Semua Bab Finding Him: Bab 1 - Bab 10
63 Bab
The alarm went off playing a sweet melody of paparazzi by lady Gaga waking up the sleeping beauty on the bed. But sadly she was already awake sketching something in her art book from her dream. She had been having the same dream repeatedly each night, about a man in a green clock being stabbed in the spine by a yellowish glowing knife that seemed to suck the life out of him. No matter how she tried to save him he always ended up dying and her in the arms of a faceless stranger. She was certain that the man in the green clock meant something and she had to figure out what it was. When she was done she stared at the drawing for a minute longer trying to find the answer in it somehow. There were a lot of things happening in the dream but she chose to draw the clocked man first before anything else. She felt a certain importance to him like it was up to her to save him. Her bedroom door opened suddenly startling her from her daze."Hey lady Gaga good morning," it was her mum and she looke
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chapter one
With every adventure, a best friend by your side always makes it better. So Tiana was confident about going back to school even with the feeling of impending danger hovering over her head because of one thing and one thing only, the presence of her best friend being there.After preparing breakfast Tiana called her parents down by standing at the foot of the stairs and simply shouting up to them saying," Mum! Dad! Fooooood!" Then she sat down with Jess and Asher to have there's. Tiana's dad Oliver walked into the kitchen first looking very happy and well rested his wife right behind him looking like she got hit by a truck, the exact opposite of her husband. The first thought on Tiana's mind was that of her mother might have come down with something and that was what she asked of her."Mum, are you okay?" Her mother just gave a nod muttering something about coffee under her breath. On the other hand Jessica understood the situation quite differently and wasn't afraid to speak her mind.
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chapter two
"Is she feeling fine?""I don't know, it's been eight hours and she still looks lost""That's it I'm calling the ambulance."Tiana snapped out of it and grabbed Jessica's phone out of her grasp. "Can you two just shut up I'm trying to remember him so I can draw," she exclaims."Finally she's back," both her friends shouted in unison with huge grins on their faces. Tiana just rolled her eyes and grabbed her note pad."So tell us are you over him yet?" Asher asked."Yea cause you've been obsessing over the mysterious stranger from the store the other day like non stop," Jess added dramatically." I don't obsess," denied Tiana avoiding eye contact. Jess and Asher looked at each other knowing before turning there piercing gaze to Tiana who was sketching the him she's now obsessing over. "Oh, okay you definitely don't obsess," Jessica said sarcastically making Tiana pause. "Of course I don't," she emphasized.Asher snorted," Yea right as if you're not the girl that always played paparazz
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chapter three
The clock had just struck 1AM when Tiana decided to take her studying over to the house. Walking down the now dimly lit aisle she only paused to put a book back in it's place and to bid Carol the librarian and the guard at the door a goodnight. As she made her way down the familiar hallways she suddenly started to get an off feel about the place, like the feeling of someone watching you. Stopping she peered over her shoulder and true to that there was a dark figure standing still just watching her. He was oddly still like a statue of a sort, just standing there in the middle of the hallway directly behind her.Choosing to ignore it she continued walking, mentally passing it off as someone studying late like she. But that didn't get rid of the eerie feeling of fear creeping up her spine and poisoning her heart. "It's just probably someone from class, nothing serious. Your not in any danger not at all", Tiana muttered trying to calm her nerves. If that's true then look again to see if y
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Chapter four
"Hey".His deep voice reverberated in her chest causing her stomach to clench, the effect of his thick accent and voice were enough to give her an orgasm. He wrapped his thick arms around her kissing her neck softly and slowly he unbuttoned her blouse exposing her breasts. Her nipples where erect and the soft pick colour made him groan. He pulled her body flesh against his and the feel of his hardened member against her back was enough to make her moan."Fuck!" She exclaimed feeling so much than she's ever did in her entire life. Her vagina was pulsing, her cheeks were on fire and every inch of her body he touched sent electric impulses shooting from the spot all the way to her core. Her legs instinctively shut when she felt his fingers caressing her lower belly."Open", he commanded and she slowly opened her legs for him. His fingers trilled down to her clit, she didn't even feel him taking her underwear off. He teased her opening feeling how impatient she was getting by the second,
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Chapter five
