Semua Bab My Sister's Crush: Bab 1 - Bab 10
104 Bab
01: Him
Sebastian Greenfield. That's the only thing Killian has been hearing since last night and the person who is talking about Sebastian Greenfield is none other than his sister. Now, Andrea Price is anything but a fangirl. It's easier to find her in a ring wrestling with someone than to have heart eyes for random boys, at least, that's how she has always been till now. He is baffled at this new side of his sister. However, there is another feeling that is overpowering all of his senses. Annoyance. He is annoyed beyond limit by now, wanting Andrea to stop talking about that boy already. They have always had each other's back. Whether it was to save each other's ass after stealing candies when they were kids or have heart to heart conversation when one of them hits a low. No wonder Andrea is pouring her heart out and rambling about her first ever teenage crush, hoping her brother will understand her sentiment. Despite this, disappointment arises as soon as she hears her brother speaking.
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2. Mr. Handsome
Sebastian has always been an observant person, more so right now as recent events of life demands him to be wary of his surroundings, to be aware of people. That is why he catches a boy getting the attention of the class teacher effortlessly when she is looking for a seat for Sebastian to sit on. "You can sit beside Mr. Price at the left corner of the room. Killian, please raise your hand." The teacher says hesitantly. With narrowed eyes, he watches the boy staring at him shamelessly while lazily raising his hand. Without his new set of contact lenses, he won't be able to see the piercing brown eyes looking at him intensely from the back of the class. Sebastian frowns while he walks ahead towards the back of the room, thinking about the possible reasons why a smirk is playing on his lips right now. As a proof of his observation skills, he notices people gawking at him as well. He is well aware of the fact that he is beautiful, no, not the typical handsome but beautiful, he has bee
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3: Hello Kitty
"Bullying isn't tolerated here. Don't you know that, Benson?" Killian says in a low voice, gripping the boy's throat tightly. The boy who was about to hit Sebastian with a baseball bat is now turning red because Killian has him pinned to the wall and is sucking the breath out of him by choking him, however, there's another reason why he is red; bloody red. Blood is pouring out of his nose and mouth as Killian has punched him mercilessly. Undoubtedly, his nose is broken. Killian's monstrous grip is firm but not like an iron grip that will really send him to the hospital, well, he hopes so. It's not his plan to engage himself into a bigger catastrophe right now. From the corner of his eyes, Killian sees Joseph Benson raising his bat; a futile attempt and nothing else. "Drop the bat, Benson. You don't want to do that again. " Killian threatens, his face hardening and grip tightening. The boy struggles for a while. He looks into his friends' eyes for help but none of them comes forwa
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4.waffle and ice-cream
"You look tired." Sebastian throws a weak smile at his co-worker as he secures the apron around his waist. "It's nothing I can't handle, Ethan." Sebastian assures the man to which the man nods his head. Sebastian is glad that he has a caring manager who looks after his staff, a smile finds its way to his lips as Ethan takes a good look at him to see for himself if he is really fine to work. It hasn't been a month since he started working here, yet every employee here makes him feel at home, it doesn't matter that the number of employees is only 7 during each shift. He is tired indeed, both physically and mentally. Living itself has become a torture to him. It's rare for him to get a peaceful sleep. Oh, what wouldn't he do to sleep a night without getting nightmares?His sleep and food deprived body is exhausted after long hours of school. But he has to work. In fact, this is the only place where he can be himself, where he can smile freely. Therefore, he doesn't wish to burden anyo
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5. A bowl of Ramen
Sebastian huffs when he catches Killian sulking. Mopping the floor is a long forgotten topic in his head. "I will be forever indebted to you for your help." Sebastian says sarcastically, placing both of his hands on his hips. "I free you from all of your debt, Kitty." Sebastian frowns at the name, blood rushes to his cheeks once again. "My name's Sebastian." He reminds him, going back to picking up the shredded pieces of glass. "Is it now?" Killian smirks, tapping on the hello kitty bandaid on his cheek. Sebastian shakes his head in disbelief and turns back to his work. It's already nine thirty. He needs to go home or else he will never hear the end of it from his parents. With that thought in his mind, he urges himself to clean faster, totally ignoring Killian. Ignoring that boy comes naturally to him. However, Killian has other ideas. He is too clingy to Sebastian's liking. "Be careful with the broken glasses." As soon as Killian says those words, one of the tiny pieces gives
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6: Hatred
Sebastian prays for his life as Killian navigates through the way, swaying the bicycle left and right. He tries to steady himself on the bicycle but it seems impossible because Killian keeps changing his direction. They are lucky that they aren't on the highway and there are only a few cars passing by right now. Perks of living in a small town. "Can I drive please? I don't want to die so soon." Sebastian pleads to Killian who has all of his attention on the road. "We are gonna crash!" Sebastian complains, holding Killian with one hand while his other hand is on the bicycle. "Shut up. We are fine." Killian scolds before bringing his attention back to the road. "You are a horrible driver. If things go South in life, never think about becoming a driver." Sebastian sincerely suggests being on the edge of life right now. "Where do I go now? Left or right?" Killian asks instead, completely ignoring Sebastian's concerned suggestion. "Left!" Sebastian gritts out as Killian has started ri
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7: What's wrong?
