
Chapter 3

"SETTLE down now, we are rushing forward on my mark," I said as a finality on my plan tonight. They silently nod and go forth as they reside to their designated places.

I instantly arrived at the higher place we were on using my ultimate speed, one plateau where I got the view of the whole forest. From the darkness of the night, I saw some glimpse of fire lit torches in the distance approaching where we were, the ambush area.

They are taking the roads to the auction hall but we are never letting them pass. My eyes sharpened instantly as it landed on him as he closed in on where I stand. The people of the grasses, Verdantes. Men with bulky bodies that can crush a skull with just one hand. They have inverted horns on their head and an unnatural strength like me but they were never my kind. They reside at the northern part of this kingdom, the Farianio.

They have torches to give light on the dark pathway ahead of them, led by their chief, Dardo. In the end of the march lies a big cage that is made of pure timber but strongly made pulled by two horses. It carries more than five women and some of them are from our kingdom, Kozania.

Here we stand at the west side of Farianio to save those women that they caged. They were meant to be sold at the auction they were headed. Where filthy and scum men await them. They are supposed to be auctioned to a bar that is managed by one of the most rich and influential here in this kingdom.

The Verdantes easily captured the women for their incomparable strength but they only oppressed those who are lower than them. The poor and the weak, those who cannot defend themselves. The ones from the fallen kingdom, the outcasts.

The women in the cage are tied with special chains made for criminals that prohibits them from using their powers. Verdantes are the ones who made those chains that is why they have unlimited sources for that. They are also known for their blacksmith skills, making weapons that they sell but that is not enough for them so they end up selling women. They are that greedy.

"Vivi," I said as I saw him flying up to me and settled on my shoulder.

"The women! The enemies!" he said with his high-pitched voice while slightly flapping his wings. I pat his head and gently flick the little armor I made for him.

I shifted my attention to the approaching Verdantes and aimed my arrow in the air. When they arrived at the right position, I released my arrow and ended up on Dardo's foot, which made him hysterical. He was shouting too loud that disturbed the birds nearby. They all flock away from the scene.

It is the sign my comrades were waiting for before attacking. They all rush forward to the Verdantes who were alerted by the happenings. There were seven in total but I have ten men, including me, who could fight well. The probability of winning is higher on our side so I need not to worry about this mission failing.

"Vivi," I said and he instantly got what I wanted to say. I cannot let him stay on my shoulder because I am too fast. When he left my shoulder and fled, I went to Dardo right away. I saw him lying on the ground, grunting, almost crying out of pain. His foot seems severe, I am very proud.

"It's you again?!" he said in gritted teeth as he saw me walking towards him. I let down my hood and sneered at him.

"Are you not yet used to it, Dardo? As long as you run this filthy business of yours capturing women from our kingdom and selling them to those scum, we will cross paths like fate. I will never let you go and you will always see me," I said in an exasperated breath.

"Oh! And aren't you used to us doing this, Miss? Why don't you just shut it and let these girls get freedom from poverty and get a chance at life? A life they won't get in that fallen kingdom," he uttered as he blindly removed the arrow on his foot and got his sword at once.

"Comfort?" I said, barely controlling the emotion piling up my chest, as I dodge his attacks. "You call that comfort? Being a slave to those you call customers. Those nobles are killing them!" Getting my sword onto its hilt, we start to duel.

"And what can you do to those women after giving them freedom? Back to the slums with only hunger in their stomach and desperation in their eyes?" sarcastically, he said. "You're gonna take them back to that failing kingdom with no source of life? Is that what you want?" he said with full hatred as if he sympathized with them.

It sparked my anger in an instant on his provocations. I never wanted to hear what he got to say next.

It was hard brawling with him because we were equal in strength, but I am at an advantage because of my agility. In no time, I got to have the key that is necklaced to him. I was eyeing that for a while now.

"Matias!" He was in the middle of a fight with someone when I called. He hurriedly finish his enemy with a single blow and attended to my call. I threw him the key for the cage, he nodded and immediately ran where the abducted women were.

I was at a loss when I got back my attention to Dardo because he is not there anymore. I scanned the area and saw him escaping out in the woods.

I grinned while shaking my head, when will he ever learn? He knew about my speed but he still got the courage to run from me. What a fool.

Using my speed, I instantly get to where he is. I smiled at him and kicked him with full strength causing him to stumble and fall upon the ground.

"Bastard, are your muscles and strength an accessory? You are really a coward," I told him. Provoking the hell out of his wits. It made his anger boil that it was visible in his ugly face. He hastily got up and attacked me.

We brawled again for the second time and again, he fell because this time, I was sure he was losing his strength because of the damage he had taken on our earlier fight. Maybe he can never really fight me for a longer time.

"Curses on you, Miss! I'll make sure to kill you in time!" he said with hatred evident in his voice. He cannot even stand because of his injuries yet he is threatening my life.

I sat afront him and quickly dodge as he thinks I am hitting him again.

"You are weak, Dardo. Never in your life will you ever defeat me," I muttered to him and got my hands away from his face to get his bag of money in his waist.

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