Tiana was late for her morning classes because she kept an eye out for Christoph. She just wanted to make sure he was okay and that only made everything worse because he was no where in sight. Soon it was lunch time and they were seated in the school café, having a late breakfast with her two best friends and some of their other friends, Ryan, Avery and Micha. "Did you guys get the news?" Ryan asked looking at everyone expectantly. "What news?" Asher quired with a month full of bread. "We have a new Dean, his name is Eros--" Ryan answered their curiosity but was cut off by Avery."Eros? What a weird name", she commented looking very bothered by the name."I know right! That's what I said", Ryan countered."Wait is he the guy that was standing next to Mr Douglas the other day", Micha asked her eyes focused on the coffee in her hands."Yes, him", Ryan confirmed snapping his fingers eagerly."Isn't he too young?" Micha quired."Well I don't know Mahn but his the new dean", Ryan replie
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chapter six
Skhemarriah!...The whisper came again, low and menacing. A slow threat over the princess's life for the fifth time since she visited the blood hearth. If she knew about it's curse she would have never entertained the thought of having it's power. The memory of the trip to the hearth made bowel raise up her throat. The nauseous feeling followed her into her en-suite bathroom causing her to barely make it to the toilet. Her sickness had alarmed the entire kingdom because her kind rarely got ill and according to the doctors her condition was incurable.The very smell that exalted from her vomit was enough to inform you of how quickly she was dying; and she was indeed close to death. Her hand maids were at her sides immediately helping her back to her bed and laying her down softly. The princess had not even a bit to eat since she returned and those around her could see how fast her life was running out. Their pitying eyes disgusted her so much that even without strength to speak she fou
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chapter seven
Beware.... Beware of the falsifer that will lower you into submission. He comes riding his steed in glory and power but his heart is that of darkness.Beware of the monster that has the heart of gold. For it seeks only justice for the wrongs that had before it. Choose the right mate, because his taken doesn't mean his not yours to keep............Tiana woke from her slumber gasping for breath. The old lady in her dream was so terrifying like the warnings she gave. Tiana quickly grabbed her note book and jolted down the warnings. Since Christoph disappeared she learnt to take her dreams seriously and for the past week they have been more crazier than the rest. She read the warning over and over again, or maybe what she thought was the warning. The dream wasn't clear like the rest of them were, she got the voice she saw the old lady but the scenery was so confusing. One thing stuck out though. It was the monster that half resembled a woman and a beast. If it wasn't for the old ladies
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chapter eight
Troy got up early as usual for his morning run before his morning class. Which so happened to be his favorite so far since the party. He didn't understand his sudden attraction to the curly haired beauty to whose name he had no idea of. It was funny but true. Though he was certain it started with a letter t but whatever came after was a blur to him.He was deep in thought as he ran past the KKDB house where his chosen mate resided. Britney Evenwulf or now know as Mrs Acwulf thanks to their forced mating. If only he had known who she really was he wouldn't have wasted time with her later on marking her. It was too late now since they are a few months away from becoming the parks Alpha and Luna and knowing that chilled him to the bone. He was halfway to his place when he caught a wift of a vanilla scented perfume with a hint of roses. His wolf suddenly sprung up, howling in his mind in victory. "Wonder what's all that about? Cut it out before you affect me with your stupidity", Troy sc
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Chapter nine
" Shit, shit shit!" Troy exclaimed while running towards his place with in human speed. What was he about to do? Mark her when his barely gotten to know her and his already planning her funeral? The thing is he would if he could but he knew the mating bond he has with Britney would kill her in an instant. Maybe he can mark her wolf? Wait is she even a wolf? Disappointment swelled in his chest at the thought that Tiana might not be a werewolf like him. Then she might be human and that meant he had to let her go. The painful thought tore through his chest making his heart bleed. If only he had waited he would have had her. Though if only means a missed opportunity so there's no point in wishing. It's best he leaves her like that, it would be selfish of him to claim her for himself when he has another mate. Now his question remained. Why had he never noticed her before?At the same time Troy was going through the motion of his heart break, Tiana was met with an even more embarrassing s
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