Monsters From The Mist

Monsters From The Mist

Oleh:  Karo Black  On going
Bahasa: English
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Regina Murghan had always been treated like an anomaly among the witches. Compared to others, she had insignificant powers. On top of that, no one had any idea who her parents were. She had been abandoned on the doorsteps of Vivian, her loving guardian. All these made her subject to criticism for years until she left Witches Academy in Coven Community, where she stayed with Vivian, and transferred to Neutral Academy, a school for the three supernatural species that existed in Mistworld; Werewolves, Vampires, and Witches. Regina finally settled into a life of peace and meeting friends who genuinely cared about her, but unfortunately, things began to go awry when news of people being brutally killed began spreading. Not only that, strange things started happening to her after her sixteenth birthday, and secrets about her began unraveling. To top it all, two deliciously gorgeous alphas were fighting over her for the first time ever. But there was only one literally made for her. In order to protect those she had grown to love, MistWorld, and the human world above them, Regina had a lot of work cut out for her. Now, the question is, with her seeming lack of power, will she be able to overcome the monster from her past, whose motive was to bring the end of everything she knew and loved? Or she would fail, dooming her world, her loved ones and the human world?

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22 Bab
Chapter One.
Mornings were invariably my best part of the day even though I constantly had to remind myself about the exhausting classes I nevertheless had to go to whether I wanted to or not. In truth, I'd rather be found in a library than a classroom. In a library, I could read and learn without boring teachers droning on and on about boring histories or the bloody battles between races.I transferred from my old school to Neutral Academy much to the disappointment of Vivian, my guardian, who had wanted me to remain near her.There was no doubt whatsoever in my mind that Vivian loved me as if I was her child. She never missed my birthdays and never made me lack anything. She educated me on magic, even though I was an oddity in a community filled with witches. I could only pull little stunts like growing a bed of flowers, like the one I was currently laying on. I could also make little things appear, unlike other witches who could control an element or two, along with other magic such as summoni
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Chapter Two
After three different but surprisingly fascinating classes, well, except my first class, Boundaries, and Territories. It was finally time for lunch, I was famished. Shaking off the nervous feeling of entering a crowded room for the first time, I opened the cafeteria door. Unsurprisingly, no one else but Adalyn paid me any mind. She was currently waving at me from her seat by one of the cafeteria windows. A perfect spot for me. "How were your classes?" I asked her, taking a seat beside her."Boring for me." She responded, diving into her fried spicy elk meat. "I had interesting classes after my first one. Demons; Underworld Beasts and Monsters in MistWorld." I told her, waiting for a floating tray containing a plate of roasted mistdeers and milk, but nothing happened."Place your hands on the desk in front of you and think of what you want to eat. The tables are spelled to provide whatever we wish for." Adalyn said."Sweet. At W.A, a tray containing our lunch appears before us. I wa
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Chapter Three
"MistWorld was formed long ago by the three powerful entities, who discovered this planet that was filled with raw magic and magical creatures that had been formed from the magic. The raw magic is the fog that covers MistWorld. These entities chose this world for their creations; the vampires, witches, and werewolves.These three beings were Raoul, the Elder Vampire god, goddess Salene for the wolves, and goddess Zhyrie, the witch's goddess. They decided to go to sleep and allow their creations to take over. But though they are asleep, they could wake up in this century, or the next, no one knows." Miss Witchard narrated in a gentle voice, hypnotizing us. We all kept quiet as she narrated even though we had heard the history of MistWorld before.A hand shot up from the front of the class. A tall vampire with brown waist-length hair, pale skin, and small brown eyes that always looked half asleep."Yes, Moera? Speak dear?" Miss Witchard called in her soft, hypnotizing voice. She was al
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Chapter Four
"There was another dead person found last night in TMC. I also found out that his body was brutally torn. People are saying it's an act of war from one of the species against TMC. Probably someone who disagrees with the peace between the people there." Adalyn told me, looking around my room. She looked cheerful in her pink sleeveless top and white leggings."If this is truly an act of war against what TMC stands for, then how long would it be before this academy is also attacked?" I asked her rhetorically, leaning against the window frame, and looking out the window at the dark sky, splattered with tiny stars, and designed by two full moons.A nightdiver flew right past my window, followed by two more. They were bird-like creatures that were often seen diving in the air, although they possessed long pointed ears and sharp teeth. They were nocturnal creatures that fed on smaller animals like Mistrats."That was probably what my father's emergency call to Alix was about.""Is he back?"
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Chapter Five
