
2. Mr. Handsome

Sebastian has always been an observant person, more so right now as recent events of life demands him to be wary of his surroundings, to be aware of people.

That is why he catches a boy getting the attention of the class teacher effortlessly when she is looking for a seat for Sebastian to sit on.

"You can sit beside Mr. Price at the left corner of the room. Killian, please raise your hand." The teacher says hesitantly.

With narrowed eyes, he watches the boy staring at him shamelessly while lazily raising his hand. Without his new set of contact lenses, he won't be able to see the piercing brown eyes looking at him intensely from the back of the class. Sebastian frowns while he walks ahead towards the back of the room, thinking about the possible reasons why a smirk is playing on his lips right now.

As a proof of his observation skills, he notices people gawking at him as well. He is well aware of the fact that he is beautiful, no, not the typical handsome but beautiful, he has been complimented for this inherited wealth one too many times. It's not the first time he is being stared at. However, he manages to catch the sharp contrast in their reactions. While they were looking at him in awe a while ago, now they look concerned. Why?

When the smirking face of the boy, Killian Price, comes closer to him, he assumes he knows why their reaction shifted. He alerts himself. Trouble is the last thing he wants right now, having his plate full of afflictions at the moment and the boy looks nothing but trouble. With each step he takes towards the bench, he feels as if he were taking one step further towards a minefield. He doesn't know why he feels this way, apart from the shameless stare he is getting from the boy.

Hushed and rushed gossips from the students around him don't go unheard by him. They are praying for his safety, if he has heard them correctly. This raises the same question in his mind. Why?

Unknown to him, Killian doesn't like to share his seat unless it's with his friends. And he shares the first class with none of his friends, meaning he sits alone. Once in the past, someone tried to sit beside him. Killian asked that boy to move but the boy stayed rooted to his seat. No one saw him after that day. Rumor had it that he changed schools, having been scared off by Killian after that not so friendly, for the lack of better words, squabble. Safe to say that Killian likes his privacy a little too much.

Much to the irony of the situation, the concerned students don't know that the bad boy of the school is actually looking forward to sharing his seat with the new boy and having some fun.

Sebastian's gaze casts upon the tattoos peeking through as the boy has his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, the tattoos don't do the heinous act of hiding his veins and oddly enough, Sebastian feels glad.

His almost see-through shirt that is hugging his rugged body a little too tightly tells him what hides underneath that little barricade of clothes.

With uneasiness resting in his chest, he finally takes a seat beside the boy who doesn't seem to have the basic courtesy to stop staring. It's been long enough. He will say that the boy is bewitched by his beauty but that would be a self-obsessed thing to say.

"So, We were discussing the great tragedy of William Shakespeare in our last class. Does anyone here know what was the tragedy we were talking about?" The teacher almost yells to gain the attention of the students who are busy gawking at the last bench, waiting for something big to happen.

"Maybe the tragedy, named "stop staring at someone like a creep" Sebastian mutters under his breath.

A deep chuckle leaves from the mouth of the boy who is sitting next to him. Much to his disappointment, his deep voice sends a shiver down his spine. He can already imagine his speaking voice, deep and husky, a dangerous combo. Sebastian is not so looking forward to his assumption turning true.

"I don't think that's by Shakespeare." And he was right. His voice sounds like the mixture of everything sinful yet alluring.

Sebastian is a man who knows what makes him weak and a deep sexy voice tops the list of things which are capable enough to render him ruined and completely speechless.

No. You are not falling for this. He tells himself. For God's sake! He has been staring at you like a creep!

Wait. Suddenly something clicks in his mind. He has heard this voice before. It's the same creep who was watching porn in the school toilet!

"Oh, don't I know?" He says, sarcasm dripping from his tone.

From the corner of his eyes, he watches the boy playfully rolling his eyes at his answer. From afar the boy beside him looked like the boy next door but now from up close he looks like the boy you dream about living next door to you.

He is tall, much taller than Sebastian's 5 '9'' frame, he can calculate his height just by looking at the difference between their heights while they are sitting down. Although Sebastian has been blessed with graceful beauty by the Heavens, he wished he were gifted a little bit of more height. His annoyance knew no bounds whenever his older brother teased him for being the shortest one in the family, even his mother is 2 inches taller than him, let's not talk about his father and brothers.

Apart from the boy's intimidating height, his piercing eyes are one of the most attractive factors of his face, actually, his sharp jawline should come before it. It looks sharper than a butcher's knife.

However, Sebastian stops paying attention to the boy next to him and casts his eyes on the whiteboard where the teacher is discussing the topic.

"So, Your definition of high school differs from mine, huh?" The boy asks suddenly, trying to make small talk.

So, he has also recognised his voice. Not a great topic to initiate a conversation, he wants to say that to the boy, but he doesn't do so.

