me that left the note here, but it didn't make any sense. What was the blue orchid for? And what was the meaning of L. a name? Luther? Lark? Lionell? These are the names that could suit him but they didn't feel quite right. Amanda cleared her throat, dragging not only my eyes but my attention to her. “ What is that about? And who is L? Spill before I betray you as you did” I sighed, exhausted If only she knew I had no answers to her questions. “ I'm just like you, I am as confused as you are” I said wearily. She studied me for a while and I knew she was deciding whether or not to believe me. Finally she said, “You know what? Lets just drop this, there has been enough drama to last a while in this family anyway” I nodded my head while looking away wistfully, trying to make sense of things and trying to understand what was really going on. Things were getting way mo
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Chapter Eight: Mates with the devil
This could not be happening There was no way it was possible and I had just once again conjured images myself. I blinked, struck too quickly by the intensity of his eyes and just to confirm that I wasnt seeing things and when I opened my eyes again, he was gone. I stood there for a few seconds, my mouth hanging open, before the brain cells in my head began to work and I registered, I really actually saw him. I dashed to the front of the building to check if I could see any traces of him. , My breathing was erratic, my composure non existent, I was distressed and very confused but I kept searching and searching till after a few minutes when I finally accepted that he was nowhere to be found. He had disappeared, literally. It had to be a joke, right? It had to be some sort of mind play, I turned around in confusion. One moment he was there, and just before I could look he was gone. It made no sense at all, It made me very furious in fact, Was he messing with me? Why did he keep playi
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Chapter Nine: Keep your heart open Fi
CHAPTER NINE After getting my ears full with the scolding and stern words meted out by my sisters, I dragged myself to the room and shut the door lightly then gently eased onto my bed, I was emotionally tired, it was so difficult for me to stay without obsessing over the fact that some of the things that happened within the last twenty four hours happened, for example, How did I meet him and lose him yet again. Did i even meet him? Did I conjure up an imagination? Could he disappear? Was that even possible? So many questions. floated around in my head. I knew he was a wolf from the first time we were at close proximity, my wolf had sensed his wolf right away, but was he a special breed? Could something like that be possible? The events of the past week had consumed my mind so much and distracted me from thinking about Mac, But now, it was like a magazine and my brain flipped over to his page, How could he leave me there knowing I was stranded? How heartless of him to do that to me,
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Chapter Ten: A fresh start
By the time resumption week rolled in, I was ready to put the uncertainties of the past week behind me, Mac had never tried to contact me since we last met, and I doubted that he was apologetic to me over how he left me stranded on the road, so I decided to give him some time to think of me and maybe grow his love for me. I didn't want to let go, but I was tired of bruising my own heart over and over again. I had heard nothing of L, and I still didn't know his name or anything else about him and. I was tired of obsessing over blue eyes that made me no good and brought me nowhere close to answers or a realization. Until I had more information and reason, I was going to stay off the radar and let things come naturally to me. Once I managed to fit everything I own worth carrying into my box and I tell you, it was a lot, and it took the lonngest time I did a happy dance to show my excitement while Amanda laughed her ass off at my silly moves. She was accompanying me to school, the only o
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