
Chapter Five: A mate or a spy?

By the time I returned from walking around the neighborhood and sitting idly in a park while obsessing over the events of last night, my brain was tired of drawing conclusions that led nowhere. I met my entire family all hurdled over the dining table and eating. Father was smiling so brightly, as Gwen chatted something about her husband's field, I wondered when she arrived. I could tell Father was excited to be having a meal with his girls and when he saw me, his smile only increased.

“You're back, I heard you went out for an unusual morning run.'' He teased, smiling with his eyes while he beckoned me to come over and join them at the table. Father certainly didn't know anything about last night.

I walked over and took a seat at the dining table, Gisselle and Amanda stared at me weirdly, exchanging looks and finally accepting that I actually went jogging.

All through my time out, I kept thinking, How did I get home? What exactly happened? It was driving me insane so severely that I couldn't eat the delicious food Gisselle cooked. I kept twirling the food around so they wouldn't notice Who was that I met? A rival? What was he doing there? I hoped it wasn't anything harmful to Mac.

Should I let them know I saw him?

That would implicate me but would it be worth it? unconsciously. I let out a frustrated sigh which earned me the looks of everyone at the table. Smiling sheepishly to cover up my messy tracks I started to gobble it down, feigning ignorance to the thoughts that were driving me crazy.

Amanda cleared her throat and looked at me pointedly. ‘Still thinking about him?” The traitor.

‘Who is he?’ Father's eyes latched onto mine immediately and held; he cleared his throat waiting for me to respond.

I glared at Amanda, “ I don't...’ A loud and rapt knock cut me short.

I jumped from my seat like I had stepped on coal and dashed to see who was knocking, thankful for the intrusion that saved me from fathers questioning.

I opened the door and ....... Wow, Speak of the devil. All 6’2 of Mac was standing in front of me wearing blue jeans and a black polo that stuck to him like a second skin, looking disheveled yet handsome and staring at me, wait staring at me? With something that looked like hunger or adequately put urgency.

I almost collapsed. Can this day get any weirder?

‘I need to speak with you’ His voice cut me off the rabbit hole of questions but I was too fazed to mutter a response so he took my hand and pulled me out, shutting the door to the house behind me.

So far, the past two days have been a total amazement and an unexpected ride, not only did i not expect this, but I still don't know how I got home last night but i know it has more to do with the stranger I met in that room than it has to do with Mac, but he doesn't know that right? So why else would he look for me? Did he suddenly come to his senses and realize he loves me with each dying breath? I hope so, but what are the odds? He has not only stared at me with passion but also touched me.

That should be a good sign.right? I guess he was here to talk about our future plans. He must have changed his mind.

Smiling hard, I looked up to meet him, his eyes still held that urgency I had seen before and it looked like he was restraining himself from something. He didn't return my smile.

‘Where were you last night?’ accusatory tone. That probably came out wrong.

‘I came to see you, and when you wouldn't see me I left’ I couldn't blow my cover, it would be unwise to talk before he proclaims his undying love for me.

Maybe after, I could let him know, I added a sweet but sad smile at the end, hoping he would feel guilty now that he is back to himself.

‘Nobody saw you leave, did you really go’ His impatience was growing from his tone. Was he disappointed I didn't stay?

“ Yes, I left, and no thanks to your butler too.” I pouted and hid my eyes to shield my lie from being visible to him. This was the part where he apologises.

“Stop acting like a child and tell me exactly what happened!!” wait what? What?

His tone was very threatening, I looked at him and realized the urgency in his eye was not

towards me, It didn't stem from affection but because they didn't catch the person who snuck in, a threat to his pack, the reason he came to me is not to see me, but to take intel from me and discard, to use me in the only way he can right now and dump me after to pine after his love and affection.

With that knowledge, I still found myself asking with tears in my eyes “Did you come here for that? Is that why you came to see me and not because I am your mate?”

He grabbed me roughly by my shoulder, and a stay tear lined down my face. He stared at me, void of any emotions.

“Cut the crap This is not about you, someone was in my house yesterday and I need to know if you know anything about that's all” more tears flowed down from my eyes.

He didn't even acknowledge my tears as he looked at me. We stared at each other for what seemed so long, I thought about telling him all about blue eyes, I wondered if that would make him feel any affection for me, maybe it will and at most gratitude, but I did not want a love that depended on my usefulness, a love that could stare me in the eye while tears burned the back of my throat was not the love I wanted, I decided, I would not let myself get used and I would not give up the only leverage I had over him for a minute of affection, after all, I had so much to lose too.

I knew he wouldn't spare me if he found out I was with the stranger, and even though it makes no sense, blue eyes saved me and protected me from being caught, that had to count for something.

I sniffed, willing my tears as he stared at me expectantly “ I know nothing of what you speak of” And with that, I gathered all the courage I could ever muster, I turned, walked into the house, and banged the door loudly.

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