All Chapters of Stealing The Dragon's Heart : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
132 Chapters
Chapter 11. Lost Him
Lena glared at Scar with a mix of anger and disdain. He had barged into her room without knocking, ignoring her privacy and personal space. He was rummaging through her closet, tossing aside her clothes as if they were trash. He acted like he owned the place - which he did, technically, but that didn't give him the right to treat her like his servant. Lena wrapped her bathrobe tighter around her body, feeling exposed and vulnerable. He had woken her up from a deep sleep and ordered her to take a bath and get ready. He said they were going to a dinner date and she had to accompany him as his bodyguard. Lena knew he was just toying with her, enjoying her discomfort and annoyance. His smirk confirmed it.Scar pulled out a crisp grey suit that looked like it was tailored for her. He threw it at her face, making her flinch. "Get changed," he commanded.Lena stared at him incredulously. "What?" she asked.He raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean, what? Get changed. We don't have all day."L
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Chapter 12. Nightmares
Scar's face contorted with pain, as he hastily excused himself from the lavish dinner, staggering through the grand hallways of the opulent hotel. The flickering candlelight cast eerie shadows on the ornate walls as he stumbled towards the dimly lit corridor leading to the bathroom. His footsteps echoed ominously, resonating with the turmoil within him.He felt a surge of nausea rising in his throat, a bitter reminder of the poison that coursed through his veins. He clenched his teeth, fighting back the urge to vomit. He had to maintain his composure, his dignity, his reputation. He was Scar, the billionaire philanthropist, the visionary genius, Lord of the dragons. He could not afford to show weakness, not in front of his enemies.Meanwhile, Lena, returning from a brief absence, caught a glimpse of her boss's desperate figure propped against the cold marble wall. As her eyes locked onto him, her heart skipped a beat, and a rush of concern flooded her veins. In that instant, time stood
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Chapter 13. Considerate Bastard.
The first rays of dawn tiptoed into the room, casting a gentle glow upon the slumbering figures. As the morning light enveloped the penthouse, Scar gradually emerged from the depths of unconsciousness. His eyelids fluttered open, revealing eyes that bore witness to a restless night of turmoil. As his gaze swept across the room, it was immediately drawn to Lena, who lay beside him on the bed. The sight of her peaceful form stirred something deep within him, evoking memories of her unwavering care from the previous night. The tenderness with which she had attended to him whispered of an unspoken connection, and he couldn't help but wonder if her actions hinted at a sentiment beyond their professional relationship. Lost in thought, Scar rose from the bed, allowing his feet to carry him towards his private sanctuary. With each step, the events of the night replayed in his mind like a cherished melody. He marveled at the gentleness with which Lena had cooled his fevered body, her touch l
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Chapter 14. Assessment
Sage stood at the edge of the training grounds, her sharp eyes fixed on the unfolding scene before her. She observed the events with keen perception and analytical acuity. Len, had been a puzzle to her from the start. Initially, Sage had dismissed the young recruit as weak, but yesterday's training session had shattered that assumption. Len had displayed impressive skills, outmatching even Sage herself in the grueling drills. The doubt that once clouded Sage's mind dissipated, replaced by a begrudging respect for the boy's abilities.Yet, as she watched Len collapse, her suspicions returned with a vengeance. "Pathetic," Sage muttered under her breath, her emotions at odds with the concern that flickered in her eyes. "What's wrong with him?"Hermes, the seasoned trainer who had been overseeing the session, rushed to Len's side, his worry evident in his furrowed brow and frantic movements. Sage observed the interaction closely, her mind racing to find an explanation for the boy's sudden
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Chapter 15. Permission
Inside the ward, Lena woke up from her feigned sleep, and swung her legs over the edge of the clinic bed, her heart racing in her chest after Scar and the others left. She had managed to persuade them that she just needed rest and that there was no need for a thorough examination. Exposing her gender was not an option, not when she had worked so hard to be seen as one of the boys, a formidable fighter worthy of her position as Scar's bodyguard.As soon as she was sure no one was around, Lena quickly pulled down her hood, revealing her bound chest that concealed her breasts. She grimaced as she touched her bruised waist, a reminder of the fall during training. "I can't afford to be reckless," she chided herself.With practiced efficiency, Lena grabbed a small medical kit from her bag and treated her injury. The pain was a stark reminder of her own vulnerability, a reminder that she had to be careful if she wanted to continue her deception.As she put back her hood, her thoughts drifted
