
Author: BigApple


Sarah's heart raced as she sat among her colleagues, anticipation coiling in her chest like a spring ready to release. The atmosphere in the auditorium was electric with the promise of recognition and advancement. Today marked the Hospital's foundation day celebration, a day eagerly awaited by all the staff, but for Sarah, it held an even deeper significance. It was the day when the names of the doctors who had excelled and were to be promoted would be announced. For two years, she had poured her soul into her work, relentlessly pursuing excellence, driven by the singular goal of being recognized as the best. And now, as she sat on the edge of her seat, her dreams hung in the balance, poised to either soar to new heights or shatter like fragile glass.

The journey to this moment had been fraught with challenges and sacrifices. Countless sleepless nights spent poring over medical texts, sacrificing personal time and relationships for the demands of her career, all in pursuit of this singular goal. She had dedicated herself wholeheartedly to her profession, knowing that every sacrifice brought her one step closer to her ultimate ambition. The thought of becoming the youngest Consultant in her country had been the beacon guiding her through the darkest moments, fueling her determination to push past every obstacle in her path.

As the anchor's voice echoed through the auditorium, Sarah's heart hammered against her ribs, her breath catching in her throat. This was it. The moment she had been waiting for with bated breath. But as the words fell from the anchor's lips, Sarah's world seemed to come crashing down around her. It was not her name that resonated through the hall, but that of another doctor. Dr. Onur Ali. The name reverberated in her mind like a bitter echo, a stark reminder of her own perceived failure.

Disappointment surged through her like a tidal wave, threatening to drown her in its suffocating embrace. She closed her eyes, fighting back tears of frustration and despair. She knew, deep down, that she was more than deserving of this recognition. She had poured her heart and soul into her work, surpassing expectations and blazing a trail of excellence in her wake. She was better than Dr. Onur, of that she was certain. And yet, in this moment, none of it seemed to matter.

With a heavy heart, Sarah rose from her seat, her movements mechanical as she made her way to the exit. The sound of applause filled the air, a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within her. She felt as though she were moving through molasses, each step heavier than the last as she fought to keep her emotions in check. The facade of composure she had carefully cultivated threatened to crumble, revealing the raw vulnerability that lay beneath.

Outside, the cool night air enveloped her like a comforting embrace, offering a brief respite from the suffocating confines of the auditorium. Alone in the solitude of the parking lot, Sarah let out a primal scream of frustration, the sound echoing off the walls like a desperate plea. Anger bubbled to the surface, hot and fierce, as she pounded her fists against the steering wheel in a futile gesture of defiance.

Another year. Another opportunity lost. The words echoed in her mind like a cruel refrain, taunting her with the bitter sting of failure. But amidst the chaos of her swirling emotions, a flicker of determination ignited within her, a defiant spark refusing to be extinguished. She would not let this setback define her. She would rise from the ashes of her disappointment, stronger and more determined than ever before.

With a steely resolve, Sarah wiped away her tears, her jaw set in a determined line. The road ahead may be fraught with obstacles, but she would face them head-on, undeterred by the challenges that lay in wait. For Sarah knew that true success was not measured by accolades or titles, but by the indomitable spirit that burned within her, driving her ever forward in pursuit of her dreams.

And so, with renewed purpose, Sarah started the engine and drove off into the night, her eyes fixed on the horizon, where the promise of a new day awaited. Though the road ahead may be long and winding, she knew that with unwavering determination and unyielding perseverance, she would carve her own path to greatness. For Sarah was not just a doctor, she was a force to be reckoned with, a beacon of hope and inspiration to all who dared to dream.


Sarah was a surgeon by profession. She was young, beautiful and single, waiting for the perfect time, that is, after her dream post to fall in love and get married. She knew she was losing on time, but she didn't believe in doing things half-heartedly.

Now the disappointment of waiting another year was weighing down heavily on her.

Next day, she was back on her job, seeing patients when she got a message from the Chairman, to meet him.

She was surprised by this sudden attention but decided to find out the reason.

