Semua Bab Aliara: The Kingdom: Bab 1 - Bab 10
155 Bab
Chapter 1
I WAS walking smoothly while observing creatures that walk through the path ahead me, here in the biggest market in Farianio where I see many of them scattered because this place is on demand. This kingdom is known by their trade business so it is nothing new to me.Coming from the twelve kingdoms of Exo Losairos, Farianio is the second biggest among all of them. That is why life abundancy has always been observed, and that is also why I am here frequently. It only means that creatures with money will flock here so as their fortune.I reached for the hood of my cloak and gently brush my hair for the gentleman that is eyeing me, looks like a golden-spooned folk for his elegant clothes, one that belongs to the noble blood line. I gave him a soft glance and smiled a little that makes his eyes twinkle.He was leading the way across me so I weakly bumped with him intentionally."My apologies, Sir," I said while faking my shock and smile timidly to prove my sin
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Chapter 2
"YOU will not do any of my acts earlier," I said pertaining to the thievery that I did and she automatically agreed, all eyes on me. I just smiled and throw the seeds of the apple that I was eating earlier. "To what do I call you for, Kid?" "I am Adriana and this is my sister, Kera," she said as an introductory for her and her sister whose still glued to her body, still shaking. I tried reaching out to her by flashing my smile but it only make her hide himself harder than before. "It is her! She is right there! The one who stole my belongings! I am very sure!" desperate shouts from a man not far away from where we were. Must be the owner of the purse that I stole. But I was mistaken when I looked at them. It was another man with two guards following him. "Bad luck. Tsk!" I clucked my tongue as I use the hood of my cloak to cover my face as they were charging at my direction. Many of them are looking at me now. I need to get out of here as fast
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Chapter 3
"SETTLE down now, we are rushing forward on my mark," I said as a finality on my plan tonight. They silently nod and go forth as they reside to their designated places.I instantly arrived at the higher place we were on using my ultimate speed, one plateau where I got the view of the whole forest. From the darkness of the night, I saw some glimpse of fire lit torches in the distance approaching where we were, the ambush area.They are taking the roads to the auction hall but we are never letting them pass. My eyes sharpened instantly as it landed on him as he closed in on where I stand. The people of the grasses, Verdantes. Men with bulky bodies that can crush a skull with just one hand. They have inverted horns on their head and an unnatural strength like me but they were never my kind. They reside at the northern part of this kingdom, the Farianio.They have torches to give light on the dark pathway ahead of them, led by their chief, Dardo. In the end of the m
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Chapter 4
"THE next time I hear you going after those women in Kozania, you will have your horns removed," I threatened him. I know that it is an insult and shame on their kind to have their horns removed and I would never hold back again once he angers me and repeats his wrongdoings. The next time we meet, will also be the last.  I stood and got back to my comrades but his words stopped me. "You think I'm gonna follow what you're blabbering out here? I will capture who I wanna capture because they are weak and have no leader to protect them. Like your kind." I frowned at what he said. Once again, I come to where he is now standing, still struggling because of the injuries I gave him. "Me. I will be the one who will save every citizen of Kozania. Those who perish on your hands, a disgusting man like you," I said in gritted teeth and gave him a hard blow of a punch in the face that made him unconscious. He fell to the ground.  I sighed. A long
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Chapter 5
"THANK YOU. You really do not have to," I told them, patting their heads while I received their flowers with glee. I nodded as a bid of farewell when Hurisa held my shoulders. "That was nothing big compared to what you do for us, Miss. If not for you, all of us may have been suffering up until now just to have little food to survive on a daily basis." The oldest of the children aged eight as she spoke to me and I wondered a bit because she did not speak that way when I last saw her."You are too young to speak of something like that. You were supposed to just play and enjoy life. Do not think of anything that is not of your concern," I said with a smile on my lips. They just nodded as if they understood what I just said."That is just fine, I guess. Let them be aware of the things that are happening around them," Adrina said, springing like a wild sprout beside me. I wanted to hit her in the head because of what she uttered but I just glared at her hoping
