

Sarah and her team found themselves touching down on the army's airport, the relentless heat and swirling winds greeting them as they disembarked onto the tarmac. To their surprise and dismay, there was no welcoming party awaiting their arrival, no signs of life in the desolate expanse stretching out before them. With a sense of abandonment, they watched as the aircraft that had brought them there disappeared into the horizon, leaving them stranded in the middle of nowhere.

Hours passed, the sun beating down relentlessly as they waited for some semblance of assistance. Finally, a convoy of army vehicles appeared on the horizon, their rumbling engines signaling the arrival of their rescuers. With a mixture of relief and frustration, Sarah and her team climbed aboard, grateful for the reprieve from the oppressive heat.

Their accommodations awaited them near an old school, its weathered façade a stark contrast to the bustling activity that once filled its halls. Now converted into a makeshift hospital, it stood as a testament to the resourcefulness of those tasked with providing care in the most challenging of circumstances.

Inside, the facilities were rudimentary at best, the bare essentials stretched thin in the face of overwhelming demand. Limited electricity meant sporadic blackouts were a constant threat, while the lack of clean water posed a serious health risk for both patients and staff alike. Food supplies were meager and often insufficient, leaving stomachs empty and spirits flagging in the harsh reality of their new surroundings.

There was no respite from the elements, no reprieve from the sweltering heat or biting cold. With no air conditioning or heating system in place, they were left to endure the extremes of weather with little more than their own resilience to see them through.

Thankfully, the powers that be had seen fit to construct proper washroom facilities before their arrival, a small mercy in an otherwise unforgiving environment. Though modest in size and scope, they provided a semblance of privacy and dignity in a place where both were in short supply.

As they settled into their shared accommodations, Sarah and her team knew that they would be in for a challenging journey ahead. With at least two to a room and basic amenities stretched thin, they would need to rely on each other for support and companionship in the months to come.

But amidst the adversity and uncertainty, there was one lifeline they could count on: the internet. Recognizing its importance as a connection to the outside world, they had come prepared with portable hotspots and satellite connections, ensuring that they would not be completely cut off from the world beyond their makeshift home.

And so, with a sigh and a sense of resignation, they set about making the best of their situation, knowing that they had a long and arduous road ahead of them. But for Sarah and her team, each day brought with it new challenges to overcome, new obstacles to conquer in their quest to bring hope and healing to those who needed it most


Although they came prepared mentally for what's waiting for them, nothing could have prepared them for what they experienced.

Despite the government's promises, the infrastructure there was non-existent, medical supplies were minimal, and the electricity was a luxury. They had to travel by foot, however far the distance was...if something urgent comes up, the army might be of some use.

Sarah and her team were shocked to see the conditions of the local people there. 

In the midst of chaos and despair, Sarah and her team found themselves thrust into a world torn apart by conflict and strife. The once-thriving community they had come to serve now lay in ruins, its people ravaged by disease, poverty, and fear. With each passing day, the toll of human suffering grew ever greater, a stark reminder of the brutal realities of war.

People were dying from common, avoidable diseases, their lives cut short by the lack of clean water and basic sanitation. The infection rates soared, fueled by the grim reality that the pure water supply, a fundamental necessity for survival, was under the control of rebel forces. For the citizens trapped in the crossfire, it was a cruel irony that their very means of sustenance had become a weapon wielded against them.

The hospitals and clinics that once provided a lifeline to the sick and injured had been systematically targeted by the rebels, their destruction serving as a grim testament to the depths of human depravity. Yet, even in the face of such brutality, the government remained steadfast in its resolve, refusing to negotiate with those who sought to undermine its authority.

The plight of the common man was a testament to the indiscriminate nature of war. Schools lay shuttered, their halls silent and empty, while jobs and livelihoods vanished in the wake of violence and instability. With no money to buy food and no means of escape, the people of the town languished in a state of perpetual despair, their hopes for a better future shattered by the harsh realities of their existence.

