All Chapters of The Pure-Hearted Princess and the Kiss of Darkness: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
80 Chapters
61. Moments in the Car
~ ENRIQUE ~ I resist a smirk as her cheeks flush. She’s still embarrassed about the whole phone thing and I’m enjoying making it worse. It doesn’t fucking bother me. “Th-that… goddess, I will never be able to face anyone ever again.” “Why? Because you practically told them you like to call me that?” I ask. She lets out a whimper of unhappiness as I lead the way outside and stop beside my car rather abruptly, making her knock into me. Her breasts are fucking perfect and cushiony. “Ouchie…” she whispers, and I look back at her. “I was wondering what your padre would think if he knew exactly what you have gotten up to here…” I remark. She blushes even more, her wide eyes looking at me. “He doesn’t need to know everything.” She pouts. “Of course not, yet somehow you will blurt it all out. But if you do plan to tell him that you enjoy me eating your sweet little pussy, make sure I’m around to witness his rage.” I remark mockingly, opening the door for her, watching as her entire fac
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62. With Him
~ KATALEYA ~“With pistachios please,” I say politely to the ice cream vendor, trying to ignore the attention I’m getting from a group of young men. My cheeks are flushed, and I move closer to Enrique, feeling self-conscious of the stares.At the same time, I don’t want him getting mad. If he gets mad, maybe he won’t. I pout.Do I want him to get mad?He’s trying to contain his aura, but I can feel his irritation radiating off him strongly enough. He’s stronger… ever since what happened last night, there’s a shift in him. But I wonder… if the darkness returned, would it be stronger or weaker?“And you, señor?”“Nothing. We’re done,” Enrique replies coldly as he pays. I glance up, surprised. Doesn’t he want ice cream?“Here you go, señorita.”I thank the man, accepting my cup of ice cream and offering him a small smile.We had reached our destination, and I wanted to go for a little walk before we stopped at his favourite café. The weather is warm, but a slight wind is blowing. Maybe I
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63. His Teasing Touch
~ KATALEYA ~ “Oh, you were right, there are so many tasty dishes on this menu…” I say, scanning the menu card. Oh, I wish I could have everything… My stomach almost rumbles. I love food. “Choose whatever you want,” he says, finally removing his shades and I am happy I can see those gorgeous hazel eyes again. He really is beautiful… “The menu content is not written on my face, mi amor. Choose.” I freeze. What did he just call me? My heart’s racing as I stare at him and he cocks a brow. “Are you suddenly deaf, Princesa?” I swear he… I’m sure he called me… no he wouldn’t. “And seemingly dumb now?” he adds. “Did you… I…” “Did you what?” he asks. I shake my head, pouting. “Nothing. Mm, I don’t know what to order. I think I’ll have the same as you,” I say, my mind feeling very blank apart from the words I am absolutely certain he had spoken. ‘Mi amor…’ maybe I misheard… did I? He sits back and beckons a waitress over as I look around. I wouldn’t really call it a café. It was more
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64. A Date
A/N: Thanks for the patience, I wanted to upload the next few chapters together, hence why the delay. Enjoy!~ KATALEYA ~The food was delicious, and I felt that I had eaten too much, even the band of my pants felt a tiny bit tight. But Enrique knows his food, and I loved his opinion on it as he told me what to taste first and I enjoyed talking about the flavours.Only he didn’t look any different after eating all that, unlike me, whose stomach was feeling so full! But if I was to do it all over again, I’d still eat that much!After lunch, we went sightseeing, and it was when I wanted to take some pictures that I realised I had not brought my phone with me.“Oh… I...”“What is it?” Enrique asks.I shake my head. “I didn’t realise I left my phone at home... I just- well, they say it’s better to cherish the moment than waste it in trying to capture it.”“I agree, but each to their own. Here.” My eyes widen when he holds his phone out to me. “Just don’t take too many,” he mutters.“Thank
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65. What I'd Choose
~ KATALEYA ~“So, are your friends not missing you? You have been here a while.”I pout, realising since school so much has changed in life with everyone, we don’t see Song as much either, as she spends time between the Coven and spending it with Atlas.“I think they’re ok, life’s changed a lot for us, about four years ago, me and my friends were planning our careers and what we wanted from life. And today all three of them are happy with their mates…”“So, you are the only one who is single?” he asks.I shake my head. “Nope, my heart is taken, so I don’t consider myself single.” Because I have you. “Look! There’s a stand of coconut water.” I don’t give him a chance to reply as I rush off through the sand to the stand.When I don’t hear him behind me, I pause and look back at him. There’s a faint smirk on his face as follows me, still holding my heels for me.“You really are something else…” he murmurs as he reaches me and requests two coconut waters from the vendor.“I can carry thos
