All Chapters of Stealing The Dragon's Heart : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
132 Chapters
Chapter 41: Kidnapped
Sage's POV After tearing open the portal, I sprinted blindly away from the source of my anguish. Hermes' betrayal cut me to the core. I needed time alone to process the heartbreak.How could he claim an emergency, only to embrace another woman right in front of me? It made no sense unless he'd been dishonest all along. The very thought made bile rise in my throat.Lost in my rumination, I was startled by shouting up ahead. Squinting against the setting sun, I could make out figures approaching. Men decked out in tactical gear, accompanied by a woman."You, stop right there!" one barked, breaking into a run.My eyes widened in alarm and I veered off the path, scrambling for cover in the thick underbrush. The woman's voice rang out sharply. "After her! Don't let her escape, or the boss will have your heads!" Judging from their numbers and weapons, fighting would be unwise. I curled into a ball within the concealing bushes, heart pounding against my ribs.The group fanned out, searchi
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Chapter 42: Heart Ache
Lena's POVI sat alone in the quiet living room after coming back from another unsuccessful search for Sage. It had been two agonizing days since she went missing and despite all of our efforts combing the city, we still hadn't found a single trace of her.I buried my face in my hands, consumed by guilt. This was all my fault. If I hadn't hugged Hermes that night, none of this would have happened. No matter how many times Hermes and Scar tried to console me these past few days, telling me it wasn't my fault, I still blamed myself completely."Oh Sage, please come back home. Everyone is so worried about you, especially Hermes. He's devastated," I whispered to myself as tears rolled down my cheeks. The immense guilt was eating away at me.Just then, I heard the front door open and glanced up to see Scar entering the house. He paused when he noticed me crying on the floor."Baby, what's wrong?" he asked with concern as he rushed over and pulled me into a comforting embrace.I melted into
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Chapter 42: Heart Ache
Lena's POVI sat alone in the quiet living room after coming back from another unsuccessful search for Sage. It had been two agonizing days since she went missing and despite all of our efforts combing the city, we still hadn't found a single trace of her.I buried my face in my hands, consumed by guilt. This was all my fault. If I hadn't hugged Hermes that night, none of this would have happened. No matter how many times Hermes and Scar tried to console me these past few days, telling me it wasn't my fault, I still blamed myself completely."Oh Sage, please come back home. Everyone is so worried about you, especially Hermes. He's devastated," I whispered to myself as tears rolled down my cheeks. The immense guilt was eating away at me.Just then, I heard the front door open and glanced up to see Scar entering the house. He paused when he noticed me crying on the floor."Baby, what's wrong?" he asked with concern as he rushed over and pulled me into a comforting embrace.I melted into
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Chapter 43: Sage's Return
Hermes' POVI trudged wearily up the front steps after another long, fruitless day of searching for Sage. As I unlocked the front door, defeat weighed heavily on my shoulders. It had been over 48 hours since she mysteriously vanished, and despite scouring every corner of the city, we hadn't unearthed a single useful clue to her whereabouts."You're back, dear. Any luck today?" My grandmother's hopeful voice greeted me as I entered the living room. But her smile faded when she registered the grim look on my face.I just slowly shook my head, collapsing onto the sofa with a heavy sigh. "Nothing. It's like she just disappeared into thin air."Grandma sat beside me, clasping my hand in her wrinkled, comforting grip. "I'm sure she'll turn up soon, Hermes. We have to keep faith."Despite her encouraging tone, I could hear the doubt creeping in. As more time passed with no sign of Sage, the outlook grew bleaker."I'm certain she was abducted, Grandma," I said bitterly, anger welling inside m
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Chapter 44: Scheme
Sage's POVI forced a smile as Hermes agreed to my request for a dinner with Len. Inside, my mind was already whirring with possibilities. Hermes had unknowingly given me the perfect opportunity to get information to pass onto Fox.Once I had Len alone, I just had to find out everything I could about her connection to Scar's heart. Fox would certainly reward me for helping eliminate this unexpected threat."You should get some rest now, my love," Hermes said, drawing me from my thoughts. "I'll stay over tonight to keep an eye on you."I tensed. Having him here all night didn't fit my plans. "Oh, you don't need to do that," I replied lightly. "I don't want Grandma to be alone. Really, I'll be fine."But Hermes was already fetching an extra pillow, making himself comfortable on the armchair. "Nonsense, Grandma understands you need me right now while recovering. Don't worry about her."Seeing he wouldn't be dissuaded, I switched tactics. "Well, if you're staying, could you run and get me
