Howl M.C Werewolf Series Sebastian's Rejection

Howl M.C Werewolf Series Sebastian's Rejection

By:  ANNIETROUP1  Ongoing
Language: English
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Mates haven't existed for fifty years but moon goddess is sad watching her species die out. She decides to pair motorcycle president/alpha with sweet Ava and it goes horribly wrong. isn't the only issue for them Sebastian loves whores and his favorite Lisa hates Ava and tries to frame her for crimes against his club. Will their mate relationship survive? Will Ava forgive him? Read along to find out.

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J Aiona
Loved this book! Was that the end or are you posting more?
2024-03-26 02:30:45
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Dejoanea Cooper
this book is the best yet that I have read in months it has me on the edge of my set. can't wait for to see how it all ends. I need more books like this
2024-01-17 03:41:15
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2023-12-13 03:29:36
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Dana Anderson
I sooooo love this book an the characters what's the names of the rest of the books since it's a series
2023-12-06 14:58:12
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I loved this book. Will there be a book two? There are some loose ends. Please let there be a book two.
2023-11-25 03:38:51
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DeeAnn Larck-Sirek
great book. I'm hoping there is a 2nd book in the works as it seems to end abruptly.
2023-11-04 09:12:45
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Cassandra Dillard
I love this story
2023-10-31 10:02:21
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Heather W
It starts getting weird af around chapter 33. Ava went from being a badass who demanded loyalty to weak and weepy as hell but ready for 3 mates while calling other women whores? It's wild no one mentioned this wild ass change out of nowhere yet. She cries literally every other sentence. Wtf happened
2024-03-02 18:44:01
169 Chapters
Chapter 1
Sebastian povI was given alpha position at eighteen and ran another way with it. I created a motorcycle club called Howl M.C and it flourished. I was the president/alpha of this club. My beta was vice president and third in command followed after him. We took our pack this direction because mates didn't exist anymore, haven't for fifty years now. We had club whores and yes I had my favorite Lisa a long time fuck buddy and friend since diapers. Lisa acted like my luna and I never stopped her either. We were powerful, rich and the typical club till one day I felt a shift. A shift I couldn't describe but my wolf got restless and rejected fucking others. I should of known then shit was changing but I didn't see it yet."Yo Bash!, my vice president Ben called, we got a private detective agency that took over the old drug building coming by to sign papers",I sighed as I went through the papers. The head person in charge was an Ava Lily Montgomery and she had twenty people under her. Her f
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Chapter 2
Ava povI watch Sebastian cut his bike off and stalk over to me looking mad."Why did you run Ava?",I sigh."I didn't run I left to cool off and think about the rejection I know is coming. I'm not into sharing a mate if that is what this is",he growls. "Mates don't exist haven't for fifty years", he growls. Yeah tell me something I don't know already I think unlocking the office door. He stalks in behind me."So what are you doing here Sebastian? Don't you have a whore to fuck?",I gagged saying it."I bet my left nut your no virgin Mary ",he snarled."Nope lost that at eighteen and thank moon goddess because I would of wasted it on you",he growled so loud the building shook."Watch your fucking tone Ava",I laughed. I laughed hysterically while he looked worried. "Or what?",he looked shocked I had a back bone."I wasn't prepared for this shit, he muttered, moon goddess must be tired of our kind dying out. I swear if you think I will put up with a controlling mate you got another thing
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Chapter 3
Ava povI wasn't nervous meeting his mom in fact Sebastian was the nervous one. I refused to ride bitch so he drove my car to his parents home. Former alpha and luna were waiting eagerly at the door."Don't be nervous Sebastian, I grinned, you look tense",he sighed."I'm not one bit nervous Ava I just know mom was hoping Lisa would of been my mate",Those words hurt but I blanked my face and put on a fake smile. Walking up the door was thrown open and they both stood there. "Oh my Bash she is beautiful, his dad smiled big, moon goddess did you good my boy",I chuckled. "Thank goddess, his mom hugged me I thought we get stuck with Lisa",I looked at Sebastian eyebrows raised."She is a lot to take, I smiled, Hi I'm Ava Lily Montgomery ",I held out my hand to shake."Oh my sweetie so good to meet you I'm Sarah Howl and this is Lancaster Howl. We are this fools parents ",I chuckled again."Jeez thanks mom, Sebastian looked annoyed, I thought you liked Lisa",he just loves taking digs at me
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Chapter 4
Ava povI didn't want to come here after my first experience but here I am with Nico and Ken watching club members dance and drink."It isn't to bad Ava",Nico says making my eyes widen."Yeah sure, I scoff as I watch Sebastian talk to Ben his beta or vice president as they look my way, I just love the whores glaring at me and talking smack",both shake their heads laughing. Nico is drinking when Lisa struts over and looks me up and down eyes filled with disgust. "You must think your so fucking special, she growls out, he loves my pussy",she gloated. I sipped my drink and sighed dramatically. "Oh whatever will I do, I waved my arms and pouted like a crazy person, he loves stretched out, beat up, worn out stinky pussy",the whole club went dead silent. Nico choked on his drink and coughed hard while laughing. "Ava",Ken laughed. "What?",I look at them unamused. "You fucking bitch", Lisa shoved me and I handed my drink to Nico."Shit...fuck Ava stay calm , he begged, don't hurt her to
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Chapter 5
