Semua Bab The Omega's Fate: Bab 31 - Bab 40
67 Bab
Chapter Thirty One
It was a daunting time for Sprucepaw. She had spent a few days in RiverClan until deciding they wouldn't want anything to do with her. Now she had begun traveling towards the Horseplace. After giving it some thought, Sprucepaw had realized that she wouldn't truly understand what was going on until she left the Clans. Maybe StarClan could give her answer while she was gone. Otherwise she wasn't sure where she would go.She wasn't sure how long she had been wandering. The Horseplace was just another destination she had in mind. Loud thundering steps told her that the creatures who lived here were approaching. Sprucepaw wasted no time in running out of the way before she was trampled to death. She'd heard far too many stories of cats dying because they were careless.Almost at once Sprucepaw's mind leaped back to the horrible day when her mother died. Larksong had given her more advice than she could imagine, and she never once took it for granted. She missed the days when Larksong would
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Chapter Thirty Two
Once she was sure that Pinion hadn't followed her, Sprucepaw breathed out a sigh of relief and began to slink towards the WindClan camp. Sure enough there were cats sitting guard. She blinked in surprise when she saw Owlflight and Twigfur standing guard.That was when she spotted Palemist lounging outside the nursery with her kits playing beside her. Sprucepaw felt her heart sink when she realized Mosskit wasn't among them. Palemist didn't look all that relaxed as she watched her kits, almost as if she was expecting the worst possible outcome.Her tail flicked irritably when she caught sight of Wildheart pacing outside the medicine cat's den. He was looking at the den anxiously for what felt like an eternity. Then he stopped his pacing, and Sprucepaw braced herself when he looked in the direction she was hiding in. Sprucepaw had to crouch down low to the ground when Wildheart bounded in her direction."Is something wrong?" Twigfur asked when he spotted the senior warrior passing the g
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Chapter Thirty Three
Reedriver struggled to contain his excitement as he caught a third fish in the morning. Prey was plentiful this season. He appreciated the warm sun bathing his pelt as he dipped a paw in the stream. The others were hunting water voles and mice to bring back to camp. Once the task was finished, they would return and prepare for the Gathering tonight. And finally, for the first time since he could remember, Minnowstar was letting him go.She had said that going to a Gathering would be good experience for him, especially if he was involved with the so called prophecy. Whatever her reasoning, he was just glad to go.Ashfang was with Redpaw at the moment showing him the best fishing techniques. Reedriver smirked as he remembered some of his best moments with Minnowstar. One time he managed to send her spiraling into the stream after getting a little overexcited about fishing. He could still remember the cold look she had given him after she crawled out of the stream.He found it hard to be
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Chapter Thirty Four
The snow was making travel difficult. On top of it she had to keep herself warm by fluffing out her pelt, and hunger was clawing at her belly. She wasn't sure how long it had been since she had a decent meal. Usually she resorted to scraps that were left over from other predators, or didn't eat anything at all. If she was lucky, some poor prey would succumb to the cold and she would have a meal that could last a few days. That didn't happen too often.She had been on the move for nine sunrises now. The sun helped guide her to where she needed to go, but it didn't help her get any closer to the Clan. She was worried about what sort of torture they were going through, or if they had forgotten about her at all. Her mind kept wandering to that dream she had just a day or two ago.That tom looked real, but I can't remember who he was, she thought sadly. She wished to speak with someone, anyone. It was better than feeling all alone in this bleak landscape. It was horrible to think that she
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Chapter Thirty Five
It took a few heartbeats for Flamestrike to register what just happened. His mind was still reeling with the fact that he'd found the cat from his dreams. He couldn't wait to prove Petalstar and the others wrong. Yet the fact that she was real was just another reminder of the danger her entire Clan was in.Shaking his head, Flamestrike had to think of his next course of action fast. He couldn't just run into a battle unprepared. Birdpaw might be here to gather help, but he wouldn't do it alone. With that thought in mind, Flamestrike wondered if it would be right to go back to ThunderClan. They might be able to do something about the Tribe that was causing so much trouble."Alright, I think we should head back to my Clan and get some help," he meowed after a moment of silence passed between them. Birdpaw blinked in surprise at his decision. It looked as if she was going to argue when she thought better of it. "Look, I know that you want to help your Clan... I just don't think I could d
