Semua Bab Loving a Clueless Man: Bab 1 - Bab 10
36 Bab
Chapter 1 – Homeless
She’s starving. She’s trying to save as much money as she can. She knew this would happen, but she was not expecting it to happen this soon.Ciara Cabral was kicked out by her mother when she turned sixteen. Now, she’s homeless. She thought she has more time. She thought they would at least wait until her eighteenth birthday before throwing her out on the streets. Oh, how could she be so wrong? She was caught off-guard. She was unprepared.She sniffed as she looked up at the dark sky. She was done crying. She shouldn’t waste more of her tears. Sighing, she looked around, making sure there was no threat around. She blew her warm breath on her hands, trying to keep herself from feeling the coldness of the night. Maybe she should start moving, the exercise would help increase her temperature but . . . she was too weak from thirst and hunger. It has been a week since her mother chased her out. Her mother packed her bags and told her to leave. She wasn’t expecting them to prepare a birthda
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Chapter 2 – Hopeful
Ciara silently followed behind him. She stared at him with hope. She stared without blinking; afraid he would be gone if she did. After walking for a few minutes, she did consider the situation more carefully. She was a bit reckless, deciding within a short amount of time. She should have thought more. What are his intentions? Why would he help her? Was he expecting something in return? Would he . . .? She stopped her trail of thoughts, shook her head and caught up with him. Maybe now that she has a place to stay, it would be easier for her to get a few jobs. She mentally took stock of her clothes. Maybe she can wash her laundry tonight, at his place. Then, tomorrow . . . She stopped when he did, waiting for the street light to change. Tomorrow, she will be better suited to apply here and there. There are numerous places she hasn’t gone to yet.They reached his place within five minutes. As he said, it was small. He did say he only uses it as a place to sleep. There’s a bed on one cor
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Chapter 3 – A good day
As silently as she could, so as not to bother his rest, Ciara cleaned up the kitchen. Afterwards, she figured out how to go about her laundry. When she was done, she sat on the couch. There were a couple of pillows on it. She inhaled deeply, savoring her good situation. She grinned as she positioned the pillows on both ends. She has a place to sleep, and oh, it was comfortable. She looked forward to a really good night sleep. She turned to look at Renzo. The man was sleeping on his side and she took the time to stare at him. It won’t be an understatement to say he was her hero. She previously did an essay about hero worship for a class homework. She could understand the concept better now.She went near the door to turn off the light and made her way back to the couch. There was a lamp near his bed, but she didn’t think it would be appropriate to turn it on. Maybe he doesn’t want it. She laid on her back and stared at the ceiling. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep, but it wouldn’
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Chapter 4 – New Life
When she got home, she immediately prepared to cook. As the stew was boiling, she skipped to her drawer and looked for her little notebook and a pen. She turned to the last page she has written on. She was keeping track of her money. She kept subtracting from it this last week. She grinned as she added something today.Then, she heard the door being opened. She stood up to greet him.As Renzo opened the door, he caught a delicious smell permeating the air. With the lights on, he knew Ciara’s home.“Did you cook?” He sounded surprised.Ciara saw the package he’s holding. “Yes. You brought food?”She suddenly felt awkward. And before she could feel embarrassed, he grinned at her.He put what he brought on the table, “Let’s have a celebration. I’m guessing something good happened.” He went over to look at her stew.“Looks good.”“Thanks. I got a job today.” She immediately pulled plates to serve the food he brought. Roasted chicken and roasted potatoes.“Wow. You’re fast.” He praised her
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Chapter 5 – Friends
“I heard you have a girl at your house.”As soon as Renzo arrived at the bar, his friend Todd asked that question. He raised an eyebrow. Are they keeping track of what goes on in his house now?“I came by this morning.” His other friend, Kyle, explained to him.He sighed. Nothing’s secret with these guys.“Just someone I’m helping out. She’s off-limits.” He gave them a side-eye for good measure. These guys string women along and leave them for whatever reason.“She looked very young. Cousin?” Kyle asked, as he nodded.“Something like that.” He figured it would be difficult to explain if he said she’s a complete stranger. These guys are nosy.“I thought you finally have a girlfriend. How long has it been?” Todd asked as he received a fresh glass of beer, passing another onto him.He only grunted as a reply. He didn’t need to be reminded of that history. All along he wasn’t looking for a relationship, much less one based on “love”, as they put it. Three years ago, he did meet someone. S