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Chapter 45: Rage
Scar's POVI paced back and forth anxiously as Hermes spoke urgently into his phone outside. He was calling Sage to see if she knew anything about Len's sudden disappearance.My gut twisted just thinking about Len being missing. After searching for hours, it was clear she was no longer in town. But why would she just vanish without explanation?A hundred paranoid theories raced through my mind. Had she been kidnapped by Fox's men as retaliation? Or threatened into leaving? Or did she choose to run away...from me?I gnawed my lip in anguish. Things between Len and I had been going so well lately. We were happy, in love. Why would she abandon what we shared without a word? None of this made sense.Just then Hermes reentered, his grave expression confirming my worst fears before he even spoke. "She's not with Sage," he reported grimly. "It seems Len left of her own accord."I raked my hands through my hair, exhaling harshly. "Maybe she's still in town, just gone into hiding? We have to k
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Chapter 46: Escape
Lena's POVWith Sage's kidnapping, Scar and Hermes doubled their patrols along the border, making escape seem impossible. But I could hardly stand to be near either of them now. The bitter truth was that they had both betrayed me, conspiring to have me killed. I was a fool for ever trusting Scar, despite everything he'd done. Just because I'd developed feelings for him didn't erase the fact that he'd taken me hostage until I located his precious dragon heart. Yet I'd let myself believe he truly cared for me. Now I saw it was all an act to further use me.Under the cover of darkness, I crept from my hidden tunnel shelter and stealthily climbed the trees edging the forest. My dark clothing blended into the shadows as I soundlessly leapt between branches. I had to get away from here, from all the deception and heartbreak. My destination was the ancient library in the abandoned wing of the manor. With everyone consumed by the search for me, it was the one place Scar wouldn't think to ch
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Chapter 47: Stranded
Lena's POVI had passed through the fighting gate, gaping at all of the wonders I saw before me. It was a water-like landmark with every creature of the sea there but the cool thing about it was that you could walk right below them without getting drowned.I gasped, my mouth parted with eyes wide open. My body shivered in fear as to what this was. If I had seen dragons, I believed there was still some magic left in this world.I gulped down every fear I felt, moving as the water made a pathway for me. I was so shocked about what was going on that I didn't know when I walked out of that landmark.Fishes were floating in a bubble of water, the water made part for me, I was just too shocked not to be wondered.Once I was out of the water landmark, the next was that of the wind. The land was almost desert-like with red soil and winds ready to blow any form of soil into your eyes.That was one of the most frustrating journeys I had ever taken. I had to use my superspeed and the third sens
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Chapter 48: Valeria
Frost's POV The vast icy plains of Iceland stretched to the horizon outside the walls of our stronghold. Within the war room, the air was thick with tension as my advisors argued strategies. The clamor of voices instantly quieting as I strode in. All eyes turned expectantly to me as I took my place at the head of the carved oak table. "What news of the last dragon's whereabouts?" I demanded, forgoing pleasantries. Time was of the essence. The three scouts I'd dispatched shifted uneasily, none meeting my piercing gaze. Gritting my teeth in frustration, I addressed the eldest. "Well? Report." "Apologies, Commander. We scoured every inch of terrain from here to the Highlands border. No signs of the dragon or his roost were found." Murmured curses rippled around the room. I processed this new setback, my jaw tightening. We couldn't allow those damnable Aldorians to claim the glory of the last dragon's capture. "Infiltrating the fortress remains impossible then?" I already knew the
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Chapter 49: Amnesia
Lena's POVFreezing out in the cold, I thought I was finally going to die before reaching the Valorian raider fort. The icy winds whipped around my wet clothes relentlessly as I struggled through the deep snow drifts. Each step became harder than the last as hypothermia slowly overtook my body.Just as my legs gave out and I sunk into the freezing abyss, darkness engulfed my vision completely. "It this how I'll die?"I expected a silent, endless void to be the last thing I ever experienced. But gradually, I felt warmth returning to my bones. The frozen wasteland faded away as hazy shadows moved around me.Muffled voice came caught my attention, my eyelids fluttered open weakly. At first all I could make out was a flickering orange glow - firelight. The voice seemed to have seized.As my vision adjusted, I realized I was lying near a campfire, wrapped in heavy furs. Confusion clouded my mind instantly."Had I somehow made it to the raider stronghold after all?" But no, this was just a
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