All Chapters of Eva : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
40 Chapters
Sebastian held Eva tightly, his eyes filled with both worry and excitement. He had been waiting for this moment, eagerly anticipating the arrival of their first child. But seeing Eva in such pain and distress broke his heart, and he wished he could take away her suffering. "You're doing amazing, Eva," he whispered, his voice filled with love and support. "Just breathe through the pain; focus on your breathing. Our baby is almost here." Eva nodded, her grip on Sebastian's neck tightening with each agonising contraction. She felt mixed emotions - fear, anticipation, and overwhelming love for the little life growing inside her. She knew every bit of pain was worth it, but amid labour, it was hard to remember. Sebastian tried his best to soothe her, offering encouragement and wiping away her sweat. He felt a sense of awe and wonder, witnessing the strength and resilience of the woman he loved. Eva's determination radiated through her pain, enflaming his admiration and love for her
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Eva gathered Millie and Eddie close, her arms encircling them in a protective embrace. The fear in their eyes tugged at her heart, and she knew that it was her responsibility to reassure them, to bring them a sense of comfort amidst the chaos surrounding them. "It's going to be okay," Eva whispered, her voice soft yet firm. "We're going to get through this together, I promise." She looked into their wide eyes, trying to convey strength and love through her gaze. "We've come this far, and we won't give up now." Her grip tightened around them, her touch conveying a sense of safety. Millie and Eddie clung to her, seeking solace in her arms. Eva turned her attention to her precious newborn, cradling the baby close to her chest. She marveled at the innocence and fragility, vowing silently to protect this little life with everything she had. "You are all so brave," Eva murmured, her voice filled with warmth. "I know it's scary, but we're a family. We're strong together, and we'll ke
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Eva carefully cradled her newborn in her arms as she approached the car. The weight of responsibility settled heavily on her young shoulders, but she knew she had to remain strong for her family. Millie and Eddie, her twin siblings, trailed behind her, their tiny hands intertwined with fear etched across their faces. “Come, let's hurry now.” Eva whispered nervously as they hurried along. The air was cool and crisp as they entered the dimly lit street. The moon loomed high above, casting an ethereal glow over the surrounding houses. Eva's heart raced with a mixture of anxiety and determination. They had to leave to escape the danger that lurked behind their home. She had no idea if they were being followed or watched. She knew that she had to act quickly. As they reached the car, Eva gently placed the newborn in the car seat's safety. She exchanged a worried glance with Millie and Eddie, their eyes reflecting the same fear that gnawed at her own heart. They were just children
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Eva's heart pounded as she tried to understand what just happened. Her eyes darted to where the figure had disappeared, the adrenaline coursing through her veins. She quickly scanned the surroundings, her senses on high alert. "It was a wolf," Eva finally managed to say, her voice shaky. "A huge, dark wolf." She could feel her siblings' eyes on her, their expressions a mix of fear and confusion. The air was thick with tension as they all sat frozen in the car, waiting for any signs of danger. Eddie clung to Eva's arm, his grip tightening. "But wolves aren't supposed to be here," he whispered, his voice filled with disbelief. "Are they going to attack us?" Millie leaned closer to her brother, her voice barely above a whisper. "We have to get out of here, Eva. We can't stay." Her eyes mirrored Eva's determination, both of them knowing that they couldn't risk the safety of their family. “Please, Eva. Take us away from here. The baby needs to be safe, too.” Millie continued to say
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As Eva closed her eyes, she took a deep breath, and let the weight of their situation wash over her. The fear, the uncertainty, the responsibility she carried for her siblings and the baby - it all felt overwhelming.But she couldn't afford to give in to despair. Not now. Eva had always been a strong protector, and she needed to find the strength to keep going.She looked over at the baby, their precious little sibling who had come into this world amidst chaos and danger. The baby's face was peaceful, innocent, oblivious to the turmoil surrounding them. Eva felt a surge of determination and love wash over her. They had to keep going, keep fighting, for the baby's sake.Eva's mind went back to the mysterious wolf they had encountered earlier. She couldn't shake off the feeling that it had some significance, that it was a sign or a warning of some kind. But for now, they needed to focus on caring for themselves and finding a way to escape whatever danger lurked nearby.As the storm rage
