Semua Bab My Best Friend : He's the one I have: Bab 31 - Bab 40
140 Bab
> * You can't wait until life isn't hard anymore before you choose to be happy. You can choose to be happy despite all the challenges you are facing. * **** * Happy 30 chapters! * ------- Joseph. ------ I'd never thought a day would come where I'd watch an open competition between my ex best friend and my girlfriend. I was quite impressed at their performances in the first two rounds, but when it got to the last one, Vera left me a bit disappointed. Apparently, she didn't know the answer to the question she was asked, which was surprising as the question was a bit easier than the previous ones. At that point, I'd thought Mira would use the chance to strike back at her, but she did. Rather her lips were pursed as understanding filled her eyes. I'd always known Miranda to be understanding and empathetic, but never would I have thought she’ll feel that towards Vera too. At that point, I realized that though I'd always claimed to know, Miranda. I still don't know her w
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Thirty one
> * Luck : When one's preparation meets with an unexpected opportunity. * **** ------- Mira. ------ Though I was pretty good at economics, I'd never expected to win the competition. Firstly, because I wasn't a fan of competitions and secondly, my competitors were supposedly more brilliant than me. So I hadn't been expecting to turn out the best. Vera not being able to answer her final question was surprising yet not so surprising. The former because she was one of the school's best students and the latter because she was a science student and economics isn't one of her major subjects. “Aw, Congratulations, Mira! ” Evie wrapped me up in a tight embrace as soon as I returned back to my seat. I had admired her enthusiasm, her accommodative nature and optimism. Though it's only been three days since we've known each other, I know that she's filled with those three qualities that I greatly desire. Either way, I figured I could actually have those if I really wanted. After
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Thirty two
> * Pain is temporary, greatness lasts forever. * *** ------ Joseph. ------- Vera and I strode towards the school canteen, hand in hand as we've always done. Being among the first arrivers, we were able to seat at our favorite spot by the window. We sat down at our designated spot after ordering. All the while, I noticed that Vera wasn't happy and I couldn't help but wonder why. Was it about the competition? But Vera wouldn't be so petty, or would she? “ Are you okay? ” I held her hands, forcing her to make eye contact with me. “ I am. ” she said, though her eyes said the exact opposite. “ You are not. ” I removed her fringe from her eye. “ Tell me what's wrong. “ “ I feel lost. ” she turned her eyes away from me, but I held her chin and brought her gaze towards me. “ I feel like I've disappointed you and everyone by my performance earlier. ” Her words came out slowly. “ But you didn't. ” “ Really? ” “ You didn't get all the questions right, but you still got two
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Thirty three
> * We don't always get what we want out of life. We have to fight for what we truly and really want. * ------ Mira. ------- Evelyn and I were having our lunch peacefully, until the red haired girl appeared in front of us all of a sudden. Her two friends were with her. I was confused, wondering why they were here. But then her next words confirmed my doubt. “ You are Mira, aren't you? The bitch who betrayed her best friend! ” Her words were filled with venom. I kept quiet, not letting myself get hurt by her words. After all, talking to a fool will only make me a greater fool, won't it? “ And you. ” She turned sharply to Evelyn who was looking as perplexed as I was. “ You must be happy, aren't you? You've finally found a bitch and now? You both are going to become a family of bitches. ” “ What do you want, Tiffany? ” Evelyn's words were sharp and serious. Must I say, this was the first time I'm seeing her being so serious. “ What do I want? ” Tiffany repeated sarcastic
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Thirty four
> * There's no one else in creation like you, there's no one like you. Nobody can do it like you. * **** ------ Mira. ------ “ What are we going to do about your shirt, Miranda? Lunch break will be over soon. ” Evie's words broke the silence and for a moment there, I wondered if I was actually the one in need or her. Her worry and concern touched my heart. It definitely wasn't something I was used to. I've only experienced being cared for and loved by Joseph and Nanny. No one else. “ I really don't know, Evie. ” “ I don't know either. I'm currently out of options. ” “ What if we —- ” My words were caught short at the sight of Vera Lynn. What is she doing here? I wondered. Evielyn and I exchanged looks of confusion and perplexity. Vera had no business with us, or does she? “ Look who we've got here. ” She walked in proudly. “ Best friends forever, they say, don't they? ” We simply stared at her dumbly. “ But does that really exist? Especially now that it's becom
