All Chapters of The White Witch & The Alpha: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
129 Chapters
Chapter Forty:
Bosch POV: Sheer anger ran through me, how are they so strong? I can't move forward with my next plan of attack so I suppose I will have to improvise. "I gave you the information about that mutt and you went off and told him!" I shouted at Atsila who looked unfazed. "It was a mistake but I did not know he would figure it out so soon." He replied his eyes burned with pure hatred for me. I knew he hated me for what I did but he wouldn't be persuaded otherwise. "Where is she?" He asked, his body visibly starting to shake. "Don't worry your mutt of a mate is safe for now." I said with a sinister smile. "I want her back. I did my part and no one will trust me after this. Just give her back!" He shouted "You will accompany me to have a nice chat with them and then you will both be released. She is just as useless as you are." I said. Even though it was just words it had looked as if I slapped him across the face. "Why would I accompany you anywhere? She is not useless, she has had to e
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Chapter Forty One:
Bosch POV: Walking back to the living room Atsila hadn't moved. "Let's go." I stated walking past him. "Bring Stella. You said we could leave after." He snapped. Ahh yes Stella, his precious mate. I picked up my phone and dialed Bethany, "Meet Atsila and I at the west border near the shield and bring precious Stella." I hung up before she had the chance to reply. A look of relief flashed across his face and he started walking behind me. Walking out the front door the door seemed gloomy but that never stopped me from toying with people to get what I wanted. The sun was a few hours away from setting, truly night time has always been my favorite. If it wasn't cloudy then the stars shined brighter even though they tried when it was cloudy. "What are you planning to do?" Atsila asked me. "Now if I told you I would have to kill you or never let you leave. Can't have you running back trying to get in their good graces by spilling what I may have planned." I said not looking at him. It'
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Chapter Forty Two:
Alley POV: Jack and Sammie woke up a few hours after they passed out, they looked a lot better, ate like their life depended on it which I thought was funny, their eyes on the other hand looked like a hurricane was brewing in them. They didn't stay one solid color, it was a mixture of all four of their elements. All in all they seemed in good spirits. Davina, Buran, Terra and Anahita came back not long after the twins woke up. They've been giving them advice on how to maintain their abilities. "If they get too weak you can always heal them." Davina said to me. "What would make them weak?" I asked. "If they use a huge amount of energy in a short amount of time their bodies will drain." Terra said. "Well that shouldn't happen at all but I know if they do I'll be there to heal them. Has anyone seen or heard from Atsila?" I asked. Truthfully he didn't seem like a bad person. His words have stayed in my head. He had no choice. What could that mean? Before we had put Stephens shiel
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Chapter Forty Three:
Alley POV: I started to feel a burn rise in my chest, but as soon as it came it left. No one else seemed fazed by it so I continued on eating. Slowly I could feel the heat come back starting at my fingers working it's way up my arms. "Someone is walking by the shield." Sammie said. I looked at her then Jack. They both had a killer look on their face. "Could just be a rogue passing by, let's not get too worked up just yet." I said. We've been waiting for another attack but with both shields up it's impossible for that to happen. Sammie and Jack look uneasy, "What do you two feel?" Stephen asked. "It isn't a rogue. It's something else." Jack said. As soon as he finished his sentence my arm went up in flames, "AHH!" I jumped up out of my chair knocking it over and started swatting at my arm, Stephen grabbed his cup of water and threw it on my burning arm. "What the hell is that?!" I shouted, looking at my arm closely to see the damage. None. No damage. "West border." I whispered, run
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Chapter Forty Four:
Alley POV: We made it back to the house but I wasn't tired. My thoughts were flying around and I needed answers. "We need to find Atsila quickly, how does he have a mate and no one knows? They said the moon goddess has to approve everything." I said pacing around the room. I probably looked like a caged tiger. Everyone was talking in small groups trying to figure everything out. "What if we summoned him here like my mom did?" I asked. "It won't work sis he was in contact with dark magic." Tye said. Fuck I forgot about that. Terra, Buran, Anahita and Davina still haven't returned. "We need to inform our other allies and tell the pack the full truth about me. No sense in hiding it now." I said to Stephen. "I will have the pack in the front lawn in 20 minutes." He said to me, "As far as the allies go I can send word for them to come here in a few days." Alex chimed in. "No, I want them to be here tonight, the faster they know the faster we can get through all of this." I said, Stephe