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In the eerie silence of the abandoned hotel, the unsettling sound of a deep voice broke the tension, causing Eva's heart to leap into her throat. The unexpected presence sent waves of fear surging through her, causing her to clutch her brother and sister tightly to her side. With the baby's weight in her other arm, she assumed a protective stance, as if her physical presence could shield them from the impending danger.Feeling incredibly vulnerable, Eva's eyes darted around the dimly lit room, desperately searching for the source of the voice. Yet all she saw was the space, the shadows playing tricks on her jittery nerves. Sensing her distress, Millie tugged at Eva's blouse, her voice quivering with fear, "Eva, please, let's go. I'm scared." Eddie, ever the protector, emitted a low growl, his instinct to shield his sister from harm kicking into high gear.Summoning every ounce of courage she had left, Eva whispered reassurances to her siblings, trying to push aside her mounting terror
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Eva's mind raced with conflicting thoughts and emotions. She was torn between her instinct to protect her siblings and her fear of Gabriel's unknown intentions. The weight of her responsibility pressed heavily upon her, reminding her of her promise to Sebastian. She had to prioritise the safety of her family above all else."We can't trust him," Eva whispered, her voice barely audible. "We need to stick to our plan and find somewhere safe."Eddie nodded in agreement, his protective instincts mirroring Eva's own. "We'll find a way, Eva. We always do."Millie, however, clung to Gabriel's words, her vulnerable young mind seeking solace in the possibility of safety. "But he said we're special," she said, trembling with hope. "Maybe he can help us."Eva hesitated, torn between her sibling's desire for security and her doubts about Gabriel's true intentions. She briefly closed her eyes, taking a deep breath to steady herself."I understand why you want to trust him, Millie," Eva said gently
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Eva's journey had been long and arduous. They had travelled through treacherous terrain, avoiding danger at every turn. The weight of responsibility bore heavily on Eva's shoulders as she navigated the winding roads towards the small town she had heard about. It was their only hope for a temporary respite, a haven where they could regroup and plan their next move. As the car pulled into the outskirts of the town, Eva's exhaustion became overwhelming. Her eyelids grew heavy, and she had to fight to stay alert. Glancing at Millie and Eddie through the rearview mirror, she could see that they, too, were fatigued, their little faces etched with weariness. Spotting a sign that read "Bed and Breakfast," Eva's heart leapt with relief. It seemed like the perfect place to rest and gather their strength before facing the uncertainties that awaited them. She guided the car towards the quaint-looking establishment, hoping they would find solace within its walls. As they entered the bed an
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Chapter Nine
"Where is the girl?" The Alpha's deep, menacing voice echoed through the room, sending shivers down Jason's spine. His big, brown, angry eyes fixated on Jason. "Well?" The Alpha demanded an answer immediately. Jason hesitated before responding, "Alpha Duane, we're still searching for her. She may have perished in the fires, but we're not giving up yet." The Alpha's grunt was laced with disgust as he slammed his fists down on the table, causing it to shatter into pieces. "No. I know she is alive. I want her found. She and the little brats. Leave no stone unturned." Jason trembled as he watched the Alpha storm out of the room. The door slammed behind him. Jason knew he couldn't reveal the truth - that the girl and the children had managed to escape. The Alpha had ordered them to collect a specific target, and failing to do so would put Jason's and others' lives in danger. Being a member of the Blackmore pack was more like a punishment to Jason. Alpha Duane did not like la
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Chapter Ten
"They have already left. This hotel is under my ownership, and I won't tolerate people thinking they can just come and go as they please," the man grumbled in irritation. Sienna frowned at his response. "Isn't that the purpose of a hotel?" she retorted. Irritated, the man shot her a disgusted glance. "We don't even know your name," he grunted. "Gabriel. That's my name. And let me tell you, the girl you're searching for is long gone. You'll be lucky if you ever find her," he chuckled sarcastically. Sienna's frown deepened as she locked eyes with Gabriel. "We need to find her," she insisted firmly. "Her safety depends on it." She glanced back at Jason, silently urging him to also speak up. Jason took a step forward, his voice steady. "Gabriel, we understand your concerns and respect your ownership of this hotel. But we have a duty and a responsibility to ensure this girl's and her children's well-being." Gabriel crossed his arms, his expression hardened. "Why should I believe yo
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