Semua Bab The Omega's Fate: Bab 11 - Bab 20
67 Bab
Chapter Eleven
The wind that rolled across the hills ruffled Sprucekit's fur. She sat in front of her mother's paws, eager for the day to get started. Sootpaw and Leafshine had already returned from their hunting patrol just when Icestar padded onto the hill where Clan meetings were held. Excitement stirred within Sprucekit's heart as she watched the WindClan leader."Let all cats old enough gather around the clearing for a Clan meeting!" Icestar's yowl echoed around the clearing. Sprucekit looked up at her mother proudly before trying to make herself look as composed as ever. As the only kit in the Clan she wanted the Clan to believe that she was warrior material.Cats crept forward despite the cold winds that lashed out at them. Leafbare was still in full swing and the snow that covered their camp made it more apparent. Sprucekit spotted Wildheart and Harewhisker sitting together. Leafshine sat nearby with Sootpaw beside her. Ferretpelt and Whitebirch sat further apart as the two were always argui
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Chapter Twelve
Camp was buzzing with activity as the first rays of light poured into the nursery. Reedkit sat impatiently next to his three sisters as they squabbled over who would make the best apprentice. Their ceremony was to be held today at sunhigh. Acornpaw and Pebblepaw weren't looking forward to sharing their den with the noisy kits from what Reedkit had heard. The two apprentices were already glaring at the nursery as they stalked past for battle training.Reedkit rolled his eyes and looked back at his mother, who was speaking quietly to Ambertail. At her belly were three tiny kits that had been born two days ago. One was a dark ginger kit like Scarletpaw, only one of it's paws was white. Ambertail had named the kit Redkit. The second kit was a tortoiseshell kit with dark ginger paws, which Ambertail had named Dawnkit. The last kit was an orange tabby kit – rare to the Clans but not unheard of – named Firekit.The new kits had made the nursery fuller than Reedkit would have liked. He and hi
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Chapter Thirteen
Early predawn sunlight filtered through the small cave that Birdpaw and the others were currently sleeping in. She had to fight back a yawn as she realized that they would begin moving again once the others were awake.The dens they were currently sleeping in were small and cramped compared to what she was used to. She wasn't fond of sleeping around so many cats, but she knew she would have to get used to it. Darkflower had warned her that even though she was an apprentice, she was still the size of a small kit. Her size was a disadvantage, and Birdpaw hated that.It isn't as if I asked to be made an apprentice too early, she thought angrily. Even though I'm happy about training early, it also means I have to work twice as hard as the other apprentices.She glanced at the larger forms of Ebonypaw and Driftpaw warily. The two siblings were always sleeping together, even when they were in a cramped den like this. Resentment swelled within Birdpaw as she wondered for the first time what
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Chapter Fourteen
Why in StarClan's name did I think this was a good idea? Flamepaw thought as he tucked in his paws low to avoid getting swatted like an annoying fly.His lungs ached from how much effort it took keeping up with his mentor. Robinwing was faster and stronger in a mock-fight. Flamepaw was only just beginning to realize that the brown and white tabby had been holding back most of their time during the day. This was the first time they were doing intensive night-training, something that Feathermist had admitted was a good idea.The gray and white she-cat had explained to everyone that night-training was a good way of seeing which apprentice needed work on honing in on their fighting skills. Flamepaw's ears flattened in embarrassment when he saw just how behind he was compared to everyone else. Even Shrewpaw and Lilypaw seemed to have a better grasp at battling in the darkness than he did."You can't keep your paws tucked in like that," Robinwing meowed in exasperation. He paused after knoc
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Chapter Fifteen
Pain was something that Smoke had never experienced before in her entire life. She'd heard horror stories about it from Frost when her mother would warn her about doing mousebrained things with her siblings. And when she heard Frost warn them about doing something that could risk their lives, Smoke wanted nothing to do with it.Nothing could have prepared her for the moment when she was attacked by that intruder. The searing pain that bolted through her never seemed to fade. Her teeth ground together as she struggled to keep herself from wailing at the intensity of the pain.Her mother was careful not to make the injury worse when she gingerly picked her up. Behind her trailed Luna and Dusk as they moved through the undergrowth at a fast pace. Frost wanted tor each the Clans before Smoke bled out on her. She had already lost a great deal of blood, and Frost was worried that her injuries would get infected if they weren't treated right away."Mamma, aren't the creatures going to eat us
