
Finding Him
Finding Him
Penulis: Emilysarahlu


The alarm went off playing a sweet melody of paparazzi by lady Gaga waking up the sleeping beauty on the bed. But sadly she was already awake sketching something in her art book from her dream. She had been having the same dream repeatedly each night, about a man in a green clock being stabbed in the spine by a yellowish glowing knife that seemed to suck the life out of him. No matter how she tried to save him he always ended up dying and her in the arms of a faceless stranger.

She was certain that the man in the green clock meant something and she had to figure out what it was. When she was done she stared at the drawing for a minute longer trying to find the answer in it somehow. There were a lot of things happening in the dream but she chose to draw the clocked man first before anything else. She felt a certain importance to him like it was up to her to save him. Her bedroom door opened suddenly startling her from her daze.

"Hey lady Gaga good morning," it was her mum and she looked tired enough to sleep in. She was in her usual cotton robe with little cartoon characters that Tiana didn't even know. The reason being that Tiana wasn't at all allowed to watch TV as a child which led to her finding her artistic talent and a love for music at a tender age. Her mother's blonde hair was in a messy bun but she still manage to pull it off so beautifully.

"Oh, mum you scared me," she replied placing her book besides her with her left hand while her right hand held her chest.

"Hmmmmm?" Her mother grinned leaning her body on the door frame. "I wonder why. Were you doing something you weren't suppose to?"

"Like what?" The girl asked her mum as she got out of bed.

"Well I don't know, maybe something you shouldn't," her mum insisted looking amused.

"Well I don't know what your talking about and I was just drawing something that's all," she replied placing her drawing book and pencils on the study table she hardly used.

"Drawing a naked boy huh?" Her mother bounced her eyebrows suggestively at her. "You know Tiana I would never judge you so it's okay if you were a bit scared. Actually that's better than watching sex movies an---."

"Mum! Just.. just stop," Tiana exclaimed looking at her mother like she was a crazy person.

"What! I'm just saying," her mother defended herself.

Huffing out a breath, pinching the bridge of her nose Tiana asked," what was it that you wanted so early in the morning anyway?" She knew arguing about such things with her mother will only make it worse. So instead of blatantly denying it she just brushed it off, and besides her mum wasn't wrong she does draw pictures of naked boys; though one boy in particular.

"Your no fun," her mother said in a kiddy whiny tone even pouting at the end of her sentence. "Anyway, I just wanted to remind you that your suppose to start packing for school, your break is ov--" before she could finish Tiana's father called out from his bedroom.

"Vera! What the hell are you doing? You know it's not yet time to get out of bed, it's a Saturday!" He said.

"Oh I need to go now," Vera said and shouted a coming over her shoulder before closing her daughter's bedroom door. Tiana sighed raising the volume of her alarm because it was playing a dang good catchy song. Lady Gaga never disappoints.


The clock had just struck ten hours and she was finally done with her packing. Her stomach rumbled for the eleventh time that day and she finally listened to it. Exiting her bedroom she went downstairs to make herself and her parents some breakfast before they came out of their love Dom of lust and desire. Shuddering at the thought she chose to think about her dream while starting up the coffee maker. Not a second longer after that Jess and Asher barged into her kitchen, both of them still in there pajamas like she was. They were clearly arguing about something stupid like they usually did and Tiana knew passing them morning greetings when they were in that mood was useless so she just pored herself some coffee listening in while chopping some onions and garlic for the breakfast she intended to prepare.

"Why should I?!" Jess exclaimed throwing her hands in the air and stealing some of the bacon Tiana cooked. She giggled when Tiana missed her hand and ended up smacking the counter.

"I'm telling you Jess these things are real," Asher said looking tired. He adjusted his glasses before fixing a scowl on his face.

" Okay! The both of you are giving me a migraine right now so-shhh," Tiana exclaimed looking down at the pan full of bacon though her friends chose to ignore her.

" There's no such thing like a werewolf I'll believe it when I see it," Jess said stubbornly, flipping Asher off. Asher huffed plopping down on one of the many stools at the counter the rough movement making his glasses tilt on his face.

"Tiana, please tell her," he begging with his signature poppy eyes.

"Werewolves are real, there now leave me alone and shut up," Tiana replied dryly.

"Esh girl!" Asher and Jess exclaimed at the same time before pausing to glare at each other. The two were always competing for Tiana's attention like toddler. They made Tiana's word the last say and argue some more if she sided with one of them. It had always been like this since childhood and as they grew it got worse.

"Okay both of you just fucking stop your child like bickering for once. I'm tired of this and I'm certainly not in the mood," Tiana exclaimed turning away from the bacon to face them. She was exhausted and frustrated about everything that had been happening in the past week before she was to return to school. From the shopping to the catching up on her studies, the lack of enough sleep and thinking about all the bullshit she'll have to endure at the university of doom once she's back.

"Do you think she's?" Jess asked Asher.

"Yep definitely," Asher replied.

"We need the you know," Jess added.

"Yep definitely. Already on it," Asher replied and exited the kitchen, giving the two some alone time. Tiana huffed and turned to scowl at the bacon.

"Tiana," Jess cooed closing the distance between them. "Come tell mama what's wrong and I'll make it all better for you. Come on girl girl, spill." Jess was now taking off the frying pan from the stove and placing it on the counter besides it.

"I'm fine Jess," Tiana sighed. "Just tired."

Jessica could tell she wasn't at all fine but if her bff didn't want to spill, instead of waiting till she was ready she chose to provoke her into saying it. Oh well that's exactly what best friends are for right?

"Is it because you just noticed that your fatter than you were before coming back home? Or is it because Mr Douglas Ecom lecture asked you out in front of me and your afraid that your probably dating now? Oh it is that, but don't worry he might be bolding but his is definitely still a hunk," Jess wicked at her best friend playfully. Tiana replied with a grown.

"I'd never go out with him again. Do you know he was planning to take me to his house that day?" Tiana shuddered feeling a whiff of disgust tag at her nerves.

"That's what happens when you fail to just say no," sang Jess amusedly.

"Nope I would have said no if you hadn't talked me into lying to Christoph about having a date when he asked me out," Tiana replied feeling a little better and lighter than she did earlier. She so wasn't prepared on seeing any of them but she has no choice. The thought of it just made her feel like running away and frustrated again.

Jess noticed and placed a comforting hand on her Tiana's shoulder. " Hey I know, last semester was full of bullshit but I promise to be by you through all the bullshit, okay?"

Tiana dry laughed and sighed playing with her finger. " I don't know Jess, I just can't stop feeling like something very very bad is going to happen this time and it's not dating Mr Douglas, which I wish was the worst thing this time around."

" Oh, that's very horrible," Jess said.

"What is," Tiana asked.

"You thinking anything is worser than dating Douglas," Jess snorted . Getting the picture Tiana shuddered.

"Okay your right, nothing is worser than that," Tiana agreed. They both giggled and just like that Jessica made it better and Tiana knew as long as her best friend is by her side everything will be fine.


AN/ hey welcome to a new world of the sun series. I hope you'll like this book best 💓.

Thanks for reading.

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goodnovel comment avatar
wow I love this book already

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