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Chapter Forty Five:
Alley POV: I took in his features, he had light green eyes and brown hair, his face was a little pale, he looked to be around 5 years old, looked a little malnourished, his little eyes were wide and he clung to me. The more I looked at him the more I felt a pull towards him, to keep him safe and by me at all costs. Rose was trying to surface, she felt a strong need to tend to him. I brushed my hand across his little face "I'm not going anywhere I promise." I whispered to him. "He can't leave either! I'll protect you both." He said determined, he put on the maddest face I've seen a kid wear. Stephen bent down to us with a warm smile, "I'm not going anywhere little buddy, and we will protect you." Stephen said, ruffling his hair. I wonder why I feel like this with him. Or why he came running to us like this, something deep within me tells me I need to keep him close to me, to us. I looked to Stephen who seemed to have had the same thoughts, "Danny! I'm so sorry Luna, I didn't kn
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Chapter Forty Six:
Alley POV: Sitting around the table everyone showed no emotions. Patiently waiting on why we had called them here on an urgent matter. I had my hands in my lap fidgeting with my fingers. Stephen placed his hand over mine "Calm down princess it'll be fine." he mind linked me. "I'm going to ask that no one interrupt while I explain, after you are all free to ask any questions. Deal?" Everyone nodded their head but we had their full attention. "My mate and I have discovered some history of our lineages, as well as who we truly are. My bloodline comes from the last remaining royal line, we all know each family was bestowed a gift by the goddess herself. My family has the gift of a shield where no dark magic can touch anything that's behind it." Stephen said a little slowly to make sure everyone heard correctly. I cleared my throat, "There isn't any easy way to say this so I'm just going to say it. I am the next Great White Witch. I carry all five elements." I stated. One by one shock
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Chapter Forty Seven:
Alley POV: "What happened to Atsila?" Emma asked. "He was forced to do work for Bosch. When we placed Stephens Shield up he couldn't get through it which meant he was in contact with dark magic, but when Bosch showed himself here Atsila was with him with a few others. One of which is his mate or so we think. Bosch kidnapped her and Atsila did what he had to do to save her." I said feeling a little sad that he hasn't been found yet. I feel horrible for everything that happened. "Has anyone from y'alls packs gone missing in the last few months?" Stephen asked "None from ours. We haven't had any attacks lately now that I think about it." Alpha Josh who is Stefanies mate said. "That just means Bosch is focusing on recruiting people. We need to start preparing, Alley can help the women set up shields in case someone were to attack, how about first thing in the morning the alphas get together in my office and the woman can work on protection?" Stephen said, looking at each of them. One by
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Chapter Forty Eight:
Alley POV: Sitting around the table for breakfast everyone seemed a little more relaxed. Little Danny was sent off to school and it was harder to let him go honestly but I know he needed to go since we had stuff we needed to do. After todays events I needed to figure out why I feel the pull towards him. We had decided that the men would go start a plan while the women started the wall of protection for the remaining packs. My mother found some other information, apparently she stayed up late reading over everything. "So what I have found about the six women who are gifted, they were also Raleighs council. They were to ones to go to if something big happened, helped keep the peace among everyone." My mother said, Okay that made sense I guess, there has to be people like the human government right? "They all became very close friends, all had strong mates but.." My mother looked down, stopping mid sentence. "But what?" I asked, I felt like I was sitting on the edge of my chair. "Wh
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Chapter Forty Nine:
Alley POV: My mother cleared her throat before she spoke, "I know the topic was sore in front of your mates and I hope they figure out a different way of connection but as I read you six will be the witches council and your mates will be the wolfs council, together you all are to keep the peace and everyone in line." That made sense, two different councils for each creature. "What about the vampires? Was there a council for them?" I asked her as the thought crossed my mind. "Not that I have found just yet, I focused more on why you six ladies were gifted." She said, smiling at them. Many thoughts flew around my mind. How were we going to keep the vampires in check? Did they have a council of their own? I pray to the goddess Stephen and the others can figure out a way for us to communicate without having a blood bond. If one of us falls the others shouldn't be penalized for it, I mean hopefully none of us die but if we do then the others need to keep fighting or everything we have do
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