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66. His Possessiveness
That doesn’t sound… innocent.His eyes glimmer as they dip to my breasts before he turns away and takes out a cigarette. That’s when I feel it again. The shiver down my spine of someone watching me.We keep walking and I’m relieved that we’ve left the crowds behind, it’s quieter in this area.His phone rings, and he takes it out before he frowns.“The signal is bad. Sit here. I will go up there.” He motions towards a low cliff, and I nod. I sit down, gazing at the water, drinking my refreshing drink when I hear footsteps.My stomach instantly drops as the scent seems familiar. From back there… did they follow us?“Mamasita, ven acá pa’ que veas lo que es un hombre de verdad.” I freeze, understanding what that means instantly.I ignore them, frowning slightly. There are three of them, but they’re humans, even though I can tell they aren’t good people.“Come on, look at us mami.”I stand up, taking a deep breath, ready to give them a piece of my mind when I feel a powerful chilling aura
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67. A Beautiful Compliment
~ KATALEYA ~We returned home after that; we were completely drenched by the time we reached the car again, although the rain had stopped by then.He had been silent all the way home before he had disappeared. I had taken a long shower, trying to understand what happened.The brilliant orange of his eyes, the way he had become different.I sigh softly as I stand under the shower, unable to calm my emotions.Possessive.He became so possessive and although what he did was bad and scary, it somehow made my heart all funny and fluttery in a good way.A man who would kill for me…No! Bad Bad Bad!We don’t want killing. A few punches are ok, yes, no, a few punches are bad too… goddess help me!I sigh as I pick up my shampoo, those orange eyes once again consuming my mind.Once I have showered, I step out and return to the bedroom, only to stop in my tracks when I see the dress bag, a box, and a gift bag sitting on the bed.A small note sits on top of the dress bag, and I pick it up.‘Be re
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68. A Diosa
~ ENRIQUE ~“The tides are not in our favour tonight, I would recommend you hold off the dive until tomorrow,” Jose says quietly.I nod. “Works for me…I have plans tonight and I don’t know when I’ll be done.”I had wanted to give her one memorable day and perhaps holding off for a day would work out, anyway.Night has fallen and I am ready for the evening, but with every passing moment, I feel something tighten within me. Knowing that the time for her to leave is soon.This… this fake reality, this illusion of happiness when I’m with her will soon be gone.“Ah, I see you will finally do the deed. I have not seen you go so long without a woman.”I glare at him. “I didn’t say I will do anything of the fucking sort. Keep your foolish opinions to yourself, cabrón.”“You love her.” Jose’s words make me turn towards him.“You know nothing about love.”“I might not know much. We are both idiots when it comes to women… but I know love when I see it. Enrique as your friend- as your brother, I
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69. Eyes Don't Lie
~ ENRIQUE ~ “Because I will destroy you,” I reply quietly, forcing myself to let go of her and move back. Her eyes flash with sadness, but I turn away mind-linking one of the werewolf staff to have the food brought out since I had made it clear no one is to pass the partition unless I say so. “You won’t,” she murmurs before she sighs softly. “The weather is beautiful, isn’t it?” “Indeed.” We fall silent; the music filling the comfortable silence. “Enrique?” she says after a moment. “So, we’re no longer using Papi?” I glance at her, cocking a brow and as predicted, she blushes, quickly looking away. Oh, that one won’t get old. She is fun to tease. “I keep thinking of Dad’s angry face when I say Papi….” she shudders. “Even better,” I smirk. “I like that idea even more.” She shakes her head, “No, I don’t. Let’s not think of Dad. He must be so angry. Anyway, I wanted to ask when you first saw me… did you find me cute?” she asks. She doesn’t mean at the fucking club. I had alrea
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70. My Heart
~ KATALEYA ~ My heart thumps as I feel his eyes incinerating into me. My entire body is burning with a fire that only his touch can put out. “Fuck…” he breathes, his voice sounding rougher than normal as he runs his thumb down the centre of my back, continuing down the small of my back and over the lace that my ass has swallowed up. He leaves a trail of sparks in his wake, making my breath hitch. My core throbs and he slips his fingers between my booty cheeks tantalisingly, but only for a split second before he reaches up to my shoulders slipping his hands under the fabric and sliding it down. His gloved hand applies slightly less pressure than his real hand, and he runs his fingers back up that arm, making goosebumps rise on my skin. I can feel his callous fingertips against the smooth skin of my arm. I lean back, my heart thundering loudly as his lips ghost along my shoulder. He inhales deeply, gripping the front of my dress. He’s about to tug it off when I place my hand over his
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