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Chapter Sixteen
Excitement coursed through Sprucepaw as she bounded after her mentor. Wildheart was just as eager to get out of camp.It felt like moons had passed before anything exciting happened. Sprucepaw knew that Wildheart was just trying to keep an eye on her. The last thing he wanted was to over train his apprentice like some mentors did. She'd heard enough stories to know that some mentors had a tendency to train their apprentices to the point of exhaustion. Yet Sprucepaw knew that she wasn't going to get anywhere if she didn't keep pushing herself.He's thinking of my father, she decided after noticing the worried looks he kept giving her.She was getting tired of being treated like a lesser apprentice. Just because her father had died in battle didn't mean she wasn't fit for training! If anything, Sprucepaw wanted to hone in on her fighting skills because of what had happened. She wanted nothing more than to prove that she was fully capable of defending herself in a battle. After hearing s
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Chapter Seventeen
"I'll bet a day's worth of cleaning the elder's den that he doesn't catch anything today.""I'd take on that bet.""I wonder how long it'll be before Minnowstar gets tired of training him?"It took everything Reedpaw had to ignore the sounds of his sisters chatting like squabbling sparrows. The last couple of days had gone by in a similar manner. Hollypaw, Larchpaw and Willowpaw weren't making life easy for him. He knew that they wanted to put him in his place. That he was the runt of the litter, and that he didn't belong in the Clan. But determination had pushed Reedpaw through the toughest parts of his training so far.Even though it's only been a couple of days, Minnowstar was really impressed with me yesterday, he reminded himself silently.Then again, she could have just been taking pity on him.Reedpaw's ears flattened at the thought.He had been hopeful when the RiverClan leader took him on as a mentor. Few apprentices were lucky enough to claim that they had been trained by th
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Chapter Eighteen
Climbing the mountains was just as difficult as Birdpaw anticipated.The harsh climate hadn't helped matters when the Clan began moving upwards. Birdpaw had to stay between two cats to keep herself protected from the strong winds that would sometimes pick up. The worst and most terrifying aspect was the biting cold that sometimes gripped the Clan. Between that and the snow, Birdpaw was beginning to wonder if they would ever make it to the top.Emberstar continued leading the Clan forward, despite the overwhelming fear felt by most of his Clanmates. Birdpaw knew that if they stayed in the mountains any longer, their lives would be in danger. As much as she hated to admit it, she understood why he wanted to get away sooner rather than later."I still don't understand why we're wasting our time with this journey in the first place," Ebonypaw complained as she trailed behind her mentor.Birdpaw nearly rolled her eyes at the older apprentice's complaint, especially when she saw Hollowstorm
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Chapter Nineteen
Darkness. The very first thing she noticed was darkness surrounding her. It was a shroud of shadows that writhed around her. The cold was even worse than the darkness. She couldn't describe how cold it was because she could barely move. This place... she wondered if this was what death felt like. If this was where she would end up after dying. She could hardly remember why she was here in the first place. One heartbeat she was with her siblings playing in the field, and the next, she woke up here.Eventually, she began to hear voices in the distance. Her ears pricked forward in alarm when she saw a pair of yellow eyes glowing in her direction. She knew that compared to living among her siblings and mother, this made her a sitting target for approaching enemies. However, the strange creature in front of her wasn't posing any threat. Instead, it moved forward until she could make out the lithe form of a cat."Who are you?" she demanded, her voice hoarse from lack of use. She hadn't even
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Chapter Twenty
"Come on, Sprucepaw, keep up!" Wildheart's yowl only made Sprucepaw roll her eyes. She had been running for most of the morning to practice for when she would go hunting. Now Wildheart wanted her to go on another run for battle training. These afternoon runs were a good way to warm up though, especially on a cold leafbare day like today. Soon it would be newleaf. She had overheard the elders commenting that the first signs were already there. Robins were singing more vibrantly, the trees were starting show early signs of life. Sprucepaw couldn't wait for the day it started getting warm out, and she could see the flowers blooming on the fields. "Sprucepaw, watch where you're going!"She hadn't even noticed that she ran so far into the territory until her paws touched icy cold water. With a yelp, Sprucepaw jumped back and blinked in surprise. She found herself on the border between WindClan and ThunderClan. A clearing with a stream was what marked the border, and she could already scent
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