

The car ride how was uncomfortable,the car was covered in his pheromones,he was so horny that he couldn't help but release his frustration out in his pheromones,it was definitely going to be a while before he got home and he couldn't wait.

Sighing he parked his car by the road side,he saw he wasn't getting home any time soon and couldn't keep adjusting and readjusting his already hard dick in the car,

"Shit,how do I get horny everytime I think about you!"

He said outloud to nobody but himself as he unziped his pants and took out his dick in his hands,memories of their past Loving kept flashing in his mind,the more he thought about them and tried to pick one to jerk off too he got angry,he was tired of using his hands to bring pleasure to himself.


Mathew shouted as he placed his head on the steering while gripping it hard, he was so angry that he knew he couldn't wait another second before he'd go grab Mae,since she was still around it was the best time to go get her before she'd go somewhere far again, sighing he opened the windows of his car to let air in and get rid of the pheromones, zipping back his pants he struggled to get his dick down he knew it was going to take some time so he decided to just relax for a while he didn't know when he drifted off.

"Hey Matt,come look at this,I can't believe they still sell things like this in New York!"

Mae shouted for Mathew as she bent down infront of a glass window looking into the shop that sold tape recorders,

"What's that?"

Mathew asked wrapping his arms around her waist as he bent down to look through the window like she was doing,

"Oh yeah that,they Still do,wanna go in and see it properly?"

Mathew asked her, smiling Mae nodded, grinning Mathew grabbed her hands and pushed the door to the shop open,

"Hi,uhh my girl will like to….."

Mathews words drifted off when he turned back to show the shop man his girl and saw that Mae wasn't there turning back to face him he saw the man laughing at him loudly that the shop began to spin,


He shouted and woke up abruptly from his dream,sweat covering his face as he was shaken up,this was the first time he's ever dreamt something like this and it was scary,he needed to see her,even if he wouldn't approach her new needed to see her, starting back his engine he drove off the road and headed home.

"Hello sir would you like to have dinner? it's ready!"

His maid Linda said as she met him in front of the door,

"Hey Linda sorry uhh later, right now I'm going out"

Mathew said giving her a light pat on the back as he walked towards his room.

His house was built far away from the community, before you get to the road you'd have to drive for a long time,he built his house with Mae in mind,he made sure there was no way for her to leave or ever run from him.

Mathews plan was to take over his father's company and handle his own on the sides but he knew for him to acquire the kind of standards that he thought was enough for Mae he had to be his own person and like Dominco he carried his little tech company high, so high that it was the first technical company anybody could think of before any other company,he was glad he had acquired all he needed,in the space of three years since Mae left, he acquired all and he was shocked,he shocked his parents too but it didn't surprise Dominco because he understood his actions clearly.

As Mathew opened the door to his room he rushed for his pad, turning it on he saw that she was at a club they visited regularly when they were together, smiling he touched the screen before turning it off and hurriedly changed his clothes.

Mathew was sure everyone around him would think he was nuts if they realized how obsessed he was with Mae,well his mom already knew how obsessed he was but she didn't know his plans and it was okay that his mom thought it was the regular innocent alpha obsession,he knew it was more than that, staring at himself in the mirror he buttoned his suit jacket,when he was satisfied with the person he was seeing in the mirror he turned and left,till date Mathew didn't understand how he was able to look calm on the outside when he was a mess on the inside, getting back in into his car he drove out of his compound, gripping the steering harder than he normally did his hunger for Mae intensified as he put more pressure on the acceleration and drove faster he couldn't wait,he couldn't wait at all to see her,

He just wanted to see her that was all!' he kept telling himself as he got nearer to the club,his palms were sweating and he kept tapping his feet on the ground as he grew more impatient.

From where he sat in his car Mathew stared at the signboard that said the name of the club, WHISKEYNEAT CLUB, he had always found the name weird for a club but it was the weird name that attracted him to the club and it soon became his favorite spot,he never brought a girl home from this club neither did he take one there,he never told Dominco about the club either but Mae,she had been an exception the moment she agreed to go out with him he didn't hesitate to bring her here,and she was in there five walks away from him, taking a deep breath he opened the door,closed it and adjusted his suit before walking to the front of the club,there was no queue today so he just walked in and went straight to the back of the club where he knew was a Blindspot for people but he could see everyone, taking a seat it didn't take him long to spot her.


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