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Chapter 6
INSTEAD OF continuing the battle between me and Matias, I shifted my attention to Adrina and to her remarks."And why are you observing us, by the way? Did I not tell you off to just play with children like you?" I said as I slid my sword to its shaft.She shifted her gaze to the children playing not far from us and mockingly looked back at me. "Did I not tell you too that I am too old to play with those kids?" she said sarcastically.My forehead knotted on what she said, stopping myself from getting irritated at her attitude. "Tell me, who is older than the two of us? You should listen to me, who is older than you, as a matter of fact.""Age is the only superior thing you have on me, Aliara," she said with weight, not really giving up the game.That made my forehead knot more. "And what do you mean by that?""I want to train too. I want to be able to fight like you," she said with finality in her voice that shook me."Why do you want
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Chapter 7
I SHIFTED my gaze towards the falls, "Yes."I started walking back to our hideout but stopped because he suddenly held my arm."You are the reason why I went all the way here, actually. I saw your pet, asked and he pointed out that you are here so I went uninvited," he said in a serious voice while his eyes are all on me. I do not want to believe him because Vivi denied his claim but my forehead formed a knot, wondering."And why do you want to see me, Mister?" I stopped when I realized why. "Are you still chasing me for picking a deep pocket I did a while back?" I asked in amazement.His face turned more serious, removing his hold on my arm. "I did not come here for that offense but for the crime you did to me, Miss," he said emphatically.My eyes narrowed at his words. "I do not remember doing anything wrong with you, Mister."This immediately planted a grin on his handsome face, seems to remember something I have no idea what is. "Then le
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Chapter 8
"WHAT DID you just say? Your dear mister? Do you adore him more than me now, Vivi?" I said with much anger laced on my voice. Is that why he did not want to get away from his arms earlier? "I love you more! I love you more!" His gaze shifted from one place to another, not sure what his next move was. To stay on my shoulder or to go away. "Why call him your dear tister, then?" I asked, my frown grew bigger when I was answered with silence. "If you love him more than me, go ahead and go to him. To your fool of a mister. I do not give a damn!" I said as I dismissed him on my shoulder signaling for him to go. I rolled my eyes when he flew away and got lost from my sight. He did not even say a word. The audacity of that bird. "If you really go to him, I will make sure to tangle up your bones altogether. Hmmp!" I irritantly said while I slipped the pouch back to where I hid it and walked back to the hideout. "You were gone longer than you ever did, I t
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Chapter 9
"ADRINA," I called as I walked near them to catch her attention that she immediately gave to me. "Rest for now, Hamil," I said facing Hamil. He gave me a nod and went to the other who was training.I gave Adrina the cup of water I was holding."Thank you, Miss," she gratefully said. I just looked at her while she drank the water I gave in one go. "Let us reschedule going to the market for tomorrow. You have been busy all day and I know that you are tired from all that training.""Good to know that, it was almost evening. The sun is setting at any moment now," she muttered under her labored breath after gulping the water. I just nodded at her and got the cup."Do not push yourself in training too hard, it will take a long time before you learn the things you have to," I said to her and she gave me a frown in return."But it was exactly eighteen days before the next full moon, the night of your attack," she uttered. Now, it was my t
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Chapter 10
LATER ON, they stare at each other and laugh ever so loudly. Seeming to know the answer they wanted to know just seconds ago, two of them gathered around me. "I wonder what it is that made your face as red as ripe tomatoes, Miss?" said one of them. She was talking to them but felt like that one question was for me, teasing. "Indeed. Perhaps what happened between the two of them was a beautiful thing," said the other one.  "Maybe his lips and hers met." "Or maybe more." My forehead creased, not liking where the conversation was going. "No! It was just a kiss, mermaids," I defended but quickly covered my own mouth. I spilled too much. Because of what I did, they eyed each other again and laughed harder  than they did earlier, almost choking. I just frown at what they are doing. I am beyond annoyed by these mermaids, they did not deserve the name. It should be sirens. Sirens are evil according to the myths. It sounded better. Sh
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