All Chapters of The White Witch & The Alpha: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
129 Chapters
Chapter Fifty:
Alley POV: Everything was a blur. The moment they landed in front of us beaten, battered and bloodied everything in me went numb. Hell I didn't even notice the ear piercing screams that came from the others. Before I knew it I was up on my feet running to them. What happened to them? They are element barriers for goddess sake! What the hell could have done that to them? Atsila and the woman laid out on the ground, eyes closed. Fuck! Where are they dead? They didn't say anything and I tried my hardest to get to them but Alex and Brandons wolves cut us off and Stephen had his arms around me. I could feel the tears burn my eyes while I tried to push him off of me, I needed to get to them. "Stephen we have to help them!" I shouted, thrashing around trying to break his hold on me. "We will Alley breath. Get them all inside now!" Stephen barked out. Alex and Brandon shifted and I saw the other alphas rush to their mates. "Alley princess what happened?" Stephen asked, pulling my face tow
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Chapter Fifty One:
Alley POV: I watched as Atsila ran his fingers over Stellas face. He looked sad and relieved at the same time. "I wasn't there when it happened, they held a ritual before I even met Stella. He said he could feel the next great white witch going to rise and where so they held it before Alley even knew she was a witch." Atsila said. So she knew? How in the hell did he know it would be me and where I was even at? Why did Bethany even help him? I honestly hoped she could see me ripping her limb from limb in her near future. "He kept track of the linkage and watched everyone, he needs you to have all your powers and the power from the golden moon to sacrifice you to gain your powers." Atsila said, it sent chills down my spine. How was he left alive after what he did? Was this all a game to him? For shits sake he could have taken my ass out long ago but he wouldn't gain any powers if I didn't have mine. "How does he plan to take Alleys power?" My mother asked, her words came out harsh an
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Chapter Fifty Two:
Alley POV: It felt like someone punched me straight in the gut and knocked the wind out of me, when I recovered anger filled my veins "He is MINE!" I roared, feeling heat rise from my core. I knew my eyes were bright red. I heard gasps behind me but I didn't care, not a single shred. My eyes locked on Stella who looked terrified of me sensing how angry I am. "What else do you know?!" I shouted. Stephen wrapped his arms around me whispering in my ear, "Alley you have to calm down no one is going to touch Danny." My body was shaking and tense but I never took my eyes off of Stella. Her almond eyes were wide as saucers. "I, uh-.." She stammered on her words which didn't do a damn thing to calm me. "What the fuck does she want with him?" I sneered, slowly losing my battle with Rose. "Take a deep breath princess, breathe for me." Stephen kept saying in my ear, I could tell he was worried Rose would come out and that would be one giant ass shit show. "When Danny is gifted her power wil
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Chapter Fifty Three:
Alley POV: The front door opened and my parents walked in, both their bodies were pushed apart due to Danny running full speed at me and Stephen. I held my arms open and he ran straight in to them, "Hi Luna! They picked me up early today! Can we play? I am hungry though.." Danny was talking faster than ever until he saw Athea staring at him with a wide smile. His little face scrunched together like he was thinking. "You were in my dreams.." Danny stated looking up to her. "I was Danny do you remember what I told you?" Athea asked him, tilting her head to the side. "I do! You said I would be able to see the future and be big and strong." Danny said lifting his little arms and curling them trying to show off his little muscles. A giggled escaped my lips, he was so adorable, not even realizing who Athea is. He had the purest innocence. Athea chuckled before she kneeled down in front of him. "You will be able to see the future but you can't tell anyone what you see, it could get someone
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Chapter Fifty Four:
Stephens POV: I've never seen Alley get so mad so quickly before, I swear I thought she would burst into flames the moment Stella said what she did. The protective side of Alley was something I'd always loved about her, but the thing that stunned me the most is that the moon goddess herself showed up. Who would have thought her real name is Athea, there's a lot of information we gained. One Atsila wasn't lying to us and I feel like a complete dick, second Danny is the true Seer. She visited him in his dreams but she also assured us that Bethany would have no clue that he was gifted which gives us the upper hand. Now we just need to figure out our plan of attack because I know Alley won't want to wait around for them to attack us, we've already sent trackers out to hunt down Bethany. I know Alley wants her dead rightfully so, and I won't feel bad for her. Not even in the slightest. It seems like the other Alphas are a little more at ease with what will happen, Collin usually bucks