Sebastian pov I lost control and marked her and Lisa burst into loud sobs and ran. I eased back from Ava surprised by my actions and looked down at her. She looked equally shocked and turned on."Holy shit!",Ben said loudly as my club stared at us eyes wide with shock."Good job son you don't want this little beauty running off",I glared at my dad and he winked at us."Sebastian how could you!!, Amber shrieks , Lisa is in love with you and you just met this bitch",my mom sighed and decked her hard."Only bitch I see is you get the fuck up and get out",my mom is always sweet and composed but seeing her defend my mate made my heart race. This shit is happening fast."Why?,Ava looked up at me, I thought you didn't want a mate",my mom growls at me. Amber ran after Lisa after she got up but she threatened my mom and mate before running out."You will pay!!!",she runs out crying loud and screaming threats."Good riddance ",my dad chuckled as Ben handed him a drink and both said cheers befor
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Chapter 6
Ava povI sigh as he keeps licking my mark after we head to bed and I don't stop him.I moan as he touches my arm but doesn't go further."You smell incredible ",He kisses my mark."I hope so I practice basic hygiene",he chuckles."I do as well, he grins, I like showers maybe you can join one day",I roll my eyes. He is just trying to get laid I say to my wolf. Let him fuck us she sighs back loving him already. I just lay there not pushing this any further instead I yawn as sleep pulls at me. Sebastian povI feel her tiredness through our bond and when she starts drifting off I stop touching her and leave my mark alone. She falls asleep and I lay staring at her. Fuck my wolf sighs happily our mate is beautiful. I agree I mutter back as I brush her hair back.My cell dings and I quickly pull it out to set it on vibrate so Ava stays asleep. "Sebastian please talk to me",is texted to me by Lisa and I hold in my sigh of frustration. "I'm with my mate Lisa, I text back, I'm not leaving h
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Chapter 7
Ava povI woke on Sebastian's lap with him nuzzling my neck."Hi doll",he kissed my mark. I still needed to mark him but females marked their mate during mating."Hi Sebastian",I say breathless while he kisses my neck and lips."So we called you here to show you a few things, his dad started to speak, keep an open mind and talk it out",he looked up from my neck to his dad."Show me what?",he sounded pissed. "Come to the table Sebastian, his mom was putting food on it, I want you to listen before you go off",she knows her boy so well. I go to get up but he quickly stands with me in his arms and heads to the table. He sits me in a chair and scoots his close to mine."So what is so important I had to come right away,?",Sebastian stared at us three looking suspicious. "Keep in mind I told you I was doing a deep dive on all pack members, he sighed, well I'm still looking into everyone but I found stuff on Lisa, her mom Amber and Jane",he sighed as his dad handed the files over. Lancaster
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Chapter 8
Ava povI sat in my car watching the next piece of shit that is cheating on his wife. The young woman he is fucking is twenty and he is forty five. "How dare he",I fume as I snap pictures of them kissing.I ignore phone calls and texts because if I answer I will start crying. I never cry over men they aren't worth it. My wolf tries to calm me but I'm upset and disgusted. "Ava, a knock to my car window makes me jump. Looking up there is Ben smiling but I frown, let me in",I unlock my door. "I'm busy, I say as he gently shuts the passenger door and looks around my car, what do you want?",he sighs."I was told to come protect you",I scoff."You should be protecting Lisa his main bitch, I don't care I'm pissed at him. Seriously he doubts me his mate, I'm tired Ben and I got more evidence to get so you can go"."Nope I can stay and be the muscle ",I sigh."I'm in this car till this dick face leaves and then I need to go and put all evidence on a flash drive for his wife....ex wife becaus
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Chapter 9
Sebastian pov"How dare you",she fumed and looked at me as I tried to placate her."Ava..",she scoffed."I'm not your fucking wife but I bet Lisa can act the part, I sigh, she may be tighter up her ass though. You have some fucking nerve",damn we pissed her off my wolf mumbled. "Look Ava I'm not trying to upset you but if you see this shit from my point of view you would understand ",she laughs."Really your point of view, she says in disbelief, you won't even consider my point of view. You keep saying you knew her longer and I don't fucking care. She is a disgusting fucking whore and traitor",I growl and crowd her space. "Watch it",she throws her hands up and moves to fix her investigator stuff in her car before she starts putting stuff in the trunk."Oh I'm sorry, she says sarcastically, I forgot she is your friend, lover, nasty ass or my favorite your both whores. Don't worry you can go fuck her all you want I'm done",she gets in her car and locks it. "Ava let me in damn it",she
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Chapter 10
Ava povI wake still tired and I want to go back to sleep and forget this shit. Sebastian isn't beside me which I'm relieved about but I hear him in the kitchen talking."Great, I sigh, still have to deal with him",my wolf whimpers sadly."Ava, he says making me jump, breakfast is done",I get up rubbing my eyes as he moves towards me and I see sadness in his eyes."I'm not a breakfast person Sebastian",I stretch and his eyes trail down my body taking me in. I see his hands go into fist as he stares at me."I'm with you today,he says and my eyes go huge, I want to see what you do in a day. See your work",I sigh."I guess you want to watch the traitor make sure I don't fuck your club over",his eyes go big hearing this."Ava!",he looks down at me. "I knew she sent bullshit Sebastian I may be a woman but I'm not fucking stupid",he sighed as I went to get dressed and start my day. I barely touched breakfast as I got ready to follow another dick fuck up his life. I'm in the car watching as
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