Lahat ng Kabanata ng HIS RUNAWAY OMEGA : Kabanata 1 - Kabanata 10
57 Kabanata
Chapter one
NOTICE!This can be read as a standalone but if there's anything unclear here,then I suggest you read the first book "THE OMEGA HE DIDN'T WANT" to understand the characters well.thanks and enjoy.Taking a drag out of his cigar he inhaled as he stood up from the edge of the bed butt naked as he slowly exhaled,the smoke and stench of the cigar filling the room, Mathew walked towards the window of the his messy room to stare at the Gardeners working outside before turning back around to face the bed taking another drag from his cigar as he watched the stranger he brought back last night from the party.When Dominco had told him about the party last night he wasn't too excited to go but changed his mind last minute because he needed to keep her out of his mind,and thought bringing someone else in and fucking the daylight out of her would be enough but it wasn't, he couldn't even get it up, sighing Mathew rubbed his palms on his face as he dropped the cigar In the ashtray that was sitting
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Mathew arrived late to the burial and knew he was in trouble, Dominco was going to have his head, taking a deep breath he walked calmly to where Dominco sat with his wife and kids as other people in black came around one after the other obviously handing out their condolences,most of the people that attended the burial were co workers and family well speaking of family Mathew paused to search the crowd for his mother on seeing her in the field not so far from where Adrian his uncle was buried,he knew she was probably hurting after loosing her brother like that, sighing he became conflicted he didn't know who to attend to first his mother or Dominco, turning back towards Dominco he saw him kissing his wife,"Well I just got my answer"He said to himself as he ignored Dominco and walked towards his mom.As his footsteps approached her lightly,he could hear the crunching of the dried leaves on the ground,no matter how softly he tried to walk they made loud crunchy sounds,"I expected you
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"Man she couldn't even get me to get it up,it was boring…I don't wanna talk about her!"Mathew said as he shoved his hands into his suit pants pocket,he didn't even plan on wearing black but had to and it was the same one from the party last night that he had on,he was grateful it wasn't smelling,"So how are you holding up, you sure you're good?!"Mathew asked Dominco as they began to walk around in the field,"Yeah,I mean we didn't get to spend a lot of time together but …I'm gonna regret this later but I miss him,all we ever did was bicker and try to prove who was stronger I wasn't expecting him to.. you know die!"Dominco said sighing in his last sentence, Mathews hands came out of his pocket and onto Dominco's shoulder,"I'm here for you,you know,I can help you relieve all your pain if you want!"Mathew said as Dominco stopped to look at him,"Relieve my pain how?!" Dominco asked curiously,"With my mouth,I'm skilled you know….oww!"Mathew shouted as Dominco's fist collided with
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The car ride how was uncomfortable,the car was covered in his pheromones,he was so horny that he couldn't help but release his frustration out in his pheromones,it was definitely going to be a while before he got home and he couldn't wait.Sighing he parked his car by the road side,he saw he wasn't getting home any time soon and couldn't keep adjusting and readjusting his already hard dick in the car,"Shit,how do I get horny everytime I think about you!"He said outloud to nobody but himself as he unziped his pants and took out his dick in his hands,memories of their past Loving kept flashing in his mind,the more he thought about them and tried to pick one to jerk off too he got angry,he was tired of using his hands to bring pleasure to himself."Fuck!!"Mathew shouted as he placed his head on the steering while gripping it hard, he was so angry that he knew he couldn't wait another second before he'd go grab Mae,since she was still around it was the best time to go get her before sh
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Just by the left corner of the club where he sat he watched her,he didn't even bother to pay attention to the other people in the club,'she was beautiful' he said, swallowing he called onto a passing waitress asking her for a glass of their strongest gin, smiling the girl left to get the drink.Mathew wasn't even bothered with the stares he got from hungry females as his eyes never left Mae for one second,his attention was on her that at a point he forgot to breathe, almost chocking on the drink that was handed to him by the waiter he tapped his chest a couple of times before he regained himself,he didn't want to focus too much on her to avoid his pheromones from slipping out,he definitely wasn't ready to attract more unnecessary attention.After few more sips from his drink Mathew decided to finally approach her, after watching her drink and laugh with the bartender he couldn't take it anymore,he was thrilled and excited that he was going to be finally meeting her,he wondered the kin
