
Chapter 8; A Hollow Union

"Have they sent the complete payment now?" Vincent asked the only man that sat in the plane with him.

"Yes Don. They've received the drugs as well" he said and the plane went into a period of stark silence again.

A lady clad in semi-nude clothes walked out of one of the bathrooms.

She was thick and her waist was a sight to behold.

Her breasts were also pushed out of the satin short top she wore, which were almost tearing because of her breasts that seemed too big to fit into the clothes.

Only a button was what held the top and prevented her nipples from shooting out of them.

She walked into where he was carrying coffee to give him and the underboss.

The two of them were the only ones in sight in the plane. His soldiers and men were out of sight but were in the plane as well.

" Who let you into the plane?" The underboss asked when he saw her making way to serve him coffee.

Vincent did not budge nor move, instead he kept his face forward, leaving the issue to his underboss to handle.

"That should not be a topic of discussion" the lady said, rolling out her long tongue and licking her mouth in a sexy manner to entice him so he'd leave her to go.

She started pouring a coffee from the jug she carried into a glass cup and brought it up to him to drink with one of her hands, using the other to touch his thighs and advance her hands upper before he caught her hand again.

" Who sent you?" He repeated the second time but the lady does not reply but drop the coffee and try using her second hand to hold his member.

Vincent as if enchanted stood up from where he was and walked quickly to the cargo and opened it's door and true to his hunch, he saw an intruder.

He immediately fired bullets at him and the money he was putting into a bag he held was left flying all over the air.

The underboss quickly came to where he was, dragging the lady with him after chaining her two hands.

All the soldiers came out of their hiding places as if the gunshot had sounded an alarm to them, they lined up at the long path in the cabin.

Vincent came and walked in the middle of them, staring each one in the eyes as if doing so would expose the traitor amongst them that allowed the other intruders enter the plane.

He walked up and down their middle but found nothing.

He walked down again and as he was working, he immediately turned and pointed a gun on the forehead of one of the men.

The other guards by his side immediately came and held him down, bounding his hands at his back.

Vincent took the pen that was in his chest pocket.

The other guards had pens in their chest pockets too which made them skeptical as to while he singled the other man out, but none of them could say a word.

He broke the pen in his hand and the others were surprised when they saw him remove a wire from inside the pen.

There was no ink inside. It was a secret camera voice recorder he has installed in the pen.

"Unclad him and throw him out of the plane" he commanded and without wasting time, the man was left unclad and thrown out of the plane through one of the windows, his screams were all heard next before it went off as he fell.

The plane was very silent, and even the lady that witnessed what had happened to her helper could not utter a word for fear of her own fate.

The underboss pushed her to the middle of where Vincent stood and he turned to face her.

"How dare you Alessandro?" He asked squatting straight in front of the woman on the floor, knowing very well that her body had been wiretapped by his step brother.

" And how dare you obey him to cross my territory?" He shot at the lady.

He raised her head with his hand firmly holding her jaw.

." You thought you could come to me because of how you're dressed? I am not Alessandro" he said and used his hand to hold her jaw tighter again which made her open her mouth wide.

" Yes open it" he said.

" Did he tell you that I loved women that opened their mouths for me? Well, I do love it when they do. I'd let you taste what it feels like, having me inside you. Count it a privilege that you'd be able to witness it" he added and brought his second hand which held the short gun to her mouth..

He positioned it in her mouth as if he were positioning his member and the lady was scared to her bone marrows with sweat dropping from all over her forehead.

The next she heard was a gunshot from the gun in her mouth. Another followed, and then another before she could not see nor understand what was happening again.

This wasn't what she had signed up for. This wasn't what she had been paid for. She thought before she drifted into subconsciousness.

Leaving her to fall to the floor, he left the gun still in her mouth and left to where he was seated before.

"Throw her out on the plane" the underboss' command came and some of the men picked her up, and had her thrown out of the plane.

Some cleaned the blood that was littered on the plane.


Eleanorah watched as a priest came into the fortress opening the doors.

She was surprised.

What was he doing at the fortress, they were the ones to meet him at the church where he was to officiate the marriage.. What was he doing by coming to the fortress instead.

She turned to look at Dmitri who understood her eyes as her seeking answers and he offered to answer them.

" Signorina,you should be done by now and head to the Don's ballroom. He will soon be here. The priest is already here according to the time given to him"

She was too stunned to speak.

She watched as the lady that had done the good job of making up her face begin packing frantically, same as her men who were putting the dresses she had tried on earlier back in the rack.

The priest came in and offered her the sign of the cross.

"In the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit" he said touching his forehead, his chest and then his left and right shoulder.

Eleanorah repeated his hand movements too and couldn't help but watch him as he continued walking in the direction of the ballroom she had walked pass the other night.

As if he had been there before.

"We'd get going then. Good luck wit your marriage" the lady muttered with a smirk on her face before she turned to leave with her men who walked hastily behind her.

She heard their bus zooming off.

She was held a back.

" Why is the priest coming here? Why am I not going to the church?" She asked.

" Signorina, the Don is not religious. He is only inviting the priest because it is the culture of Italians. He is a free living man" he said much to her disapproval.

No wonder he did all the evil atrocities he commited, she thought.

There was no religion guiding him not to afterall.

She began hearing loud sounds but could not tell where it came from nor who made them.

"We should start going then Signorina " Dmitri said and she stood up to walk but her movements were very slow and unsteady because of the tight and discomfortable dress she wore, coupled with the high inches heel at her feet.

Dmitri carried her up from her legs and made her rest on his shoulders and began to walk as fast as he could to the ballroom which somehow made her worry why they were all rushing.

She stood in front of the ballroom beside the priest, waiting for her groom.

It felt weird to her.

The groom was supposed to do the waiting and not the other way around but somehow she found herself doing the work of the groom, somehow she found herself having a wedding with no one in attendance except a man dressed in a priests garments and cassocks. She couldn't even tell if he were a real priest or a fake..

The whole scenario felt like a movie scene to her. Not even her father who was supposed to walk her to the altar not her sister whom she had promised that she'd make her brides maid was in attendance.

No one, just her and the priest standing in the dimly lit gold chandelier decorated empty hall, waiting for the arrival of her groom.

Her legs had started getting strained and she couldn't help but manage to still stand before the door went off.

There he was, finally coming, she thought.

She could not see his face because he still wore a hat,as if he had been cursed to wear them.

But as he came closer, the reality she saw began to shake her entire being.

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