
Games Billionaires Play
Games Billionaires Play
Penulis: Bellawealth

Messy Interview

I got slapped by my boss’s girlfriend the day I came for an interview, she called me a harlot and thought I was having an affair with her boyfriend who was the CEO so I decided to seduce him right in her very presence just to spite her.

That morning I had gotten up earlier than usual, I didn’t want to be late, I had my shower, dressed up really nice and packed my hair into a pretty pony tail while hurrying out of the house wearing an orange colored heel and a nice hand bag to match, I really needed this job.

Meanwhile, in other to be able to have the revenge I seek, first I needed to learn and understand the games billionaires play, so I decided to start by becoming part of the Caddel group of companies.

I was sitting right there waiting for my turn to be interviewed, there were about six of us who wanted the same job, who wouldn’t want to work in a company like this? I was getting both impatient and nervous, but I knew what I wanted, I needed to be patient no matter what, then she walked past with my half sister, my mother who had ruined my life couldn’t even recognize me, it was impossible for her to recognize me since it have been very long and I had my long blonde hair dyed brunette, my plans would collapse like a pack of cards if my mother should dare recognize me, good enough she didn’t, I smirked cunningly wondering if they knew what was coming their way, of course they didn’t and that was what’s going to make it even more fun for everyone of us.

I just can’t wait to see the look on my mother’s face when she realizes that I have had every bit of her life ruined and that of her precious daughter, I can’t wait to make her feel every bit of pain I felt when she abandoned I and my father like we were trash.

They were both dressed in expensive dresses and shoes wearing very expensive colognes that filled the air with it’s scent yet all I could perceive was betrayal and cruelty, there was no doubt they both looked beautiful in those outfits but I refused to feel intimidated by any of it.

My half sister Riley Duke was a carbon copy of her late father, beautiful, rude and extremely full of her self.

“Damn you stink…” I heard my spoilt half sister yell at a female cleaner who had come to clean up after them “do you even shower? Get out!” She pushed her aside and walked past shaking her head while pinching the tip of her nose, my mother said nothing but I wasn’t surprised at all, I already did a lot of diggings about them and from what I gathered my half sister was nothing to write home about.

I clenched my fist in rage biting softly at my lower lip while wishing hard that I could punch her right through the face, how could she even talk to a woman old enough to be her grand mother like that? I took a deep breath trying my very best to remain calm, if I must succeed, I need to learn to play their games, act and talk like them, I must learn to shut my eyes to their nonsense and tolerate their excesses else I might blow up my cover before I even achieve anything, it was almost my turn to be interviewed, a little more patience wouldn’t hurt, so I looked away.

The Caddel group of companies were having a board meeting, my mother was a major share holder from what I know.

She got into the boardroom while her daughter waited outside sitting on a couch in the secretary’s office chewing a gum loudly with her eyes glued to her smartphone, the meeting began in no time, everyone have been waiting for her.

I rolled my eyes in disgust, she was the least of my worries anyways.

My beautiful mother was called Willow Duke, I noticed how everyone turned their gaze to her when she walked in, even at her age she was way too attractive to resist.

“Octavia Harris..” the secretary called out to me, she was a peaceful looking woman in her late thirties with blonde bob hair, she looked good in her cooperate outfit.

I stood up, are you surprised? Well that’s my name now, call me Octavia Harris, you don’t expect me to use my real name, my mother would figure it out even before I get the job.

I carried my shoulders high, walked past Riley who was too engrossed in her phone to notice me, I walked into the CEO’s office who I had no idea would be the one interviewing me until now.

After I got into the office and shut the door behind, I couldn’t move another inch, I was startled and mesmerized by his beauty, my jaw dropped and my eyes fed over and over again on what I saw.

He was dressed in a blue suit, he was tall and had this magnificent body build. I wondered what he would look like without a shirt. He was, well, different from all others. He was handsome, not perhaps in the conventional sense, but he had that appearance which could make him stand out in the crowd. He was fair, almost pale white. His unfathomable, golden brown eyes contrasted exceptionally with his light toned face.

“Hey, have a seat, I am Finn Caddel”

He introduced dragging me out of my beautiful thoughts.

I smiled nervously “my name is…” I almost forgot my fake name, well I changed it legally though “my name is Octavia Harris” I introduced myself and sat down quietly at the seat he had pointed

He nodded, we were about to dive right into the interview when the door flew open and a young woman walked in screaming on top of her voice while the nervous secretary ran after her.

“Oh! I thought as much, so you asked them not to let me in because of this thing?” She yelled slapping me before I could say anything.

I couldn’t believe this, I haven’t even done anything yet and someone is hitting me? I felt insulted but could quickly tell that Finn was helpless from the look on his face.

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