

In the eerie silence of the abandoned hotel, the unsettling sound of a deep voice broke the tension, causing Eva's heart to leap into her throat. The unexpected presence sent waves of fear surging through her, causing her to clutch her brother and sister tightly to her side. With the baby's weight in her other arm, she assumed a protective stance, as if her physical presence could shield them from the impending danger.

Feeling incredibly vulnerable, Eva's eyes darted around the dimly lit room, desperately searching for the source of the voice. Yet all she saw was the space, the shadows playing tricks on her jittery nerves. Sensing her distress, Millie tugged at Eva's blouse, her voice quivering with fear, "Eva, please, let's go. I'm scared." Eddie, ever the protector, emitted a low growl, his instinct to shield his sister from harm kicking into high gear.

Summoning every ounce of courage she had left, Eva whispered reassurances to her siblings, trying to push aside her mounting terror. But just as the tense atmosphere threatened to consume them, the mysterious figure emerged from the darkness, blocking their only way out. Intrigue danced across the lines etched into the older man's face, a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

His voice boomed through the air once more, demanding an answer. The glint of a gun caught the faint light, its presence accentuating the danger that loomed before them. Eva's mouth went dry, a knot forming in her stomach as she struggled to find the right words. She knew they had trespassed onto this man's land, unintentionally, searching for shelter and warmth. Yet, his stern demeanour and weapon made it clear that trespassing was a grave offence.

Swallowing hard, Eva mustered the strength to address him, her voice trembling with both fear and apology. "Please, forgive us," she pleaded, her speech faltering as a bead of sweat trickled down her temple. "We were unaware that anyone still inhabited this place. We were only seeking a haven for the night. We mean no harm, and we will leave immediately."

Eva's eyes pleaded with the older man, hoping beyond hope that he would see the desperation in her gaze. She knew their fate hung in the balance, teetering between his mercy and further danger. As she and her siblings stood frozen, all they could do was wait, their hearts pounding with uncertainty, praying that this stranger would grant them the chance to escape and find the safety they desperately sought.

The tension in the room grew unbearable as the older man's gaze bore into Eva's soul. The time seemed to stand still as they waited with bated breath for his response. The seconds stretched on, each one feeling like an eternity, until finally, his harsh expression softened ever so slightly.

Lowering his gun, he hesitated for a moment before speaking again, and his voice laced with a mix of caution and curiosity. "You seek shelter, you say?" The words lingered in the air, heavy with unspoken implications. One wrong move, one misplaced word, and their fate could be sealed.

Eva nodded, her voice barely above a whisper, "Yes, sir. We had nowhere else to go. The storm was chasing us. We were hoping this abandoned hotel could provide us with some refuge."

The man's eyes narrowed, studying Eva and her siblings intently. He seemed to weigh their words against the reality of their situation, his gaze lingering on the baby asleep in Eva's arms. After what felt like an eternity, he finally sighed heavily. The tension in the room loosened ever so slightly.

"You appear to be lost souls seeking solace in an unforgiving world," he said, his voice tinged with sympathy. "This hotel is far from what it once was, but there are still a few habitable rooms left. I can shelter you for tonight, but come dawn, you must continue."

Relief washed over Eva as she listened intently to his words, a glimmer of hope shining amidst the darkness. She silently thanked whatever forces had brought them to this encounter, this chance to find temporary respite in the most unexpected places.

With gratitude etched across her face, Eva mustered the courage to respond, acknowledging his generosity and determination

to protect his territory. "Thank you, sir. We are eternally grateful for your kindness. However, we will leave now as we have a long journey ahead.” Eva said.

The older man regarded them for a moment longer, his gaze softening as he realised their struggles. Swiftly, he tucked the gun back into its holster, stepping back to allow them passage. As Eva cautiously moved towards him, she couldn't help but wonder what experiences had shaped this man, what stories his weathered face could tell. It was a reminder that compassion and understanding could exist in the most unlikely places.

"My name is Gabriel," he whispered, his voice carrying a sense of mystery and intrigue that made Eva's heart skip a beat. "I couldn't help but sense that you are in trouble." His words hung in the air, filled with an unsettling knowledge that surpassed the boundaries of mere observation.

Eva froze in her tracks, her eyes widening with surprise and fear. How could this stranger, this man named Gabriel, possibly know that she was not a regular human? Her voice trembled as she struggled to respond coherently, " do you know that?"

Gabriel's eyes locked onto Eva's, his gaze piercing through darkness and uncertainty. There was a depth to his presence that she couldn't quite comprehend, a wisdom etched into the lines of his weathered face. "I have a keen eye for those who possess unique qualities," he replied softly, his voice laden with compassion and understanding. "There is something special about you, something that sets you apart from the norm."

Gabriel's gaze remained focused, filled with a deep understanding beyond superficial observation. "I have encountered many individuals like you in my travels," he explained softly. "People with extraordinary abilities, gifts that go beyond normal. Through my experiences, I have learned to recognise the signs, the flickers of magic that lie hidden beneath the surface."

“Are you going to kill us?” Millie suddenly spoke up.

Gabriel's gaze softened as Millie's voice broke through the air, carrying a mix of fear and vulnerability. He turned towards her, his expression filled with compassion. "No," he shook his head and knelt down to her level.

“You are special.” Gabriel told her.

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