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Thirty five
> * Be in the driver's seat of your own life because if you are not, life will drive you. — Oprah Winfrey. * -------- Joseph. ------ I'd always heard about the pain of heartbreak, but I have never really felt it before. I didn't want to believe what I was hearing. I definitely do not want to. I very much want to believe it's just a dream, one I'll soon snap out of. Just that, it isn't. This was reality, one that's too cruel and I can't deny. “ All I did was say a few lovey dovey words and he fell at my feet and now? He follows me around like a stray dog. Haven't you seen how he acts like a love sick fool around me? ” A stray dog and a lovesick fool? Is that all I really mean to her? Those words were like poison seeping into my bloodstream and polluting it. How could she say that about me when all I'd ever done is love and adore her? How? “ Who cares about love nowadays, anyways? It's all business, Bae. ” Her words caused the aching in my heart to intensify. I found it diff
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Thirty six
> * You've got to Realize that the most valuable thing you have is today. * **** ----- Mira. ----- I arrived at my class just in time for the literature class to commence. Literature is no doubt my most favorite subject. The class was interesting and insightful as always, it was a book review. The book we read was the secret history by Donna Tartt and a collection of poems by Hayao Miyazaki The interactive class was super fun and interesting. During the course of it, Eva stood up and asked one of the major questions on my mind, which was why the books we read in literature class are mostly ones written by oldies and not youngsters. James Washington, our literature teacher, had the best answer. And soon we dived into a discussion which lasted forever. I stayed back in class, while I awaited Evielyn's arrival after the closing bell rang. The latter had informed me that she'll be ten minutes late as they had some stuff to settle with their commerce teacher. “ Tsk, I ca
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Thirty seven
> * Make your life matter because one day it will be over. * **** -------- Joseph. ------- On my way back to the class, I made up my mind to act normal so Vera wouldn't suspect anything. The last thing I wanted was for her to suspect I'd eavesdropped on their conversation. But as they say, it's super easy to plan, but hard to act out. At least, I succeeded in not acting violently when I saw her in class. I walked to my seat which was obviously next to her as we were seat mates. At that point, I hated that very fact. “ Hey. ” She'd got that beautiful smile clad on her face as always. I would have fallen for it and thought of myself as lucky an hour ago, but not now. Especially not now. My heart didn't skip a beat as usual which was definitely a good sign. The last thing I wanted was for my heart to start making excuses for her. Rather, I felt disgusted by her. How could one be so good at pretending? “ Hi. ” I replied, taking my eyes off her. She didn't seem to notice my
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Thirty eight
> * To live is the rarest thing in the world, because most people exist and that's all. * **** ------- Mira. -------- I arrived at Jose's home, earlier than usual. I entered the living room and met Nanny sitting on the couch in deep thoughts. “ Nanny. ” I called out to her and almost immediately she raised up her head and stared at me. “ You are here, Hon. ” She arose and smiled at me. “ Yes, Nanny. ” I advanced towards her, “ Don’t worry, Na. Jose will be fine. He'll be turning twenty soon, remember? ” “ I know, Hon. But I can't help it. ” Her words reminded me of why she was so lost and worried. Following his parent's divorce, Jose had fallen into depression which took him almost four years to finally come out of. During those four years, he'd been going from therapist to therapist, unable to attend classes due to his mental state. I could relate to that delay, as I too was unable to go to school for almost two years following my parents demise. My uncle h
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Thirty nine
> * Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. * **** ----- Joseph. ----- The first thing I took note of on regaining consciousness was the heavy weight on my chest. My eyes opened up slowly and I was stunned at what it was. Mira was half hugging me in her sleep with her head on my chest. The closeness was weirdly unfamiliar. Though we've cuddled a number of times over the past five years of our friendship, it still felt different after the three weeks separation. How did we get here? I wondered. “ Jose. ” I recalled her calling out to me, and holding me in her arms while I broke down in her embrace. I remember how comfortable and sweet her embrace was, so comfy and addicting that I was lured to sleep. But what was she doing here in the first instance? Shouldn't she be at the orphanage or something? In my heart, I knew she'd come here for me. But I don't deserve that, do I? After all I'd done. Isn't it funny how those we push away are those who ar
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