But it was the children who suffered most in this maelstrom of chaos and destruction. Innocent and vulnerable, they bore the brunt of a conflict not of their making, their futures stolen from them before they had a chance to dream. For them, the promise of education and opportunity had become nothing more than a distant memory, replaced by the harsh realities of survival in a world gone mad.

Despite the darkness that enveloped them, there remained a glimmer of hope amidst the despair. The town, though battered and broken, still clung to the remnants of its former glory, its people resilient in the face of adversity. They were a community forged in the crucible of hardship, their spirit unbroken by the trials they faced.

Sarah and her team found themselves thrust into this world of turmoil and uncertainty, their mission clear: to bring healing and hope to those who needed it most. Though the task ahead seemed daunting, they were undeterred in their determination to make a difference, to offer a ray of light in a world consumed by darkness.

But the challenges they faced were unlike any they had encountered before. The rebels, emboldened by their sense of righteousness, lurked among the civilian population, their presence a constant threat to the fragile peace that hung in the balance. They sought to topple the government, which they viewed as cruel and corrupt, and were willing to go to any lengths to achieve their goals.

Yet, the current regime, entrenched in power for three decades, was not so easily dislodged. With the military, navy, and other forces firmly under their control, they waged a ruthless campaign of repression and violence against anyone who dared to challenge their authority. Civil war raged across the country, tearing apart families and communities in its wake.

The government's zero-tolerance policy towards the insurgents and their supporters only served to escalate the violence, as civilians found themselves caught in the crossfire of a conflict not of their making. Bombs rained down from above, indiscriminately targeting suspected rebel strongholds and civilian populations alike, leaving a trail of destruction and death in their wake.

In the face of such overwhelming adversity, Sarah and her team knew that their task would not be easy. But they were fueled by a sense of purpose, a belief that even in the darkest of times, there was still hope to be found. With each life they touched and each soul they healed, they forged ahead, their resolve unshaken by the horrors that surrounded them.

For in the midst of war and destruction, it was their compassion and humanity that shone brightest, a beacon of light in a world consumed by darkness. And though the road ahead would be long and fraught with danger, they faced it with courage and conviction, knowing that their efforts had the power to change lives and bring about a brighter tomorrow.

Sarah grappled with the harsh reality of human nature as she bore witness to the depths of depravity to which power-hungry individuals would sink. Each passing week brought with it a grim tally of bodies, a haunting reminder of the toll exacted by greed and violence. The weight of such senseless loss threatened to overwhelm her sanity, leaving her reeling in despair.

Amidst the chaos and despair, her team struggled to maintain their own health and well-being. Repeated bouts of illness plagued them, the result of poor hygiene, limited water supply, and insufficient food. Sarah herself felt the effects keenly, her once robust frame now diminished by the relentless demands of their work.

But even as their bodies weakened, their spirits remained unbroken. They were driven by a sense of duty, a determination to alleviate the suffering of those around them, no matter the cost. For Sarah and her team, the needs of the people they served outweighed their own personal struggles, compelling them to press on in the face of overwhelming odds.

Yet, with each passing day, the hopes of a better tomorrow grew increasingly dim. The situation seemed to spiral further into chaos, the prospect of improvement slipping further from their grasp. It was a bitter realization, one that forced them to confront the harsh truth that some things were beyond their control.

But while they may not have been able to change the fate of the people they served, they refused to succumb to despair. Instead, they resolved to make the best of a dire situation, to do whatever they could to ease the suffering of those in need.

With a renewed sense of purpose, they set about improving the existing conditions, striving to limit the damage that had already been done. Their first priority was education, teaching the importance of clean water and proper hygiene practices to anyone willing to listen. They knew that knowledge was the first step towards empowerment, and they were determined to arm the people with the tools they needed to safeguard their health.