Sebastian blatantly ignores Killian who doesn't look too impressed with the lack of attention shown to him. The smirk he was holding up until now is nowhere to be found, what replaces the smirk is an irritated expression, indicating that he isn't used to being ignored. That figures considering all the whispering Sebastian heard from the students around. Oh, he is hitting the nerves of the seemingly "bad boy" of the school. Isn't it fun?

"You seemed to have a lot to talk about earlier." The boy mutters, trying his utmost to get a reaction out of Sebastian.

When it comes to getting on someone's nerves and making their patience run thin, Sebastian seems to be a champion. That being said, he keeps ignoring the boy who looks on the verge of being enraged. Instead of paying attention to whatever the teacher is talking about, he is keen on learning how he can rile up the brat sitting beside him. People like him think they own everything, including people. He has had enough of this kind of person. No matter how attractive the boy looks, he is acting like a brat, no doubt.

"What are you looking at?" The boy asks the girl who is in a seat in front of them, when she glances behind, probably eavesdropping on their conversation which is not really a conversation to begin with.

The girl gulps down before quickly looking in front of her. Sebastian can't lie that the boy, Killian, possesses a voice that sounds demanding and domineering. He really should get rid of his fetish of voices.

Sebastian shifts in his seat uncomfortably as Killian starts his staring game again, only with more intensity this time.

"Can you please stop staring? I admit I'm handsome but still hold your horses, will ya?" Sebastian grits out, finally giving up with his silent treatment.

The boy grins in victory, showing his perfectly white teeth. Must have had it washed recently, Sebastian concludes.

"What's your name, Mr.Self proclaimed handsome?" The boy asks instead, still looking at him.

Alright, Sebastian isn't the only one who can get on people's nerves. He understands his game very well. This boy is having fun by irritating him and it's working. So much for not wanting trouble!

"If you had paid enough attention in class, you would have already known it when I introduced myself." Sebastian replies, with a lopsided smile, clearly a fake one.

"Oh, where's my manners?! I should have listened to your boring introduction with my utmost attention. Silly me!"

It takes every fiber of his being to stop himself from punching his handsome face and decorate it with his fist. He doesn't understand what he did for this boy to annoy him this way. Is it one kind of power game to see who can annoy whom to the point when one of them throws the first punch? Is that what it is? To be totally upfront, he isn't surprised. The chance of teenagers not being blinded by their hormonal rage is slim to none. He is a teenager himself hence he is ready to throw himself all in, despite being almost agitated.

"Right, silly you. Next time ask your momma to teach you some manners, she clearly did a bad job at it." Sebastian retorts.

A smirk or a glare is what Sebastian expected to grace Killian's face but it's anything but that. He is still staring at him but not with the mischievous glint right now. Sebastian feels forced to hold his eye contact and feels his chest burning with all the anger the boy's eyes are holding. A little surprised gasp leaves his mouth when the boy snaps the pencil in his hand into two unequal halves without little to no effort.

Sebastian looks away, being unable to hold his gaze anymore.The boy looks like he is staring right into his soul all while looking like the world has angered him enough. He neither looks amused nor irritated right now. While Sebastian's eyes are stuck at the whiteboard, his mind ponders over what did he say that ticked him off like that?

What's more bothering is that the boy has gone totally silent and he looks like nothing Sebastian can name.

Maybe Sebastian shouldn't have dragged his mother into the argument? While people use it without giving little thought to it, he shouldn't be that insensitive. Maybe he wouldn't take account of his actions if he didn't get this severe reaction from this boy. But now that he thinks about it, he can't help but feel guilty.

Or maybe he can never discover the reason why the boy beside him looks ready to create havoc.

"I'm sorry." Sebastian mutters, without giving a second thought to the matter.

He looks at the boy, knowing it won't change anything. But much to his surprise, Killian's expression softens and he looks relaxed. So, he was right. Killian has got some mommy issues.

"I was ready to punch you. Good that you apologized before it could happen." Killian admits, voice indicating that he isn't joking.

Sebastian rolls his eyes before going back to jotting down some notes, ignoring Killian once again.

"Umm, you who's name I don't know yet because I don't have the manner to listen, can you help me with math?"

An annoyed huff leaves his throat before he turns his attention at the boy, closing his notepad.

"Do you have the class routine?" Killian shrugs his shoulders.

Killian takes the broken pencil and pokes the back of the boy who is sitting in front of him.

"Give me the class routine." He demands not so politely.

Sebastian watches him bothering someone else with unimpressed eyes. He doesn't like how the boy is acting like he owns the damn school and everyone here is beneath him, it infuriates him.

"Here you go." Killian gives the routine to him, looking bored just by looking at it.

The teacher catches them talking all while but she doesn't say anything and it comes as a surprise to Sebastian. She is snapping at everyone else if they make even a little noise. What's so special about this boy that he is getting treated with royalty?

Sebastian takes the routine off his hand with a little bit more force than needed, almost ripping the fragile paper, "you see that the first class is English and not Math? You don't pay attention to teachers so it's Understandable that you don't know that the teacher is talking about Macbeth. "

"Oh? But I thought it was "Stop staring at someone like s creep" by some unrecognized author." Sebastian clenches his jaw at that.

