
Chapter 7; Uncomfortable Elegance

"Hold the chair properly ma'am!!!" The lady shouted as she kept dragging the ropes of the dress she had picked for her.

"Aren't you done tying it yet?" She asked in between sighs.

"It's already too tight on my body, it's already too much. You need to losen it up a bit"

" I'm sorry ma'am, but I was instructed to make all your features be in highlight" she said and continued to drag the ropes of the dress making it to be tighter and tighter, almost choking Eleanor and making breathing hard for her.

The lady seemed to carry a resentment towards her and she could not tell why.

But she kept her peace enduring the pain, lest she gets reported to the Don and she has herself to blame for it.

The lady continued to tie on the rope before she stopped knowing that it could not be tightened anymore.

She hated everything and anything about the Mafia boss. And now that he was getting married, she thought that picking on his wife was the best thing to do since she couldn't show her hate to the Mafia boss himself.

She picked up the make-up and began to dab it at her face without caution.

It had taken a while for them to pick the perfect wedding dress that accentuated her figures like they had been asked to do, and the time was running.

She was scared she might run into the Mafia boss.

No one would like to run into him, especially women who did not find the favor of being allowed to worship his dick.

They would be punished for making themselves get seen by him.

It left her wondering why and how the lady in her presence was able to make the Mafia boss lol her way, accept her, bring her to his home and even prepare himself to get wedded to her.

She continued to dab the brush at her face before she saw Dimitri move closer to where she was, then she began to dab it gently,unlike how she had done before.

"Do a good job" he said and gave her a cold stare but maintained a smile on his face, afterall, he wouldn't want to scare his Signorina who stared from the window.

The lady smiled awkwardly and Eleanorah smiled at them too, not knowing what was up.

"You look beautiful ma'am, but your skin tone is not giving. What skincare do you use?" She asked to infuriate the woman. From her skin, one could tell that she came from a middle class home. Since she could not show her anger at the unknowing woman through her actions again because of the guard that was hovering at her back, she decided to use her words.

Eleanorah was silent. She didn't know what to answer and neither did she want to lie about it. The lady was an artist and would be able to tell if she lied if she were to lie to her about it to save face for the don.

But she couldn't lie. She was from a poor home. Most times after she bathed, she would or would not run castor oil. It depended on the fact if they had one.

She came from a poor home and there was no way she could lie about it.

In her family, they had not prioritized their beauty not skincare, they were more focused on growing for their future, on what they'd eat for the day and what they'd eat the next day, how they'd pay the rent and how they'd pay the tuition fees of her little sister.

Those were her and her father's priorities. They had no business concerning themselves with things they could not afford and out of their reach. They had to make themselves contented with what they had.

"My Signorina believes in natural beauty and maintain it that way. She is beautiful and doesn't want any artificial products ruining her beauty for her " she heard Dmitri say, much to the lady's annoyance.

" Uh huh" the lady muttered.

" To be honest, I'm sometimes jealous of her bright skin and the toning of her body and how natural they are. Look at your skin for example, there are many bumps on it which might have come from the chemicals you've used to make your skin tone look prettier. But my Signorina, she doesn't use any of that, and her skin tone is way prettier than yours. Whose skin do you think is the best then? She that uses natural beautifying products of nature or you that use artificial and chemicals?" He asked, defending her the more.

Eleanor looked at him and could only manage to smile at him from the mirror. He was defending her. He was the first person making her feel at home in the fortress where the other workers might start avoiding her so as not to get on the Don's bad side and get punished like the other workers that had made her room look lively for a girl.

" I'm almost done with her face. Prepare the shoes she'd wear next" the lady muttered to the men standing by the side.

She was to stunned to speak and had tried carrying their minds away from what the guard had told her.

She had felt insulted but could do nothing than avoid any scenario that could make her get insulted again, and majorly not in front of the lady.

Eleanorah looked herself at the mirror. She looked very pretty. It was her first time of wearing makeup.

She had always carried her natural face around because she could not afford a makeup set or a lip gloss.

She had always felt buying one was a waste of money that could either do to her sister's tuition fees, their house rent or other house charges they paid.

So she carried her natural face with her bare, afterall she was very pretty, she would say to make herself feel better.

"You look very pretty Signorina. You can even pass for the Duchess" Dmitri complimented her making her shy and smile at the same time.

She was beginning to feel at home with him.

He knew she had been scared the other night because of the gruesome murder she had witnessed but he had stood by her side in her room and watched her sleep, without getting a wink of sleep himself.

His actions had touched her and deep within her, she has been happy he stayed by her side and not out like she had argued with him to do the first time he was with her.

The lady raised her legs and wore her a white shoe intricately designed with pearls.

She needed no one to tell her it's worth. The pearls were sparkly, signifying that they were originals and not artificially made ones.

They had been handwoven into the white shoe that had come out of the box the lady has brought them from.

They were beautiful and she could not deny it. It made her mind begin to wonder but she was very quick in snapping out of her thoughts immediately..

She stared at the gown she wore too. She sat uncomfortably because of how tight it was on her, but even so, she was a bit happy to wear such attire. In her whole life of living in Casablanca, she had never imagined that she would wear such a lavish wedding gown to her own wedding. She had never imagined her groom and she never imagined that it would be a billionaire, nor a Mafia boss.

Nor that she would begin living in a fortress, nor that she would become a pet and contract bride for a year.

Everything was happening so fast and within one day and it left her wondering what could happen in the next days that came after, the weeks after it, the months and even up to when it would reach a year and the contract would expire.

Would she be able to behave herself so as to keep her head, would she give in and give him head like he requests for even though she was a conservative Christian and saw acts like that as gross and against biblical origins.

Would she survive him seeing her insides as dirty and undeserving as well?

Would she gather haters as well? Would she inherit the Don's enemies and would they still be after her even when their contract ends in a year?

She didn't know this lady that came but she could already feel her discomfort with her l, she could feel the hate for her in her voice and she knew that if not for Dmitri that stood behind her watching everything, the lady might have done something unpleasant to her. Was she going to be seeing much of these sort of people even though she had nothing to do with them from the past before.

Thoughts ran through her mind wildly and she couldn't help thinking in the direction of each one that came.

As she was being worn jewelries made out of gold, she couldn't help but notice the fortresses door that went open.

Everyone held their hearts thinking it was the Don that had returned, but as the doors went open, they were all surprised by what they saw .

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