Semua Bab The Cursed Alpha's Fate: Bab 1 - Bab 10
100 Bab
Chapter 1
Climbing a mountain was no easy feat but dragging a frightened deer with me made the exercise more daunting. The sun beat down on me and my stomach rumbled but I gritted my teeth and continued to climb up the mountain of miracles. The ‘priestesses’ leading me up the mountain paused at intervals to give me withering glares that seemed to reproach me, reminding me that I could not be lazy if I wanted a child. Until I had a child, there would be no reprieve for me. “Goddess, please,” I muttered to myself, “please, just one child – one baby – please –“After five years of being mated to an Alpha without birthing an heir or even getting pregnant once, people no longer spoke behind my back; they called me barren to my face. The only way I could save myself and my marriage was to get pregnant as soon as possible.My legs ached as I climbed, my hands were injured from pulling on the rope attached to the deer. The sun roasted my skin and my vision turned white every ten minutes but I continu
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Chapter 2
I woke up to my phone ringing the next morning and the bed cold beside me.“Hello?” I croaked into the phone, rubbing my eyes with my fingers.“Did I wake you?” A snide voice made me sit up in alert. The sleep vanished from my eyes and I steeled my heart against the onslaught of insults about to come.“N – No – I was awake,” I stuttered, getting out of bed like a guilty child.“Oh ho, you think you can lie to me?” My mate’s mother snorted. “This is why you do not have a child. What responsible woman sleeps till nine in the morning?” She exclaimed and I winced, pulling the phone from my ear.“Mum –“ I tried to explain but she cut me off.“No. No! Let me finish! I heard you visited another fraudster yesterday so tell me, are you pregnant yet?” My throat tightened. I wanted to hide under the bed from the shame that washed over me. “Have you received a magical baby now?” She mocked. My throat dried up and my chest constricted.“Mum –“ I started again but she cut me off with a growl that s
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Chapter 3
I opened my eyes in a sterile white room and the first splash of colour I saw was a mop of sandy blonde hair.“Jackson –“ I croaked, my throat burning as I did.“Luna, you are awake.” The owner of the mop of sandy blonde hair similar to my mate’s gave me an awkward smile. The woman beside him mirrored his smile. “I am Doctor Fabian. We have met before, if you remember,” he said.“My mate?” I looked around the room that was empty save for the doctor and nurse giving me awkward smiles.“We’ve contacted the Alpha. He will be here as soon as he can,” the doctor assured me. “We contacted him a few hours ago so he should be here soon,” he added.“How long was I out?” I asked.“About four hours now. You seem to be suffering from both fatigue and food poisoning. May I ask what you have eaten in the past twenty-four hours? Can you remember? Has there been any change in your diet?” I avoided his gaze and swallowed.Heat crept up my neck as I thought back to the previous day. My hands curled at
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Chapter 4
“We are having a baby,” Irene said with a grin, wrapping her hand around Jackson’s waist and leaning against him. They looked like a picture-perfect couple. My jaw hurt from how hard I ground my teeth.“Rena, can you give us a minute?” Jackson asked, stroking her hair. I watched everything with wide eyes and a sharp pain in my chest.A part of me refused to believe all this was happening. It was almost impossible for me to come to terms with. This was my mate of five years, a man I loved with every fibre of my being, a man I believed would love me forever – he was holding another woman, expecting a child with another woman!“I – but – but I don’t want to.” Irene stomped her foot, pouting. Her eyes filled with tears and my mate leaned down to kiss her lips. Right in my presence.“It will only take a short time, I promise. Please, baby,” he pleaded and I blinked, once and then again, disbelief, anger and anguish warring inside me. Irene gave me a secret smile before she pouted again and
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Chapter 5
I packed my things.When I started decorating this house, I decorated it as my home. I never dreamt I would leave my home, especially not like this.Pausing for a minute, I took a final look around the room I shared with my mate for the last five years. This room had been my safe space, a place filled with laughter and warmth. Now, it was a place I could not call mine anymore. I could not even take a proper look at the bed I once shared with my mate as it was now stamped with infidelity.I loaded everything I owned into two suitcases, making sure not to leave anything behind. This space was for Irene now and I could not bear the thought of her using my things or even throwing them out in scorn.As I zipped up the second suitcase, the bedroom door opened and I stiffened.“Are you upset?” I raised my head to see Irene smirking down at me. Ignoring her, I went back to closing my suitcase but she refused to be ignored. “How does it feel to lose to me?” She asked but I continued to ignore