She was invited for the dinner that night.

She wondered on suddenly getting his attention, but didn't ponder much.


Later in the evening, she decided to wear a sexy but elegant dress, which accentuated her curves and complimented her eyes. She left her hair loose after curling them at the ends, applied some makeup and left for her date.

She was indeed, looking ravishing.

She parked her car at the hotel parking lot and headed for her date.

She was a bit surprised by the change of venue from the lounge to his suite. But, she decided to go ahead with it anyway.

It was a 5-star hotel, with luxury and richness resonating from every pore.

There was an exclusive lift for suites, all shiny and glass.

She pressed the bell on reaching the door and was received by her host, Naimat Aliyar, the chairman.

'Mr Aliyar!'

'Dr Sarah !'

'Hope your journey was comfortable ', he said while receiving her coat and touching her shoulders deliberately.

'Yes, thank you', she didn't miss his touch. Pervert!

'We will dine here ?' She asked with a raised eyebrow.

' Were you expecting something else !' He countered.

'Well .... !! ', she couldn't find appropriate words to express her dissent.

'By the way,  I am really sorry for you, that you couldn't get promoted yesterday!' He said while looking suggestively at her.

She remained silent while observing him, it didn't take her long to understand the objective of this meeting.

'Well, I can really help you in that ', he said circling her and suggesting her the obvious.

'Really ?' She feigned her ignorance.

He came near her and touched her shoulders, trying to pull her into his embrace.

It was the last straw for her, she clenched her jaw and slapped him hard on the face.

'You low life scum! How dare you! What do you think you are ??' She gritted her teeth.

He was stunned by her reaction, nobody ever dared to raise their voice in front of him, least of all a slap.

Sarah collected her bag and left for the door,

' No wonder, your wife left you.' She opened and banged the door on his face.

'Sarah, you will regret the day you were born !,' He thought maliciously.


Next Day, Sarah was busy in seeing patients when an army attendant came with an urgent announcement that the government is asking support for their war-torn neighbouring country. They wanted some doctors and nurses to volunteer and serve the citizens there as their healthcare was already destroyed by the rebels.

Unrest started among the medical staff, doctor or no doctor...   everybody loved their life...and going inside a war zone, voluntarily was not a joke. There was an uneasiness, as nobody was willing to sacrifice themselves,  so none volunteered.

It was later decided, that the head of the different departments will name a few people from their department so that a team could be formed and sent on a mission.

Sarah was also not indifferent from the chaos surrounding her and hoped for peace and safety for her colleagues. She knew it was not an easy task to go to a place with no security or facilities...and still being responsible for someone's life when you are not sure about your own.

A meeting was called for all the doctors,  nurses and paramedics.

After an Introduction, the promises of better future,  heftier packages and safe return under government's protection were laid out to lure the staff.

But still, no one came forward.

The younger and new employees were more worried because their chances of being sent were higher than the older ones.

So finally, the heads started to announce the names. A total of 10 staff members were being called out, 3 doctors, 4 nurses and 3 other supporting staff.

Suddenly, Dr Sarah 's name was called out at the end as the team leader, by Naimat Aliyar.

All were shocked because she was one of the best doctors of this hospital,  and sending her to the war zone was like sending her to death bed.

'Do you have any objections, Dr Sarah?', He asked with an evil grin.

'No Mr Aliyar, ' she replied with an equally bright smile.

They had to leave after a week. They began preparations and also said their goodbyes.

One night before their departure, she received a called from Naimat, 'Do you wish to change your mind now Dr Sarah? You are too young to die in such a gruesome way. And I can recommend you for your desired post as well !'

'Why don't you shove that offer, up your ass Naimet? Let me tell you something...Spending six months out there is not a big deal and in fact, that will give us recognition from the government, which actually, will be quite helpful when I will tell them about your blackmailing ways and how you took advantage of young girls. You just wait and watch...  I will not spare you. And regarding my promotion, I will get it sooner or later. It's just a matter of time !'

With that, she cut the phone  'Bastard !'

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