
Chapter Seven

Pursuing the warriors as quietly as possible was not an easy task, to be honest, but I succeeded in doing so. The wolves and vampires were too preoccupied with what was outside the gate to smell me, or it was probably because they were a little far from me.

When I arrived at the gate, I let out a quiet gasp at what I was seeing outside the ward. 

The sound of the roar that had alerted us of danger gave us a clue as to how big of a danger we were in. Though the monsters that made that sound were terrifying to behold.

What I was staring at were creatures that resembled hybrid experiments gone wrong. The monsters were as tall as the trees in the forest. Their arms were so long they used them to walk along with their two legs, like the gorillaens I had once seen in the zoo back at Coven Community.

These beasts had huge heads like wolves, fangs as long as my arm, their eyes were snake-like, and their huge bodies had thick muscles designed by a map of veins. They had long scorpion tails. These were monsters that have never been heard of or seen in the history of Mistworld. They didn't look like demons either. I'd read about all the types of demons, so I was certain these weren't demons. 

"What in Zhyrie's name are these things from?" I muttered to myself in horror. 

As if hearing my voice from the distance, the largest of the Scorpion-wolf snapped his head towards my direction, its eyes latching onto mine before it let out a deafening roar and began to slam the ward with renewed vigor.

"Fuck." I whimpered in fear and took more steps back. Maybe pursuing the warriors had been a terrible idea. "I should join the others." I whimpered to myself or the monster, I didn't know for certain, all I knew was that my previous bravery had taken a stroll and left me behind.

"It's too late for that." A deep voice said from behind me just before my back hit a tree, no, a rock. A rumbling rock of muscles. I shot forward but the person behind me grabbed my waist and held me in place, not moving an Inch despite my struggles.

I struggled, trying to free myself to no avail. I didn't know who was behind me and I was too terrified to find out. Was it an enemy of the school who successfully breached the school or someone playing a prank on me? I sincerely hoped It was the latter, although I was feeling a weird sense of peace which I didn't understand.

The monsters were still hitting the ward but it seemed their attempts would be futile. This was proof that the Elder Witches were indeed powerful as they were rumored to be. But that was the least of my problems currently. I needed to free myself from whoever was behind me.

"You smell good. Like Mistberry and rose. Delicious." The voice said again. I heard a deep inhale and exhale and felt wetness on my earlobe. Did he just sniff at me and lick my earlobe? Oh, no way. This ends now.

Stomping on his foot in anger, I dug my fingernails into the arm around my waist and summoned tiny pebbles on his head all at the same time. He released his hold on me and stepped back. I did the same and whirled around to face him, ready to give him the biggest tongue lashing of his life but stopped short when I saw the green hair god who was trying to dodge my raining stones to no avail. 

He was tall and heavily built. His green hair matched the color of the MistWorld sky. I felt a warm feeling crawl from my heart and spread throughout my body. It was strange but felt good. It was like taking a hot cup of coffee on a cold day. "Can you shut your rain of stones off now?" He asked, pulling me from my thoughts as he continued trying to dodge them.

"Will you stop being an asshole if I do?" I asked angrily in return.

"I was just fucking with you," he argued.

"Messing around with a female when monsters are about to invade the school?"

"The ward will hold. Besides, we are waiting for them on this side of the ward if, a big IF, they succeed in breaking the ward." 

We? It was at that moment I noticed he was in a uniform similar to the warriors I had been following. My eyes widened at him.

"You are one of the warriors!" I said accusingly, quelling the stones instantly.

"Yes. I am." He answered, straightening his uniform before striding forward, closer to me, an arrogant smile on his lips. "I'm Erix. Who are you?"

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