All Chapters of My Best Friend : He's the one I have: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
140 Chapters
> * If you live each day as if it were your last, then one day you most certainly will be right. * *** —Joseph — I arrived at the canteen in no time and found it crowded as usual - it was filled up with my school mates; chatting, gisting, laughing and eating. I covered my hair and half of my face with a hoodie, trying hard to go on unnoticed but failed. “ Isn't that Joseph Winfrey? ” I heard a girl say and all eyes Immediately turned on me. “ Yes, it's him. ” “ What do you think he's doing here? ” “ What do you think? ” “ Haven't you seen how depressed Vera Lynn had been ever since he was suspended. ” “ Oh… I wouldn't be surprised if he came here to see her. ” “ What do you expect? ” Ignoring the chatters around me, I walked into the canteen in search of Vera and soon found her at our usual spot. Vera Lynn, she lived up to the beauty of her name as she's an epitome of beauty. With straight brownish black long hair, well blossomed pink lips
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>* You gotta find what you love. *****----- Joseph ------Vera was dressed in the school's uniform; light purple shirt, dark purple flay skirt, white pop socks and black flat shoes. Her long hair covered half of her face as she scrolled through her phone with her well manicured fingers. She didn't notice my presence even when I stood right beside her. “ Hey Babe. ” She looked up immediately, I didn't miss the beautiful smile that made its way to her lips the moment she saw me. “ Hey, Joe… ” She stood up and crashed into my embrace, hugging me tightly. “ I've missed you a lot. "Her words made my heart swell with wonder and pride. “ Me too. ” I replied, patting her hair.We remained in that position for minutes in silence until she spoke up, “ I've missed your presence greatly. ” I sighed, breaking the hug. “ Let's have a seat. ” I pulled her towards the chair and we both took a seat side by side. “ Have you ordered? ”“ Not yet, I was waiting for you. ” she said w
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> * If dreams were easy, everyone would make it happen. * *** ------ Mira ------ Saturday, I headed to the restaurant earlier than usual today, since I now have less commitments. The sky was clear and beautiful. I'd always loved staring up at the sky as a child. An almost forgotten memory from my childhood flashed in my mind. I was 4 years old and popularly known as the Daddy's girl. It was on my birthday and we had a picnic at the beach. Though old enough to move around, I stay clung to my Dad like a koala. “ Dad, what are those little shiny things in the sky? ” “ They are called stars, Ira. ” “ What are stars? ” “ They are huge, glowing balls of gasses and each one of them is bigger than the earth. ” “ Really, Dad? ” “ Yes, Ira and you know what? ” “ What's it, Dad? ” “ There are about 200 billion trillion stars in the universe and God knows them all by name. ” “ Wow. ” I remembered the companionable silence that had reigned between us, before I spoke u
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> * There's power in momentum. * **** ------ Mira ------ I rolled on my bed for the time being, not able to sleep despite being exhausted. Though it's been several hours since Felicia and I spoke, I couldn't stop pondering on her plan. Though it appeared perfect and flawless from a stranger's point of view, when I looked at it from a close range, I could see the many flaws in it. She'd asked me to appear defeated and deflated, as this way, Vera and her friends will be able to relent thinking they've won. Then, I'll use that opportunity to penetrate into their circle and sow discord among them. It seemed very simple and concise, but is it really? Definitely not. First because Vera isn't just a beauty, but a very intelligent, smart and cunning one, her friends were also the same. So why wouldn't they suspect if I started being friendly and docile towards them? They definitely aren't stupid. Because if they were, they wouldn't have succeeded in capturing the hea
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> * Everytime you lose at something, you are one step closer to winning the next time. * **** ----- Joseph ------ I'd always been an expert at decision making. “ Don't think of the odds, just follow your Intuition. ” Has been my mantra. But now? I'm faced with a tough decision which requires me not to only follow my intuition, but also my heart as this concerns two ladies in my life. One is my best friend of over five years and the second is the love of my life, Vera Lynn. I've seen a lot of guys have both a best friend and a girlfriend and succeeded in maintaining a balance. But why is mine so different? Couldn't Mira have simply been happy with my relationship with Vera and not tried to split us apart? If she had, then I wouldn't be stuck between two mountains. “ We'll always be together right, Jose? ” The image of fourteen year old Miranda flashed in my eyes. It was May 3rd, on my sixteenth birthday and we'd sat in the living room consuming the remnants of th