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Chapter Fifty Five:
Stephen POV: I knew they would fire off questions about what we had in mind, we would just have to get them to understand and see why we want to. "The dark witch leader is a real bitch from what I hear. She has something to gain from this so I don't know about her, as far as the vampire queen we can speak with her." Jasmine said, looking around at the other women. "We will go with y'all though and no we aren't going to argue about it. So save the glares Collin" Chloe quipped locking her eyes on Collin. It's funny that everyone knows what Collins' reaction will be. "As much as I hate it I won't argue, vampires are tough to beat but not impossible, we've done it before but with y'alls abilities it would be a lot faster to accomplish." Collin said. "We trust whatever y'all decide, just know we will be beside y'all and don't expect any arguments." Alley said sternly. "I'd like to keep my balls attached to me." Devin muttered. I coughed to hide my laughter, the fact that he was worried E
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Chapter Fifty Six:
Alleys POV: Sitting around the table while everyone was chatting, my mind wondered back to what the guys wanted to do. I knew the vampire queen couldn't hold any more power than what she did. I've never seen her but I've heard rumors about her and let's just say she doesn't hesitate to kill anyone who crosses her. She is extremely powerful. The king of rogues has a gruesome past. It's said that long ago he tried to fight the alpha of his old pack and when he lost he was cast out like he meant nothing. No one knew why he did it, everything was kept tight lipped. Then he disappeared without a trace and rogues started to get out of control, they did whatever they wanted no matter the cost. Rumor has it he met his mate and left with her, if that was the truth then maybe he wasn't a bad person after all. The leader of the dark witches is a damn nightmare. She gives zero fucks about anything and she's always looking for a new type of power so she has a lot of gain from all of this. I wo
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Chapter Fifty Seven:
Alley POV: When I would pull it straight from me the warmth started in my chest, this was like a spurt of it with no beginning place. I opened my eyes and moved my hands to see that her cut was now healed. "How do you feel?" She asked me. "Actually I feel fine, a little tired but that might be from earlier." I replied back to her with a smile. "You will notice the difference soon, now let's try teleporting." She said with a wide smile. "Remember to picture where you want to be and make yourself go there." She said, All the others caught on to it quickly and looked like they were having a blast. A wide grin came across my face when I realized what I wanted to do. "I know a grin like that, what are you about to do?" Charlotte asked. "I think I'm going to pop in on the boys for a surprise visit." I said giggling. "Why didn't I think of that!" Stefanie whined. "Well we could all do it because I want to see their reaction." Chloe snickered. I closed my eyes thinking of landing right in
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Chapter Fifty Eight:
Alley POV: Stephen and the others rushed back out of the house but I was already heading towards Tye, Alex and Brandon. "How do we get her behind the shield?" I asked not to anyone in particular, if anyone knew they needed to answer me. "You can shift the shield for it to open a section and get them in." Davina replied. "How will she feel being inside of it?" Stephen asked. "If memory serves me right she will feel like her insides are twisting or feel as if they will burst." Terra replied. "Fucking beautiful." I said. Serves her right. I can't kill her just yet. We need to try to get information out of her, then I fully plan on ripping her throat out and watching life slowly fade from her eyes. "Alley I can feel the anger rolling off of you.. try to bring it back in, everyone is backing away from you." Stephen whispered in my ear. I stopped and looked around, sure enough everyone was at least six feet away from me. Anger is a difficult emotion for us to deal with, it's always heig
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Chapter Fifty Nine:
Alley POV: I could see the wheels turning in her head as if she was trying to think of another bargain. "You know I'm a seer, I can see you won't kill me." She snapped. Beside me I heard Stephen chuckle. 'Yeah, we know you are a seer, or so you'd think. But what you see isn't what will actually happen but go ahead and believe it." Stephen replied. "Bosch will come for me." She spat. "Here is the list, Alley." Jackson said behind me. I looked over the paper written in bold letters:- Liquid wolfsbane poured on my head, injected by needles- Silver knife dragged down my face- Whip laced with melted silver and wolfsbane- Whipped on back, arms, legs, neck- Broken limbs I read over the small list that could break down any wolf and disgust filled me. How could someone do this to another person? I could feel Rose pushing to get out, as humans we tend to be disgusted with another human but when our wolves see how another is being treated the anger that fills them is extremely hard t
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