
Chapter 4

Ava pov

I didn't want to come here after my first experience but here I am with Nico and Ken watching club members dance and drink.

"It isn't to bad Ava",Nico says making my eyes widen.

"Yeah sure, I scoff as I watch Sebastian talk to Ben his beta or vice president as they look my way, I just love the whores glaring at me and talking smack",both shake their heads laughing. Nico is drinking when Lisa struts over and looks me up and down eyes filled with disgust.

"You must think your so fucking special, she growls out, he loves my pussy",she gloated. I sipped my drink and sighed dramatically.

"Oh whatever will I do, I waved my arms and pouted like a crazy person, he loves stretched out, beat up, worn out stinky pussy",the whole club went dead silent. Nico choked on his drink and coughed hard while laughing.

"Ava",Ken laughed.

"What?",I look at them unamused.

"You fucking bitch", Lisa shoved me and I handed my drink to Nico.

"Shit...fuck Ava stay calm , he begged, don't hurt her to bad",he moved as I cracked my neck. Sebastian started to hurry over but I was pissed now.

"You should learn whore bag, I punched out hitting her throat and she went down gasping or trying to as she dropped to her knees, to keep those diseased hands to yourself ",I kneed her in the face knocking her out cold. Gasps filled the room as I dusted myself off. I straightened up just as Sebastian reached us growling.

"Ava!",he yelled checking her. I figured he cared more for the knocked out bitch so I turned to walk off when Ben grabbed me.

"Don't leave Ava this party is for you honey, he looked at me pleading, his parents are here now",I saw Sarah and Lancaster smiling at me as they rushed up. Sarah slapped Sebastian's arm and he glared up at us. Figures he worries more for a piece of ass than his own mate.

"I need to go Ben I got files to go over, he sighed loud, plus he looks more interested in his slut than his mate. I think moon goddess should of paired us together and let the whores have one another ",I left and sped out the parking lot. I hated leaving his parents and I heard his mom going off on him as the doors shut behind me. Once at home I headed to shower and finish up the work I started. I ignored the knocks till my door busted open.

Sebastian stalked in.

"Leaving was uncalled for!",he yelled.

"No Sebastian what was uncalled for was you running to your whore and not your mate. This is the reason this, I pointed between us, won't work. Your always going to defend her behavior and we both know that",he growls and flops down on my couch.

"I was checking to be sure you didn't kill her Ava, I sighed loud, she hit the floor hard",he muttered.

"Not my fucking problem Sebastian she needs to keep her hands to herself and not touch me. I was about to vomit having her diseased hands on me",he glared at me.

"I got tested yesterday, he handed over his papers, I'm clean",I laughed sarcastically as I looked it over.

"I'm surprised ",his brow raised and he growls at me.

"You need to come back the party is still going on. This party was to introduce you to the club and announce mates are back",I sighed.

"I'd rather stay home Sebastian, I was tired now, I've been working five cases all at once",he looked at me.

"Two hours tops then I bring you home",I sighed.

"If your girlfriend starts I'm doing a repeat of the same shit but this time I will break stuff in her body",I got dressed while he watched. I heard him cuss a few times but I ignored it. He took my keys and drove us back to the Howl Clubhouse and I braced myself.

"Ava, Ben rushed to hug me, you came back!",Sebastian glares at us and walks over to pull me away from Ben.

"Stop touching her",he ordered.

"Oh my goodness stop being all caveman Bash , I rubbed my temples, lets get this shit done I got cases to finish tomorrow",he pulled me inside and all partying stopped.

"So I want to introduce my mate!,Sebastian said his voice booming and many gasped loud, moon goddess paired us up and I believe is bringing mates back. This little lady is Ava Lily Montgomery my mate. Welcome to Howl doll",he yanked me to him and kissed me hard. I had no time to react or push him away as his lips slanted to mine and his tongue entered my mouth.

"Welcome to Howl!!!",is yelled and the music goes back on and partying starts again. Sebastian releases me but keeps my body tight to his as he stares into my eyes.

"Fuck",he growls as the bond intensified and snapped into place.

"Damn it",I mutter as my hands grasp his cut. I feel his big hard cock against me and I want him. I hear a scoff before Lisa and I'm assuming her parents push through to get close to us. Sebastian is kissing my neck and I moan just as they stand glaring at me.

"You dare touch my child!",her mother yells.

"She touched me first with those diseased hands I felt threatened and ready to vomit",her mother gasps dramatically and staggers back. Sarah and Lancaster rush over and Lisa looks ready to cry her fake tears again.

"You little bitch",Lisa growls at me.

"Only bitch I see here is you, I point at Lisa, and mommy",both gasp.

"How dare you!!, her mom shrieks, Sebastian do something!!",she yells I sigh loud as Sarah steps in front of me and venom drips from her lips.

"Back off Amber we both know moon goddess makes no mistakes. Your going to respect the new luna and your going to back off. You and Lisa will show respect or I will run through you both",both sputter in disbelief at Sebastian's mom.

"Sarah!",Lisa's mom gasp loud.

"We dealt with you both being entitled for years Amber it is enough, Sarah sighs, for years you used us, Sebastian and the club for personal gain well it ends now",Sarah spoke calmly as both Lisa and Amber stood mouth wide open in shock.

"I need to mark you Ava",Sebastian says kissing my neck not even acting bothered by his mom giving Lisa and Amber a verbal lashing.

"Sebastian, I gasp as he licks the spot his mark needs to go, we go a situation here",I hold in a moan as he sucks at it.

"Sebastian Howl!!!, Amber shrieks , how could you treat my baby this way?",he mutters curses and leans away from my neck to glare at them.

"Easy this is my mate, he growls, moon goddess doesn't make mistakes. Lisa has no respect for anyone and is constantly being a slut. Is that enough of a explanation?",both gasps again while I stifle a laugh. Lancaster just burst into hard, loud laughing and many joined in.

"Awesome party Bash",I look up as his lips descends on mine. He lifts me up to control the kiss before his mouth moves back to my neck.

"Mine",he growls then marks me.

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goodnovel comment avatar
I’m loving this book so far.
goodnovel comment avatar
Vronikka Lake
living this story so far!! go Ava!!!

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