I woke up in an empty room the next morning. Stretching and yawning, I stood from the bed, scratching the itch on my butt before walking to the bathroom I was supposed to share with a roommate who was still absent. I didn't know who she was, but I was certain that I had a roommate who would share the room with me. The extra bed in my room was a dead giveaway. The person's name would only appear on the door underneath my name when she arrived.After I finished relieving myself, I came out searching for any message Adalyn might have left behind, but after searching to no avail, I stopped and sighed. It was the weekend, which meant there were no classes till Monday. So I wondered where she had gone.The sound of a chirping bird made me turn towards the window where Milli was perched looking at me with her blue eyes. Yawning again, I fed the tiny bird.After two hours of not hearing from Adalyn, I decided to go in search of her. I took a quick shower and threw on a pair of white leggin
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Chapter Six
"Adalyn!" Alix whispered in worry, his wide eyes flying to me. As one we both began to run out of the room and out of the female hostel, along with other girls on the same floor who had heard the howls."What's going on?" I heard someone ask another but I didn't wait to hear a response. Alix ran into Adalyn's room calling her name, but her room was empty of her. "Where is she?" I asked him in worry."She was supposed to be here waiting for me to bring you over." He responded, his fingers combing through his hair. I didn't ask why, I didn't need to. I guessed Adalyn wanted to throw a small surprise party.A whimpering sound came from the other side of the room drawing my attention. It was Lenda, Adalyn's quiet roommate."Go look for her. I'll take care of Lenda." I said to Alix who didn't look pleased. He looked like he just found himself in between a rock and a hard place. My eyes widened when I realized that he was worried for me, someone he just met. Touched beyond imagination, I
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Chapter Seven
Pursuing the warriors as quietly as possible was not an easy task, to be honest, but I succeeded in doing so. The wolves and vampires were too preoccupied with what was outside the gate to smell me, or it was probably because they were a little far from me.When I arrived at the gate, I let out a quiet gasp at what I was seeing outside the ward. The sound of the roar that had alerted us of danger gave us a clue as to how big of a danger we were in. Though the monsters that made that sound were terrifying to behold.What I was staring at were creatures that resembled hybrid experiments gone wrong. The monsters were as tall as the trees in the forest. Their arms were so long they used them to walk along with their two legs, like the gorillaens I had once seen in the zoo back at Coven Community.These beasts had huge heads like wolves, fangs as long as my arm, their eyes were snake-like, and their huge bodies had thick muscles designed by a map of veins. They had long scorpion tails. Th
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Chapter Eight
It took me longer than it should have to answer him. I was shocked that of all people, I had to cross paths with the alpha of Alix's rival pack and that I was feeling drawn to him. I did not know he was back already."Mistcats got your tongue?" He mocked in a husky voice, drawing closer to me. I almost gasped out loud at the warmth that became slightly warmer but not uncomfortable.Scowling in irritation, I snapped at him, "Have you ever heard of personal space? Just get the fuck out of my way." "Personal space? Never heard of it. Will you enlighten me, pretty please?" He replied, obviously fucking with me.I loured at him and started to walk around him, intent on ignoring him but he blocked my path.Frowning, I moved again to the left, and he followed. Gritting my teeth in barely suppressed anger, I moved to the right, but still he moved with me, smirking.Finally, I snapped at him. "What do you want?""Your name." He replied, leaning down to my face level, he added in a low voice,
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Chapter Nine
It didn't take us long to settle into one of the vacant classrooms in Essex Hallway. After they had settled in, they all looked at me, waiting. Combing my fingers through my thick hair, I began."It seems that there are secrets in this school that I didn't know about." They all frowned in confusion."What secrets?" Lenda asked, no longer looking like the terrified girl I had accompanied to the Hall.I told them about the uniformed warriors, the absence of teachers and the principal at the gate, the strange scorpion-wolf hybrid that was intent on slamming the ward down to get to me, and Erix being among the warriors. I purposely left out my interaction with him and what I had felt with him. I didn't think Alix would be pleased. After I concluded, they were all quietly surprised.Adrika broke the silence first, her hard face looking even harder as she frowned in thought. "That's strange, indeed. I've never heard of these uniformed warriors before.""Erix told you they were there to prot
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Chapter Ten
Hey, freak!" Adalyn groaned and rubbed her hands across her face tiredly. She stopped and turned to face the Clique of Mean Girls, who were walking with Erix and his packmates. They had stopped harassing her after what I did, but I guessed their silence had lasted long enough."I'm not a freak," Adalyn defended."You sure are. The freak omega daughter of an Alpha. Come to think of it, it shouldn't be a surprise. Compared to our Alpha back at home, your father is a weakling. It makes sense that he sired a weakling." Rhaegal said, smirking.Erix was watching the interaction with an amused expression on his face. Two of his female packmates, a girl with ebony hair and another with lavender-colored hair, clung to him. I had been meaning to talk to him after yesterday's meeting but didn't see him until now.His eyes met mine and he smiled at me. I felt a tug in my heart at that but ignored it. "Hello, Regina. We meet again. You look wonderful today."I snarled, ignoring Adalyn's confused g
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