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Chapter 16. Sleepwalk
I opened my eyes slowly, wincing in pain as agony radiated from my back.Zara had been typing furiously on her laptop, her eyes scanning the screen for any errors. She was working on a report for the lord, a high-ranking official in the fort. She had to finish it by the end of the day, and she didn't have time for distractions.Until a loud bang, and looked up in alarm. The door to her office had been flung open, and a young woman stood in the doorway, panting and frowning. She recognized her as Alice, her niece and assistant. Alice had long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a slender figure. She was wearing a pink dress and a matching hat, looking like she had just come from a tea party."Alice, what's the rush? Is something the matter?" Zara asked, her voice calm despite the interruption.Alice took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. "Aunt Zara, I need to talk to you. You said to meet Scar for brunch, but he left abruptly before I could even meet him."Zara raised an eyebrow, intrig
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Chapter 17. Pancakes
"Have you found him?" Gertie bombarded the moment Hermes stepped back in."Yes, I did." Her worry transformed into happiness as he observed the change on her face."Oh, thank goodness you found him." She sighed happily and, as soon as she spotted Len, she rushed to embrace him."Do you realize how worried we all were? What would I have said to the kids if we hadn't found you?" Emotions welled up within her, and Hermes watched as Len hugged and reassured her."But that didn't happen, Gertie. There's no need to worry. I'm stronger now." Len proudly displayed his not-so-huge muscles."Yes, my Len is strong." She gently pinched his cheek and moved his face with it."Both of you will take a shower and then come downstairs for breakfast. I made pancakes.""Okay, thanks." Len headed to his room, with Hermes following suit.He closed his eyes and let the cold shower cascade down his well-built body.It wasn't easy for him. Seeing Sage had a perplexing effect on him.After spending considerab
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Chapter 18. Scaling Heights
Scar's unexpected visit had me puzzled. But let's be real, he wasn't there to pay me a friendly visit. That self-centered dude couldn't care less about anyone but himself, and I figured that out pretty quickly.Anyway, I didn't want to waste any brain cells thinking about Scar. His name fits him perfectly because he's like a nasty scar in my life that I want to fade away as soon as possible.So there I was, holed up in my room, cooking up a genius plan to speed things up. And just when I was in the zone, in walks Hermes. The way he was eyeballing me, it was like he was trying to play mind-reader. Thank goodness dragons don't have that superpower!"You look lost in thought. What's eating at you?" No knock, just barging in like he owns the place."Ah, just your typical everyday me," I responded with a smile, trying to mask my concerns."Are you sure about that? I have a sixth sense for picking up vibes, and you're radiating worry," Hermes retorted, catching me off guard.I hadn't antici
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Chapter 19. Rage, Revelations, and Resolute Paths
Scar let out a weary sigh as he walked into his meticulously arranged apartment. The plan to bring Len, who had been designated as his bodyguard, had been communicated to Hermes in advance. It was all part of the punishment that Len had reluctantly agreed to."Hmm," Scar mused, making his way to the bar. He deftly grabbed a bottle of whisky, popping it open with practiced ease. With determination, he began downing the amber liquid, feeling something amiss within himself.Seeking answers, Scar made his way to the study, intent on uncovering more about the elusive Valor's Fort, where Len and himself would embark on their mission together."Let's see," Scar muttered, taking another hearty gulp of whisky, wincing slightly at its fiery taste as it coursed through his veins."Valor, Valor..." He repeated, scanning the shelves lined with books. Yet, despite his efforts, the sought-after information remained frustratingly elusive."What, am I going through the right shelf?" Scar questioned al
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Chapter 20. Unmasking Scar
"What's the deal with him?" I casually glanced in the direction Scar had disappeared before shifting my attention to Hermes."Beats me, but trust me, Scar's not some nefarious character." He gave me a convincing stare."Alright, let's get back to our training, shall we?" I locked eyes with him, although I couldn't shake off the sense of concern emanating from him. For some reason, it seemed like he cared about Scar more than anyone else."You don't have to force yourself to continue training if you're not up for it." I had a knack for reading body language, and I had already deciphered his.Hermes paced back and forth, his hand on his chin, as if he were concocting a master plan."We've got to pay him a visit." He slid his hands into his pockets, a determined look on his face."What?!" I stared at him in utter disbelief."After the way he just exploded, don't you think it's wise to let him simmer down?" I was really hoping for a concurring response, but alas, he had other plans in min
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