Killian hasn't seen Sebastian that much in the past week. He has been too busy with his soccer practice to bother that boy. It also seems like Sebastian has closed himself off and been trying to avoid him. Killian didn't get the chance to know what's happening. But now that he is free, he is noticing Sebastian's quietness and it's bothering him. There is nothing holding him back from satisfying his curiosity and knowing what's up with the boy. Killian takes a drag from his cigarette as he leans onto his car at the student parking lot. Alex is standing beside him, smoking a cigarette of his own. "You gotta help me out, dude. I swear this will be my last time. " Alex says, looking into Killian's eyes. Killian rolls his eyes at his friend but nods his head anyway, " You gotta stop getting in trouble with those people though. They are bad news." He warns in a serious tone. "Are you scared, Mr.Price?" Alex asks playfully, wiggling his eyebrows. Killian scoffs at that. Alex is good at
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8. Home Alone
"Why are we doing it again?" Killian asks, not being thrilled about the whole idea. His father, Elias, grins at him before asking, "Can't a father spend some time with his son?"Killian rolls his eyes as he sits on the sofa and tries to tie his shoelaces but fails miserably. He never learnt how to do it. His mother always came to his rescue and did it for him. Little things like this reminds him of what he lost which ultimately makes him lose all respect and love he had for his father.Moments ago his father was fussing about his tie, doing a terrible job tying it. It's clear that the father-son duo was greatly dependent on someone, someone who will never come back. Just when depressive thoughts start to populate his mind, he feels someone touching his legs. He finds his father bending down to his knees to tie his shoelaces. A sudden wave of emotions rushes to him. It's been a long while since he last spent some time with his father. His face reminds him of his darkest days. However
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9. Shut Up and Dance
Killian raises his hands in the air as a gesture of surrender, a playful smile dancing on his lips. "To my defense, I rang the calling bell again and again but no one answered and the gate was unlocked too." Killian clears the air before he can be accused of stalking which won't be totally a lie. "So you barged into my home like a creep?" Sebastian accuses, stomping towards the big window situated at the corner of the drawing room, apparently from where Killian was gawking at him. "It's your fault. You left the main gate and all the windows open. I even tried texting you so many times but you didn't reply me back." Killian explains his reasons, getting inside the house by climbing through the window. "Who gave you permission to get inside my house?" Sebastian asks, pointing an accusatory finger at him but Killian just flashes a smile. "Do I look like a vampire to you that I need permission before entering?" Killian jokes around instead of answering, pumping anger into Sebastian's
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10: Tempting Red Apple
Sebastian heaves a sigh of relief knowing his house is soundproof from the inside, concealing the inside noise. He is also lucky he locked the window after Killian invited himself. "Honey, it's the car keys not the house." He hears his father say, sounding rather tipsy. "Yeah. Because the house key is with me." His mother informs, sounding tired.And then he hears them arguing about the keys, giving him enough time to think and take action. In a heartbeat he switches off the tv and grabs Killian's hand, pulling him forward."What's-" Killian tries to ask but Sebastian shushes him before he can do so. Killian wordlessly follows the boy, being alerted after seeing Sebastian's fear-stricken face. Sebastian runs towards his room with his heart in his sleeve while it beats erratically. And before his parents can unlock the main door, he literally shoves the taller boy into his room and shuts his door close. He breathes heavily leaning on the doorframe. He narrowly escaped from their wra
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