
Chapter Three: A sexy encounter?

His ocean Blue eyes were shining in the dark. They were so beautiful and alluring; they pulled me in.

The moon goddess really loves me to have paired me with someone as dreamy as Mac. It made me so happy to know that he was here, staring at me, that I could hold his attention for this long, I could still feel his stare burning into my skin, and it made me feel hot in places that had no business being hot.

What was so different now? Maybe he was shy? I mean, right now his inability to keep his eyes off me shows a great level of interest, and I wonder what happened earlier when we met, why he couldn't even spare me a glance when we realised that we were mates.

I mean, it was a casual drop-off by my father and he got to find out that the daughter of his father's chauffeur was his mate so it must have been so shocking and extremely cringe to him right? That must have made him shy, right?

I was snapped from my thoughts by the jerk of a warm hand pulling me behind the curtain. That was quick. Does he want to take me now? Here? I gasped and began to shake my head numerous times, no way this is happening.

We still had to talk. I asked for passion but this is on a whole new level and I wouldn't want my first time to be behind a curtain and in a hurry.

Ohmygod what type of panties am I putting on? The grannies? I was freaking out inwardly.

Mortified by my thoughts I attempted to scream but it only came out in muffled tones, “i'm not ready, i'm not ready, i'm not ready, please’’ Large hands were firmly placed over my lips, and my heart felt like it would fly right out of my chest. Is he really going to take this violently? I let out a whimper, even the thought of it was painful. my eyes began to pool.

First, he wouldn't acknowledge me and now this? My mate doesn't care enough to treat me better for the first time? What luck.

“Keep shut, they're looking for you” When I heard his voice, I froze, it was so rich, it was deep and throaty and very much edible, all the hairs on my skin stood, and I felt myself clench my jaws from dropping.

Should a voice be able to do that to you?

It made sense now; he was trying to protect me from his men who must be searching the area for me right now, the thought made me ecstatic to know he was protecting my dignity by hiding me, he didn't want me caught and harassed, I felt like that alone was able to show me that he cared. I had accomplished half the goal I came here for.

I now know that he cares very deeply for me and it was all just a front. I let out a blissful sigh and his hands roughly grabbed my waist, pushing me closer into his body. My cheeks flamed. It was suddenly so hot.

“Shut up” He breathed into my skin, and I fought the urge to lean back and moan, his voice was so good, so clear, even sweeter than it was the last time we met but wait....I felt like a bucket of ice got poured on me as realisation washed over me... last time, It wasn't this deep, and Mac’s eyes were certainly green.

So Who the hell is this?


I gasped and struggled to leave his arms failing, and instead, he tightened his grip on my waist. It felt so good to my utter mortification. I closed my eyes.

Should a stranger be able to make me feel this way? One that is not my mate? What the hell is going on here? Who is he?

I heard him release a ragged sigh. “With all the noise you are making I swear you're going to get us both killed, The Ashens and I are rivals so if you get caught anywhere near me you would be regarded as a traitor. Now, I suggest you control your hormones and tone it down so we both leave here alive okay?”

His words fumbled around in my head for a while and once they settled, I couldn't breathe. Mac and he are what? I jumped, and I mentally spanked myself.

I was getting all cozy with the enemy of my mate? How did I manage to get myself in the most horrible positions? What should I do? How can I escape this now? Why do I like the feel of his body against mine so much? I heard footsteps and my mouth leaked a gasp again.

He let out a silent chuckle, and I wished I could swallow it. Shuddering immediately I had the thought.

What the hell is wrong with me? Get a grip. . He let out another one and it made me so suspicious. Why would he chuckle in such a situation? My eyes widened in realisation. Could he hear my thoughts?

Before I could process that fully, I heard the footsteps approaching again, this time it was louder and more determined, coming to a halt in front of the exact room we were in, I felt blue eyes' body stiffen and go very hard. It was as though we both stopped breathing as his hand dug deeper into my skin.

This was it.

My stupidity had landed me in this absurd situation. Now I was going to be caught with Mac's enemy and probably lose what small right I had to claim him as my mate. How would I explain that I am just as perplexed finding him here? I closed my eyes and tears began to pool in them.

Without being able to control myself anymore, I let out a muffled sigh in defeat and just as the handle of the door was twisted open very carefully, suddenly everything went black.

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