
I got the job

I was burning with rage and wanted to retaliate but something in me whispered that I should keep my cool, this was totally unlike me, growing up without the love or attention of both parents thought me to always stand up and fight for myself.

I glared intensely at young lady who was dressed in a skimpy blue skirt, a white blouse while her dark hair hanged down her shoulder, she dressed really expensive but that wasn’t enough for her to hit me the way she did.

Finn kept calling her Rita, honey, baby, a whole lot of sweet names for just one woman and I almost got jealous. She kept yelling and I couldn’t stand it anymore. Her name was Rita Wilbur, Finn’s spoilt brat of a girl friend. With the stories I have heard about her, I still couldn’t understand why Finn still had to put up with her.

I rolled my eyes in discomfort, my cheeks were puce, I could equally feel a burning sensation on it.

I noticed Finn trying to make me calm down by giving me signals, I looked away folding my arms across my chest with a frown on my face, I couldn’t wait to see how sorry she would be when she realizes that I only came for an interview.

Rita didn’t stop calling me names even after Finn explained that I only came for an interview and that got me furious so I decided to make her feel worse than she already felt, I dropped the pen in my hand which rolled right to where Finn stood who was way too carried away with arguing with Rita “perfect…” I smiled, the confused secretary seemed to had run off to call Finn’s mother.

Seeing that the pen was there, I grinned mischievously, went right in front of Finn and bent with my butt right at his face, I was pretty curvy and sexy, it was impossible for the both of them not to notice me that moment.

I noticed Finn stopped talking, he began to mouth with his gaze fixed on my butt, I chortled silently “That’s it…” I mumbled.

When Rita realized that Finn had his eyes on me watching my every move and step, she went bananas and got even worse, what do I care? She hurt me first, she was at the verge of attacking me again accusing me of being everything evil when Finn yanked her by the elbow and dragged her out of the office.

I sat down feeling like the queen of the game, Rita would surely think about this all day, I laughed to myself and went quiet few seconds later, I heard another female voice but it was bolder “that must be Finn’s mother” I said to myself.

“This is an office Rita, not a market place, why do you come here screaming on top of your voice all the time? Why do you keep disturbing the peace of this company?” Grace Caddel asked looking furious, she had a smooth way of talking, this billionaire lifestyle have really soaked into every inch and part of her, no wonder my mother got easily influenced by her.

“He is cheating on me with that thing in his office” she explained pointing at the office door.

I gasped looking baffled, then I rolled my eyes “well it was obvious, she have completely lost her mind” I said to myself.

I heard footsteps approaching, it was Grace Caddel, she took a peep while I stood up staring at her but she only smiled at me and turned to Rita “she only came for an interview, are you blind? If I hear you yell again, I would order the security to throw you out” she scoffed walking past her heading back to the boardroom.

Rita was quiet, she folded her hands glaring at Finn who tried to hug her and maybe explain whatever it is to her then I heard a loud sound and Rita scooting away.

Finn walked into the office rubbing his cheek, she had slapped him too, I said nothing, I only watched him quietly with pity.

He was indeed embarrassed and couldn’t even look me in the eye, then he cleared his throat “I am really sorry about that, she’s my girlfriend, she isn’t always like this, I guess she is in a bad mood” I was shocked, was he really trying to make excuses for that mannerless lady after what she just did? What was it this girl had on him? I thought to myself, Finn was way too handsome to allow any girl treat him the way Rita does.

“She might be this way now but it would surprise you how much of a darling she is when you meet her in a better mood” he said again, I looked away, I was already tired of hearing him lavish praises on some spoilt brat.

“I am so sorry about what she did to you” he said in a much more calmer tone “please don’t press charges..”

I shrugged “it’s fine sir, I understand, one of those things you see in relationships huh” I pretended to laugh softly and he joined me believing that I understood him, well I understood nothing and wanted us to get on with the interview so I could leave already.

“Can we continue with the interview now?” I asked waiting for him to say something.

He smiled “it’s fine, he stood up reaching for a handshake.

I equally stood up and shook his hands not knowing why he was doing that.

“Congratulations Octavia Harris, you just got the job” he grinned.

“Just like that?” I blurted out raising both brows.

He nodded “come, I would introduce to the co-CEO, which is no other person but my mother” he said politely with a precious smile on his face which got my heart racing really fast, I was already head over heels for this billionaire CEO who is now my boss and I would be working as his personal assistant, crazy isn’t it? I wished I could grab him right there, give him the best kiss ever and tell him how I have fallen in love with him but wouldn’t that sound stupid? This isn’t why I am here, I shook my head at once running my dry hands across my face while he lead me out of his office.

Deep down I was super excited, it was a stress free interview “thank you Rita, you have done so well” I muttered to myself.

Despite the whole noise and drama, Riley didn’t take one glance out of her smartphone, she didn’t seem to care even if the building was on fire, it was weird though.

The board meeting was already over before Grace hurried out when the secretary came to tell her that Rita Wilbur, his son’s girlfriend was creating a scene. By the time She returned back to the boardroom, everyone else was gone except Willow who was comfortably sitting on a chair.

“You’re still here, I thought you left already” Grace said walking closer to her.

“Have you forgotten Grace, we need to talk about something very important” Willow said smiling brightly.

Grace sat down, she looked bothered “we already discussed everything necessary in the meeting.”

“Not that, I want Finn and Riley to get married” she informed.

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