
Chapter 4 – New Life

When she got home, she immediately prepared to cook. As the stew was boiling, she skipped to her drawer and looked for her little notebook and a pen. She turned to the last page she has written on. She was keeping track of her money. She kept subtracting from it this last week. She grinned as she added something today.

Then, she heard the door being opened. She stood up to greet him.

As Renzo opened the door, he caught a delicious smell permeating the air. With the lights on, he knew Ciara’s home.

“Did you cook?” He sounded surprised.

Ciara saw the package he’s holding. “Yes. You brought food?”

She suddenly felt awkward. And before she could feel embarrassed, he grinned at her.

He put what he brought on the table, “Let’s have a celebration. I’m guessing something good happened.” He went over to look at her stew.

“Looks good.”

“Thanks. I got a job today.” She immediately pulled plates to serve the food he brought. Roasted chicken and roasted potatoes.

“Wow. You’re fast.” He praised her, not really expecting her to get a job so quickly. He thought she’ll probably take at least a week.

She grinned, too. “I looked better today, because of the shower. And I wasn’t lugging bags with me.”

Her explanation made sense to him, so he nodded. He could understand people’s prejudice against someone homeless.

“You do look better.” He commented before taking a seat.

Ciara could feel the heat on her face. She wasn’t expecting his compliment, although it could very well be an offhand comment. She faced the stew so she could hide her face from him.

“What time do you normally come home? I could prepare dinner.”

“Early these days. Around this time. I haven’t found another evening gig yet.”

Ciara nodded as she filed the information in her head.

“What food do you like to eat?” She asked. A part of her is curious for personal reasons, she wanted to get to know him more, while the other part is so she knows what to cook for him.

“I eat anything. I’m not picky.”

She nodded, before muttering a “Me, too.”

She started setting the table, and ladling the stew on two separate bowls.

“Did you say your birthday was last week? Happy birthday, then.” He stated as he served her with the chicken.

She almost teared up. “Thank you.”

They ate with gusto. All the food on the table were delicious. Ciara was happily tapping her feet on the floor.

She was very satisfied with today’s outcome. She’s able to sleep immediately this time. She’s exhausted in a good way.

During the night, Renzo woke up and decidedly placed the lamp on her drawer upon being greeted by darkness. He saw the bills he gave her that morning. She put it in a glass bowl and topped it with a cute figurine of a smiling girl, something she picked at the store. He smiled at it.

The next day, Ciara strived to get another part-time job. Maybe as a cashier, or cleaner. She’s not picky. She checked the public bulletin as well, just in case someone’s looking for a babysitter.

She should save money for a phone. It would make things a little easier. Her phone was smashed to pieces by her mom’s boyfriend. She blew out her breath as she contained her annoyance at the memory.

She jotted down a few names and numbers she found on the bulletin. She vaguely remembered that Renzo does have a phone. Maybe she can borrow it later. She wasn’t as lucky as yesterday, visiting stores in the morning. Then, she prepped herself for work before lunch, eating early. She can’t be lucky every single day, anyway. Having this one job is already great. She maintained her positivity.

Renzo was hunting jobs that day, too. He was off schedule at the diner. Mid-morning, he saw Ciara running around a street. She’s persistent. Somehow, he thought if he could be that way, too. Well, he’s older now. He doesn’t have that much energy.

He was more strategic with his job hunting. Having only graduated from high school, his job choices are very limited. There’s almost no hope of getting a regular job and having employment benefits. He had to pay his social security contributions as a voluntary member.

He changes jobs every three to five months. The number of establishments he worked at in the last few years are many. He did meet good friends, though. Had some good employers. Sometimes, he would hang out with them when they call. Sometimes, he would hear about gigs from them. Over the years, he learned a number of skills.

He has worked as waiter, cashier, cleaner, bellboy, valet, bouncer, security guard, mechanic assistant, carpenter assistant, plumber assistant, electrical technician… He was not licensed in most things, but he knew how to get the job done. He snatched a few certificates, though not as good as a college diploma.

He was basically a jack of all trades, and yet . . .  despite all his skills, his lack of proper education prevented him from getting a regular, good-paying job, complete with promotion and all those shenanigans.

He once planned to go to college, but upon learning how many years it would take and how much money it would entail . . . he gave it up. To him, that much money isn’t worth it. He’ll earn it and save it.

He overheard customers talking about their day jobs and how it’s not worth it. The student loans. The debts. It’s taking them so much time to pay them off. The stress. The dissatisfaction at work. At the pay. Colleagues. Bosses. The politics. The apparent unfair promotion. Things aren’t easy.

That night, Ciara mustered up her courage and asked him if she could use his phone. She gripped the little notebook in her hand. Renzo didn’t hesitate, though, passing her his phone.

“Thank you. I’ll save up enough money to get one soon.” She started contacting everyone on her list. It was already nighttime. Ciara waited for responses but none came. After half an hour, she reluctantly returned the phone to Renzo.

“Don’t be discouraged. You’ll hear from one soon.” He told her when he noticed her expression, hugely different from the one he saw in the morning.

Ciara managed a smile. She faced her little notebook and plotted her schedule. She has to make sure not to mess up. She should at least put an hour break between jobs, if she ever gets other jobs.

“I’ll leave this here, then.” Renzo stated before laying on the bed, putting the phone on the bedside drawer.

“Thank you.” Ciara watched as he tossed on the bed, getting into a comfortable position. Oh, she’s starting to have a serious crush on him. She stared for a minute.

She ruminated for a while before she heard the ding of the phone. She went over to check if it was a message from someone she contacted. It was, but a rejection, though. They already found someone. She replied to express her thanks. She sat on the floor next to the drawer. She’ll wait for another half hour before she goes to sleep. Before that time was up, Renzo turned in his sleep and she got a good look at his face. The phone rang again, and he opened his eyes at the tone. Ciara immediately averted her gaze as she checked the message. She grinned as it was asking for her available schedule. Renzo saw the glee in her face and he smiled before closing his eyes again. Well, good things are surely coming her way.

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