"Right. Sorry, my bad. Go back to that tragedy. It seems to tell the story of your current actions." Sebastian mutters, anger prominent in his voice which just seems to amuse the other boy way too much.

He is trying to get under Sebastian's skin and doing a damn good job at it. It's always the handsome bunch who turn out to be assholes. Always.

"My my, that means I'm the muse to his writing." The boy legit winks at him.

Sebastian shouldn't find that wink hot, no, he shouldn't. But the boy does look tempting. A tempting asshole.

"Jerk." He mutters under his breath, hoping the brat won't hear him.

Even if he does, he gets distracted by his phone. Sebastian sighs in relief. It's tiring to be at the receiving end of never ending staring.

For the next 15 minutes or so, Killian remains busy on his phone, occasionally laughing out loud and occasionally doodling on the notebook in front of him. It's beyond Sebastian how he isn't thrown out of the class yet.

When the bell finally rings, Sebastian stuffs his notebook and pen into the backpack hastily, wanting nothing more than to get away from the presence of the boy beside.

However, he makes the mistake of glancing over the notebook of Killian before storming off and there he finds a beautiful sketch, a sketch of himself. How could he draw him so beautifully when he was just lazily doodling?

Sebastian frowns while looking at the sketch where he looks bored and then his eyes dart towards the artist who mimics the expression of his creation.

"Want it?" The boy smirks, proud to see the impressed expression imprinted on Sebastian's face.

"Turn it to the local art gallery. Maybe you will earn a fortune. My face does hold immense value."

The boy lets out a humorous chuckle before standing up. It finally dawns on him that the boy is much taller than him, taller than his big brother. He feels intimidated by his mere height and it intensifies by tenfold when the boy gets closer to him than he already was.

Sebastian literally has to look up to look him in the eyes, they are only one or two inches away, Sebastian slightly flinches when the boy gets a hold of his hand and gives him the sketch but he stays numb, not even being able to utter a word.

"Self-obsessed much, huh?" The boy's smirk deepens as he whispers, sending shivers down his spine, making his feet jellified.

As soon as the shock and intimidation wears off, he pulls the boy's hand off of him.

"Oh, hardly. " He mutters before taking off.

He looks ahead to see the classroom totally empty, only a few are peeking from the window to know if they can find anything interesting. As he walks off, he turns the paper into a ball and throws it into the nearest trash bin, making sure the boy sees it clearly. The first day of new school and someone has already managed to get under his skin.


Milestone High is a hub for delinquents. It's infamous for its reputation of offering education to wannabe criminals as well. Actually, the whole town is sketchy. Sebastian doesn't know if he falls under that category in other's eyes. He doesn't even know if he will be able to make it till graduation.

He has already developed a habit of being careful regarding everything, especially high school bullies. The memories of his old school left a bitter taste in his life, he doesn't want a repeat.

But fate is bound to make the opposite thing happen. No matter what the intention is, it's always gonna conspire against him.

"Sorry, I didn't see where I was going." Sebastian apologies when he collides with someone.

He is already getting late for his next class thanks to his seat mate and now he has to deal with a fuming stranger. If looks could kill, he would be a fossil by now. The boy looks buff, as if he worked out for fun and took steroids to build up his enormous amount of muscles.

When Sebastian tries to go past the boy, the unnamed blonde takes him by the collar and almost yanks him up off the ground, but Sebastian stands strong, glaring at the boy.

"Where the fuck do you think you are going?" The boy asks, no, he demands in a voice so hoarse that it hurts Sebastian's ears.

"I don't think it's hard to assume. Yes, I'm going to class, genius. " He says, prying Blondie's hand away from his collar.

Not gonna lie, Sebastian was afraid that he would be easily beaten up by this bull but now seeing how easy it was to pry his hands off, he is sure the boy doesn't have as strength as his muscles suggest.

"You think you are smart, you nerd? Do you even know who you are talking to?" The boy yells, gathering attention from the rushing students.

Sebastian smirks before proceeding with his speech, "Why? Did you forget which mental asylum you ran away from?"

He can hear collective gasp from the spectators around, their hushed whispers declaring that he has just crossed paths with one of the infamous wannabe criminals. Just great!

Before his mind can register anything else, he receives a hard punch in his jaw, making him bleed from his lips instantly.

5 seconds. It takes 5 seconds for Sebastian to throw a counter attack, a punch to the gut. The force is so brute that the boy stumbles backwards, holding his stomach in pain. The boy looks like it's even hard for him to breathe.

"Touch me again and you won't be able to finger your girlfriend anymore. I will feed those fingers to the stray dogs." Sebastian threatens as he wipes the blood away from his now busted lips.

He walks past the boy, refusing to waste more time on the jerk than he already has. But what he fails to see is that the boy has a baseball bat in his hand right now, provided by his friend and is ready to strike at the retreating figure of his.

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