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"Mmn..mmn…wait! Stop!"Mae said trying to push Mathew away from her but instead he grabbed her hands and pulled her closer that there was not enough room for her to even breathe well,"No! I will not stop Mae! I'm not going anywhere and neither are you,in fact you're coming with me….all I planned was to just come see you for a few seconds and head back home,but when I saw how happy you were without me I just couldn't accept that,so yes you are coming with me,and if you try to put up a fight or protest Mae I swear I'm going to kill any one that tries to come save you from me!,you are mine and you can't get away from me,I need you to start accepting that! do not let me drag you out of here just come with me …please!"Mae shivered the whole time Mathew was speaking but not out of fear, surprisingly she shivered because she was excited,she was turned on more than ever,she knew she wasn't supposed to go with him but right now she wasn't thinking rationally she was not thinking with he
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Mae knew she was going to get caught but that made her excited, her nipples had hardened and she was leaking pheromones,'This backfired real quick' Mathew thought in his mind as the car was slowly getting filled with Mae's pheromones,"Hey buddy…….ooooooh pretty,how about when she's done sucking yours she…."Before the man could finish up his sentence Mathew was in his face,"Woah buddy it's the damned pheromones,I couldn't think straight for a second! I'm sorry!"The man pleaded as Mathew let go of his shirt with a shove from the window and sat down back on the seat,"Just one night I've had you back with me. I'm ready to kill everybody Mae, everybody!! And that includes you if you ever try to run from me again!"Mathew said to Mae as he zipped up his fly and drove out of the gas station,Mae was seated on her seat shaking,her eyes were filled with tears,her excitement died when Mathew shoved her to grab the man's shirt through the window,she still didn't understand how he did it so
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"Hi Linda,this is…""Mae I presume?!" Linda said finishing off Mathews sentence which shocked him,"How did"Mathew asked, confusion written all over his face,"One time I went to get you,you kept calling her name in your sleep,and Since you have never brought in a girl here before I assumed she was Mae….. nice to finally meet you,I'm Linda his …housekeeper!"Linda said stretching her hand for a shake,"The pleasure is all mine"Mae said taking her hand and using her time to observe linda,she was a very fine lady,tall and didn't look a bit elderly,she was dressed sharply as well,and not a hair on her head was out of place,she didn't so much look like a caretaker,suddenly feeling a ping of jealousy,Mae withdrew her hand,and cleaned it on her dress gown which of course Linda and Mathew noticed,but Linda shrugged it off with a smile,"I should let you know that I am fifty two years old and I have my mate,he works here too. Maybe I should let him know you are around!"Linda said
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Mae did realize how foolish that sounded,giving Mathew a light tap on his back she walked away from him following the alignment of flowers on the wall.his living room had no shade of color,it was plain and somehow it fit the aura in the house, stopping in front of a pot of flower she took crouching position to look and admire its beauty,it had colors like lilac and grey,she had never seen or heard if such weird color mix and it was surprisingly beautiful,still admiring the flower Mathew regained himself and joined her where she was bending down,he didn't take the position with her instead he rested his back against the wall as he watched her watch the flower."You know the day I saw that pot on the streets,I thought to myself why is it to similar to someone in my life, beautiful but strange and weirdly captivating,I went home without buying it that day only to get home and dream about it,you know what I did the next day?!"Mathew asked Mae,as she got up on her feet fo stare at him,"I
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Mae's mouth hunged open as soon as the lights came on, Mathew was naked and he was hard, seeing him naked and hard shouldn't surprise her seeing as they've fucked multiple times,but he was different,he had tattoos on his body,his sleeves and neck,his dick was definitely bigger and he had a piercing,the thought of the piercing made heat pool between her leg, without even realizing it she touched it,"It's beautiful!"She said unintentionally before slapping a hand to her mouth,"i ..I mean uh why?"She said trying to change the fact that she called his dick beautiful,"Well I am glad you think it's beautiful,and don't be ashamed to compliment my body,it's yours Mae….and the reason why I got it,that you'd know soon" Mathew said with a chuckle,"But I didn't feel it while I was sucking you in the car earlier" Mae asked confused."You sure you didn't,or you were just engrossed in the fact that you were sucking my dick and I was going to get gas,that excitement of being caught might have pr
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