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> * Don't just dream. Dream big. * **** Flash back ( 1 ) “ I'm feeling dizzy, Jose! ” Thirteen year old Mira complained, as she ran ahead with her best friend trailing right behind her trying to catch up with her. “ Stop chasing after me. ” She pleaded, increasing her pace as her plea fell on deaf ears. She ran till she was out of the house and collapsed on the ground, Joseph caught up with her and laid right beside her on the slightly damp grass. They laid there for several minutes in silence, simply staring at the clouds. “ The sky is beautiful today, Jose. ” “ It's always beautiful, Miranda. ” His sullen voice was heard beside her. “ Maybe, but I don't see the beauty of it on most days. ” “ Yeah, but the fact remains that it's always beautiful. ” He paused, “ It's just like life, you know. It's said that it's 10 percent of what happens to us and 90 percent how we react to it. There are good and bad days, we simply have to learn to maintain a balance be
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>* Treasure every moment. *****Flash back ( 2 )The duo had just finished doing the dishes and were about heading out to the public library to study for their upcoming exams when Nanny's voice rang from behind them. “ Let's watch a movie tonight, what do you guys say? ”Mira was the first to react, “ Like a movie night? ” She'd always been a huge fan of movies and never let any chance to view a good one slide. “ Yup. ”“ I'd love that. ” she grinned widely, staring at her Bestie. “ What do you say, Jose? ”Seeing the joy brimming in her orbs, Joseph couldn't bring himself to say no, “ It's a good idea. ”“ Cool, so be prepared. We are going to be having a movie night by 7pm. ” Nanny said as she headed to her room.“ Okay, Na. ”The duo biked to the public library which was a twenty minute ride, from the house. The library was almost filled up, despite it just being eight in the morning on a weekend. It really seemed like there were others who were super excited to read as t
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> * Make every second of your life count. * *** Flash back ( 3 ) Two years later, “ Jose, do you understand the concept behind, matrix? ” Mira inquired during their now usual late night study. They were both seated in front of the study table, side by side. “ I do. Do you need any help with it? ” He said, turning to face her. “ I do. We were taught earlier by Mrs Crawford, but I wasn't able to catch up with her explanations at some point. ” she said. “ Makes me wonder what you were thinking about. ” He said mischievously. “ That's none of your business. ” Even as she said that, a faint blush made its way to her cheeks. “ Oh wow, my Bestie has caught feelings for someone. ” he stood up and crouched in front of her. “ So tell me, who's he? ” “ Well… ” Though she was fifteen years old, Miranda still found it a bit weird talking to someone about her feelings. “ I'm waiting. ” he made a face, causing her to chuckle. “ It's Fredrick Everest. ” she replied at long
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> * Do the right thing even when nobody knows you are doing the right thing. ---- Oprah Winfrey. * **** ------- Mira ------- The ache in my heart grew as the memories swirled in my head and soon my eyes welled up with hot tears. The memories were just so many. Movie nights, book hauls, going hiking, picnics, beach parties, etc. Jose was a big part of my pre teen and teenage years, he holds a big part of my life and memories. He was my backbone, my confidant, my best friend. He was everything I could ever dream of. My life started making sense when I met Jose. And now? Breaking up hurts. And it especially sucks when you are required to let go of someone you love and care about so much. Someone who'd always been there for you. Someone who had filled up those empty spaces of your heart. Someone you've always believed you'll be together forever. It hurts so much that nothing could be compared to it. Why does life have to be so cruel to me? Why do I always
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> * For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This law is so true in our life's. — Oprah Winfrey * **** ------ Mira ----- Monday. I resume back to school today and if one thing, it's not been something I've been looking forward to. I love school, yeah. But it's a different thing when I have to resume back to school after a long week suspension, especially when my Best friend or should I say, ex?was suspended for two weeks, meaning? I'll have to face the entire school on my own for the next one week. The truth is, I'd never get used to this, any of this and I admit, the mere thought of it sucks. I know I'm not meant to feel guilty since I'm practically innocent, but knowing how much Jose loves school and now is forced to stay absent from it for two whole weeks makes me feel guilty. It would have been easier for me to prove my innocence if the situation had been different, and by different I mean, if Jose had trusted me more. But there's definitely
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