

Giovanni inserted the key into the lock, turning it with a soft click. He gently pushed open the door and stepped into Isabella's room. The warm glow of a bedside lamp illuminated the space, casting a soft light on the scene before him. Isabella lay in the center of the bed, nestled between Giovanni and Adam, who were brothers.

As Giovanni entered, Isabella stirred, her eyes fluttering open. A smile graced her lips as she recognized Giovanni's presence. The room seemed to come alive with a shared sense of affection and familiarity. Giovanni and Adam, bound not only by blood but also by a deep bond, exchanged a knowing glance.

With careful movements, Giovanni joined Isabella and Adam on the bed, finding his place beside his beloved brother and the woman they both cherished. Isabella shifted slightly, making room for Giovanni as he settled in beside her. The three of them formed a close-knit trio, their connection built on a foundation of trust and unconditional love.

In the quiet intim
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