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Chapter 6 – Girlfriend
The truth was . . . she didn’t know much about him. They have only known each other for a short time. Their interaction was limited. Ciara’s not sure if he’s the same with other people. Who knew if he’s simply hiding his negative traits from her? People like to pretend these days, no?She has this fear, that she would eventually discover something she doesn’t like. That maybe he’s the same as her mom’s boyfriend. Or her father, who couldn’t even be bothered by her existence. She has seen enough. She’s afraid he would turn out to be manipulative or abusive. Would she be able to leave his place at the first sign of anything toxic? She hoped the answer is yes.So far, she has no reason to believe he’s anything but what he’s showing her. She shouldn’t worry too much, especially when it’s practically baseless.One night, he came home drunk and he took his shirt off before going to bed. Ciara was startled, her heart beating erratically, but she recovered quickly when it became clear he’s al
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Chapter 7 – Hard Work
No one would be able to discount Renzo’s hard work. Everyone who hired him for his services could tell you that he always does a good job and he’d been kind, polite, respectful, friendly… overall, a really good worker. No matter the personality of his boss, he’s amicable to anyone. He remained in contact with a lot of people who would possibly hire him again for infrequent jobs or projects. He gets a call or two in a week. He never runs out of jobs to do. But as majority of establishments do not hire for regular employment people like him who lack the educational qualifications . . . there’s the thorn in Renzo’s life. He had to make do.Sometimes, people would say he’s too nice. When he’s let go by a business, he wouldn’t say anything. He would accept it calmly. As he saw it, no matter what he said, no matter how hard he worked, he won’t be able to produce a diploma. So why does he still work hard? Recommendations. They do seek him out when they have a friend who’s starting a new busi
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Chapter 8 – Goals in Life
It wasn’t long before Ciara saved enough money for her own things. She worked hard. She’s taking inspiration from Renzo’s diligence. There were a few mishaps with customers, but they were eventually settled. Some people do really act so entitled and privileged. She hoped not to meet more of them in the future.As for her interactions with Renzo, it hasn’t changed much. Except when she started attending night classes. She would rush home to cook and eat dinner hurriedly, before going to school. She considered getting the modules but figured she would learn more with actual classes. Whenever she returned home, Renzo’s already.She only got to eat dinner together with him on weekends. Sometimes, he would have a gig or two in a month. Given the limited time they’re together, she normally initiates conversations with him. Their topics mostly cover her schooling and her hunt for a scholarship, as well as their respective jobs, if anything interesting happened.When she finally graduated, Re
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Chapter 9 – Lecture
“No, no. There’s no one. I wouldn’t even entertain it if a guy actually showed interest. I doubt I would even notice. I would like to focus on my work and building my savings. I don’t have time to date.” Shit. Her statements were like a double-edged sword. She has someone she likes and she’s saying all these to him. What in the world? How would he get a clue?“I mean, dating isn’t necessarily a bad thing. You just have to be careful when choosing whom to go out with. When you go out on dates, make sure the places you go to have a lot of people. And always tell someone where you are, just in case something happens.” His lecture continued and she began to look exasperated.“Really, I won’t be dating anyone anytime soon. I swear!” She even raised her right hand and promised him.“You can’t be sure. You might find someone you like. I’m just giving your reminders, just in case.”“I already have someone I like.” She ended up muttering. She froze before covering her mouth with her hands. Shi
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Chapter 10 – Confession
On her birthday, Renzo did come home early.She wore the red sexy lingerie, underneath a stylish casual coat. It’s nothing over the top.She prepared a few dishes that they both liked and Renzo got her the cake. He also gave her a gift. This time, a bracelet. It would go well with her watch.She’s allowed to drink now, too, so she got a can of beer for herself. If it’s true that it helps in removing inhibitions, she needed that. After a few gulps, she decided that she’ll do it.Renzo watched as she had her internal struggle. He was amused at first, not knowing what’s going on in her mind.She bit her lower lip as she stood up. She moved around the table, standing beside his seat. When Renzo reached for a can of beer, she immediately removed her coat.Renzo was stunned for a few seconds before he started choking on the beer. He coughed very badly and it took a while to stop. Ciara handed him napkins. Renzo avoided looking at her body.“What are you doing? Wear your coat.” He couldn’t d
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