

"Are you ready for more?" Giovanni's voice carried a hint of anticipation, his eyes locked on Isabella, eagerly awaiting her response.

A shiver of delight coursed through Isabella's body, momentarily causing her to clamp her knees together, a fleeting instinctual reaction. However, the insatiable craving within her quickly overpowered any momentary hesitation. Her voice, laced with a mix of desire and surrender, escaped her lips, "Oh god, yes. Give it to me." With those words, she willingly parted her legs wide, baring herself to Giovanni's voracious appetite.

Driven by a surge of shared excitement, Giovanni wasted no time. Even before her response had fully left the air, he was already in motion. Isabella emitted a deep, guttural groan as his rigid member slid deep into the confines of her slick, cream-filled entrance. The sensation of his cock filling her, stretching her, ignited a fiery ache that melded pleasure and desire. "Oh, fill me up," she moaned, her voice laced with an insa
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