
Chapter 2

I see myself on a stretcher being wheeled into the hospital building in a rush, by now the pounding in my belly has tripled and I roll over in pain tirelessly. A strong hold comes over me forcing me still. Cameron stares down at me worried, I am shocked that he trailed along. 

A doctor appears shortly, he tells Cameron to step back which does. The man observes me for a while and yells, "Katherine, Felicia! Meet me in the operating room in five." 

"What is it? Does she have some sort of strange illness or what." Gina walks into the scene.

"No, she is in labor." The doctor tells her.

The woman is beyond shocked to hear that and so am I, "you mean she's pregnant and about to give birth?" It seems too absurd to be true.

He nods his head, "is the father of the child present?"

"I don't know who-"

"I'm the father," Cameron steps forward, Gina freezes like one who has just seen a ghost. "What did you just say?" But Cameron's attention is focused on the doctor.

"Come with me." The doctor says to him, two nurses appear and pull me away with them leaving Gina standing alone. Soon we are in the operating room with Cameron by my side, they ask me to push and I do, not expecting anything to come out but much to my surprise something slimy slips out, the cries of a baby drowns the room.

I fall back on the bed exhausted but the pounding soon starts again, "there's another one." A nurse says, I have no more strength left to push but Cameron rubs my hand slowly and this seems to give me the power I need. After minutes of struggle another baby pops out, I collapse on the bed drenched in sweat breathing heavily like a fire dragon, when I woke up this morning I had no idea this would happen.

"You're awake." Cameron's voice fills my ears. He helps me sit up, my eyes roam around room and I say, "it wasn't a dream?" 

"No, you delivered two babies, they're both safe and sound. Do you want to see them?"

The door falls opens with a loud push, Gina saunters in angry and I brace myself, she pauses several steps away.

"How long have the both of you been screwing under my roof?"

Neither Cameron and I say a word.

"This is ridiculous! Couldn't you have found someone better? Now that she has your child are you going to marry her next?"

"You know that sounds like good idea." He says, causing her anger to further increase.

"This is the same woman that ate steak off the floor a few hours ago and what? You want to make her your wife? I dare you to try!"

"You're the one who made her do that mother, you should be ashamed of yourself."

I never thought a day would come when Cameron would speak up for me, it was refreshing to watch, I wanted him to keep going. Gina could not believe her ears, in the past Cameron never challenged her, everyone knew he was a mama's boy well things are about to change now.

"I will not accept her into my home as my daughter in law." She declared, I wasn't expecting her to anyway.

Cameron remained calm, "I'll just move out then."

Gina burst into a fake cry, "you're breaking my heart son what happened to you? You used to listen so well."

But he does not budge. "You're a grandma now, aren't you a little too old for this? Look at the babies, don't you find them cute?" He seemed like an entirely different person now, I stared in awe loving this new Cameron who could now stand up to his mother. 

A baby cries out, he immediately walks to the cart where they are lying, picks up the crying baby, "It's okay, daddy's here." He cooes. 

Gina is too stunned to say a word, she spins on her heel and leaves the room. As soon as she's gone the baby ceases crying.

"Here." He hands it to me and I stare at the tiny creature lovingly. 

"It's a girl and the second one is a boy, don't you think she looks just like me?" 

"No she looks more like me." I argue knowing he's right. 

Cameron took the baby from my hold and placed her in the cart, somehow I knew he was about to say something important. 

"Let's get married." He proposed 

No objections to that, "I would love to." I smiled sheepishly like goat.

"It will be a contract marriage." He says and my smile quickly falls once I hear that.

"What do you mean by contract marriage?" 

"I will give you a set of rules to follow and that is what will bind us together, the contract."

It suddenly clicked, tears formed in my eyes this was not what I was expecting. "You mean a loveless marriage?"

He doesn't deny it, "In return you will get paid in millions, what do you say?"

I want to scream in his face saying I don't need his money like most girls do in k-drama's but I pull myself together. Compared to how we were before, this was an upgrade.

"What are your terms?"

Cameron was pleased to hear this, he took a seat. "First, you will take care of my children as you may already know money is not a problem so if anything comes up let me know..."

"Secondly, you will keep my bed warm at night." 

I looked away embarrassed and he continued, "those are the things required of you as my wife. You will be a mother during the day and my personal pornstar at night. As for my personal life you are not allowed to intrude but you must remain transparent with me and keep no secrets should you leave the house you must let me know where you are headed and unless it's an emergency you must seek my permission first, these are just the basics I will have the contract prepared later and you will be asked to sign. Any questions?"

This is broad daylight slavery but he's the billionaire and I'm his mai

d so..

"No questions sir, let me know when the contract is ready so I can sign it."

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