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Chapter Thirty Six
"Very good, Smokepaw." Russetstar purred in triumph as Smokepaw completed another lesson he'd just taught her. While Briarheart taught her the more basic moves, Russetstar took her out separately and trained her on more advanced moves. Now she was capable of taking an enemy down that was twice her size in a fight. What was even better was the fact that soon he would teach her how to kill without giving her position away. "You've done very well so far, Smokepaw. I am quite certain that one day, you will rule over all of the Clans as is your destiny."Smokepaw was ready to burst with pride at those words. She knew it was her destiny to rule the Clans. Russetstar wasn't the first cat she had heard this from. But it was reassuring enough to hear those words from her leader.Her attitude had changed over the last few moons. Snowpaw, who was now known as Snowstorm, had noticed the change and distanced herself between Smokepaw. It wasn't that she minded losing a friend. She'd never really co
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Chapter Thirty Seven
She couldn't shake off the excitement of what just happened a day ago. Meeting Flamestrike and Birdpaw made her realize just how important the prophecy was. They needed to stand together and fight off the chaos that was threatening the Clans. She suspected Icestar had something to do with that chaos, but she wasn't sure who else could be involved. Sprucepaw slowly made her way towards RiverClan territory. She was trying to figure out how to best explain the situation to Reedriver when she found him again. He might not believe her unless she had proof, or maybe Minnowstar would send him off anyways because that was his responsibility.Taking a deep breath, Sprucepaw padded through the bed of reeds and stopped for just a moment. RiverClan was definitely here. She recognized their fishy scent in a heartbeat. Sprucepaw looked around warily as she dropped to a crouch. If they saw her as a threat, she knew she wouldn't stand much of a chance. The Clans were full of tension at the moment, es
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Chapter Thirty Eight
Reedriver wasn't sure what to make of what had happened over the last couple of days. First he encountered some random cat that had turned his life upside down. Now he was about to embark on a journey to the mountains for a Clan that wasn't his own. His mind was still reeling with shock as he imagined what poor Birdpaw must be going through. The fact that she had survived at all should have made him feel suspicious over whether or not she was telling the truth.Her voice sounded different when she spoke to us all, he thought warily. Will my voice sound different if... River speaks through me? A shiver ran through him at the thought. The last thing he wanted was to lose himself. Minnowstar had said that he was River, the cat mentioned in the prophecy. An ancient leader who founded the Clans together with five others. It made Reedriver realize just how small the world really was.With a sigh of frustration, Reedriver slipped out of his nest and decided to think for a while. With everyth
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Chapter Thirty Nine
A stench filled Birdpaw's lungs as the small group reached what she guessed were the outskirts of Twolegplace. Already she could make out small nests and Thunderpaths surrounding the area. Her pelt bristled with unease as she tried figuring a way out of this mess. Last time she managed to avoid going through Twolegplace at all. But Sky had told her this was the fastest way to reach the mountains with large groups of cats.She knew that every cat in the group was questioning why she had taken them here. They didn't trust her. She didn't blame them.I'm in over my head if I think they'll follow me blindly, she thought sadly."So, what is your Clan like?" Birdpaw looked at Spruceleaf in surprise as the wiry she-cat stepped beside her. They had just crossed a Thunderpath, this one smaller than the one Birdpaw had first crossed on her way to the lake. Now they were traveling along the skirts of rough looking grass and the edge of Twoleg nests."Well, we love climbing trees," Birdpaw explai
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Chapter Forty
A new sense of determination had dawned on the traveling cats. Flamestrike was eager to see what SkyClan was like. He was even more eager to find out what the Tribe of Rushing Water was like. From what Birdpaw had described them, they had changed over the last few seasons. They were once a peaceful group of cats who had helped the Clans during their journey to the lake. But somewhere along the lines, they had changed. Whatever their reasons for attacking SkyClan, Flamestrike knew that they couldn't tolerate their actions.They had finally left the confinement of Twolegplace. Now they were at the grassy base of the mountains, where Birdpaw and Spruceleaf were busy chatting like they were old friends. Flamestrike wasn't surprised to find them getting along so well. Spruceleaf seemed to get along with just about everyone, and could easily relate to the situation Birdpaw was in."I'm just hoping that everyone made it out okay," Birdpaw sighed when he caught up with them. "I wish there was
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