In addition to education, they provided practical solutions, teaching families how to purify the water available to them and make it safe for consumption. Simple techniques and homemade filters became invaluable tools in the fight against disease, empowering individuals to take control of their own health and well-being.

But their efforts didn't stop there. Recognizing the importance of first aid in a community ravaged by conflict, they trained a member from each family in basic medical techniques, equipping them to respond to emergencies and provide essential care when needed most. It was a small gesture, perhaps, but one with the potential to save countless lives in the days to come.

As they worked tirelessly to uplift the spirits of those around them, Sarah and her team found solace in the knowledge that they were making a difference, however small. In a world consumed by darkness, they were a beacon of hope, shining bright against the backdrop of despair. And though the road ahead remained fraught with uncertainty, they faced it with courage and determination, knowing that their efforts had the power to change lives and bring about a brighter tomorrow.

Sarah's typical day started at 7 in the morning and continued up to 12 in the night. She spent her days conducting surgeries, educating people, and helping her colleagues. 

This whole experience had taught her things which no books could have done so. A loaf of bread was costlier than human life, people focussed more on buying arms than medicines. And the rulers loved the chair more than his subjects. 

The team held on to each other, and the time flew away.

3 months passed like this.

Her knowledge and compassion created a remarkable place for her among the locals and her team. Her non-stop energy to help others also inspired her team.

They were left in awe when they saw her dedication to her profession and the passion she helped people.

She quickly made a name for herself and got quite popular among them.

But the team was repeatedly warned by the army and other locals to be careful from the rebels, who might be hidden in disguise, and helping them in any way could prove very dangerous for them.

The government was only becoming stricter and unforgiving, where the rebels were concerned. 

Although they remained careful, their profession hasn't taught them to judge people based on their beliefs and ideologies.


One fateful night Sarah got delayed in surgery, and she found herself alone by the time ended. She hasn't got this late before, so this was a new experience for her.

All her colleagues had already left the premises in the army bus, so she eventually decided to walk alone.

She was scared of her surroundings, and the narrow road was dark and muddy. Although she was carrying a night lamp, it wasn't much of a help.

Suddenly, she found herself surrounded by a few men dressed in black. They were pointing their guns towards her and motioned her to follow them. 

She was alone and scared, she hasn't learned anything for her self-defense as well, which put her in a very vulnerable position. 

Sarah wasn't expecting this, as this was her first encounter of such a kind. 

Despite being terrified and shit scared, she decided to reason with them.

'Please, I am a doctor here, I am not related to the government or rebels. I am here just to help the local people ..I don't have money also. Please let me go. '

'We know you are a doctor, we need your help in treating one of our men ', one of them said sternly, in broken English.

Their faces were covered, the only thing she was able to see were their eyes.

'Please, bring him to the Hospital, I have minimal instruments with me right now, I can treat him better in the hospital ', she offered.

'Listen, Dr., if you want to stay alive, just follow us. Whatever you need will be provided to you.' 

Without waiting for her reply, they blindfolded her and pulled her along by the angle of her elbow.

After walking like forever, they finally stopped and removed the black cloth from her eyes. She found herself standing in front of an abandoned building engulfed in darkness. Its walls were crumbling, and this whole building could collapse at any moment. She could clearly see the bullet holes on the outsides. Her heart increased its pace, and her mind signaled a deva Vu feeling. She was in deep waters here, she thought to herself. She must be cautious and careful at all times. But despite everything, she was still shaking out of fear for her life. They left her standing outside with a guard, while the other men entered the building.

She looked around the place, it was an abandoned old building, as she saw no signs of daily life there: just some old walls with falling plasters, and some broken furniture.

After some time, she was taken to the supposed patient, he was lying unconscious in a pool of blood. He looked as if he has been wounded in his stomach, a blood-drenched bind around his waist was the evidence.

Sarah was glad to see that cloth around his wound, as it might give her some precious extra minutes to save him. 