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Chapter 6
In the minute it took me to process what my eyes were seeing, Irene screamed and pushed Jackson’s Beta away. In the blink of an eye, she was smoothing down her skirt and Todd, the Beta, was buttoning his jeans. He was Jackson’s best friend and yet -“What are you doing here?” Irene growled, glaring at me.“The baby –“ I looked at her stomach and burst into laughter.“You crazy bitch!” Her eyes whipped to Todd who was red in the face. “Why are you –“ I clutched my stomach and doubled over, wheezing as tears rolled down my cheeks. I laughed until my chest hurt and breathing became too difficult.My mate threw me out for this woman. The same woman getting slutted out by his best friend.“Todd, do something!” She exclaimed and the Beta started towards me with eyes filled with anxiety.“Is it even his?” I asked, my voice hoarse.“Of course, it’s his!” Irene screeched. “Todd – You fool, we have to get rid of her!” She yelled at the beta.I choked as he grabbed my neck. Then we heard the unm
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Chapter 7
The gathering for my banishment turned into an emergency pack meeting. Everyone huddled into the hall as warriors trooped in and out.‘What do we do? Are we going into lockdown?’ A girl beside me asked her father.‘We have to hear the Alpha’s decision,’ her father answered, squeezing her to his side. They huddled into each other while I stood to the side wishing I had someone to hold for assurance.How could this be happening? Tales of the cursed alpha were nothing more than tales. We heard of his exploits but like every misfortune, we all believed it would never befall us. Other packs were invaded but no one ever believed theirs would also suffer an invasion.“Ahem.” The hall went dead silent when Jackson cleared his throat. “As you heard, the cursed Alpha Valens and his men have breached our borders and are currently on their way here,” he started and loud murmurings broke out in the hall.‘Dad, I’m scared,’ the girl beside me hugged her father tighter.I was scared too. Terrified o
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Chapter 8
The red eyes of his wolf became unfocused for a second and I tried to right myself but then they refocused and my heart jumped to my throat. “You’ve been rather elusive –“ The blood rushing to my head drowned out the rest of his statement.I staggered, gripping the chair closest to me as my knees buckled. A sudden fire roared in my guts, spreading up to my head and down to my toes. Clenching my teeth and my fists, I fought down the pants rising from my chest.My vision blurred. My teeth bit into my lips until I tasted blood. My entire body felt too hot for me. I’d felt nothing like this before – not even a tenth of this. I was burning from the inside out; tossed right into hell.Would I die a slow death after burning from inside? Was that my fate?“Ha, these bastards.” The Alpha’s pants reached me from a faraway place. “Shit – Hell – You –“ He hissed then groaned. “You have to come to me.” I heard his distorted voice that seemed to come from a long distance away.My hazy gaze cleared
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Chapter 9
VALENSIt started when I was nine. I wanted to go to this place and that, visit here and there. Everyone laughed at my enthusiasm for travelling, calling me an explorer but then it was confirmed I had inherited my father’s curse. No one laughed after that. Of all things to inherit, I just had to inherit a curse.While I slept, I dreamt of warmth, of a woman with beautiful amber eyes and reddened skin. Since I hit puberty and the curse came alive, I lost the ability to see colours. Even in my dreams, my world was grey, so it was a fascinating dream. The woman was the most fascinating to me but like a wicked prank, every time I reached for her, she slipped through my grasp like smoke.I woke up with my hands reaching for thin air and then I blinked once, twice, ten times. My eyes flitted across the room as my mouth dropped open. No matter how many times I hit myself, no matter how many times I blinked my eyes and pinched myself, the scene remained unchanged.The world around me was ali
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Chapter 10
*A Month Later* I had to move again. Ever since I fled Blood Moon, I didn’t stay at a place for more than a few days. I was too anxious to stay put. My feet dragged. My bones were weary but I had to move. How long before the cursed alpha forgot about me? I barely had any money left and moving as often as I did, I could not get a job. Because of one man, I had to hide out in different dirty motel rooms, fearing for my life. I could barely remember that night but it still haunted me. I was sick of running. I was also sick and running. ‘You should go to the hospital,’ Asia, my wolf, muttered as I dragged my tired body into the bus to my next location. ‘We can’t afford to,’ I reminded her. I’d felt off for a few days but I chalked it up to the stress of being a fugitive. If I went to a hospital, they would have a lot of questions, questions I could not answer. I didn’t know how many people the cursed alpha had on the lookout for me so I had to be careful. Until he forgot I existed, I
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