They propelled her towards him, indicating her to begin her work. She slowly unwinds the wrap and exposed his trunk. He had multiple bullet wounds on his stomach, and they were still bleeding profusely. She carefully examined him and found that all the vital organs were safe and intact. The bullets were in non-vital space, although his intestines were injured but nothing life-threatening, except the ongoing blood loss.

She sterilized her instruments with the help of fire and boiling water and began operating him. She removed the bullets carefully and sutured his abdomen. She desperately needed an assistant to hand over her the instruments while she operates, but seeing the men and their clothes which they probably haven't changed in days, she dropped the idea and decided to do it by herself. Time was a crucial factor here. 

By the time she finished, it was almost morning. She could hear the morning call of prayers, Adhaan, from faraway.

After finishing dressing his wounds, she advised bed rest for a few days to avoid breaking the sutures and a proper follow up in the Hospital. Although she doubted that they would follow her advice, it was still her duty. After writing the prescription, she was ready to leave, she hoped that they would let her leave.

'Doctor, he better survives. Otherwise, you also won't be able to live any longer ', one of them warned her sternly. 

Whatever happened to the gratitude these days! she scoffed inwardly.

'I have done my best, his chances of survival are good, provided he avoids infecting his wound, 'Sarah replied tiredly, after the night-long surgery.

'Listen, Sir, I really need to return, its almost morning. The army will start searching for me if I go missing for long. And moreover, you can call me if he develops any complications.' she tried all her cards at the same time. 

She was desperate to leave from here, her gut's intuition was screaming danger !!

'You must not tell a soul about this night; otherwise, you won't like the consequences, Doctor. We will hunt you down and kill you very painfully ', they threatened her.

'Ok... I...I understand I won't tell anyone about it ', Sarah said. 

'Please let me go now, 'she requested again.

She was desperate to return back to the safety of her dormitory and the company of her roommate.

They nodded to each other and blindfolded her again and left her near where they picked her.

After some time, she removed the cloth from her eyes and found herself in front of the Hospital. 

She thanked her gods and ran for her room. 

Her roommate was worried sick about her disappearance, and when she saw Sarah at the door, drenched in blood, she ran and hugged her tightly. 'Are you Ok? I was so worried about you. Why didn't you answer your call?' 

'It was on silent,' Sarah replied silently and laid on the bed tired, thinking about the night's event. She closed her eyes as an indication to not disturb her further. Even though she had saved a life today, but somehow still, she wasn't feeling easy. The feeling of unrest and fear wasn't ready to leave her. She decided to quickly change after taking a shower and tried to catch up on sleep.

Her roommate didn't bother her much with details, thinking it as a normal day to day case.

Sarah was unusually silent after that incident, it had shaken her belief system.

She was afraid of the locals after that episode, as the gratitude factor was lacking, and it wasn't something they can teach them.

They were serving and helping them for the past many months now, and today's incident only emphasized the ungrateful nature of humans and fragility of their lives.

Sarah had operated the whole night, and that left her tired, mentally, and physically. But, She knew she cannot afford a day off here. The patients' waiting line would have already started in the Hospital, and they would soon be looking for her.

With a heavy heart, she got ready and left for the Hospital.

Upon her arrival, she found it was unusually busy outside the Hospital. And on entering the premises, she found it was full of the injured army men.

She heard someone mentioning rebels attacking the army base in the background, while she was examining a soldier. That attack had left multiple casualties and numerous wounded soldiers, thus explaining the unusual crowd. 

Sarah was paralyzed with the shock when she realized the gravity of the situation.

So the person whom I operated yesterday, was injured in this attack and he was a rebel! Oh My God!, she almost gasped thinking about that.

She had helped the rebels! She began sweating on an air-conditioned room. She hoped nobody saw her with them, she really didn't want to die young.

She wanted to tell the army superiors about her accident, but their threats were still fresh. She was too afraid to do or say anything.

Eventually, she decided to let it go and dismissed telling anyone about the last night's events.


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