
A Contract With Him
A Contract With Him
Penulis: Bukolami

A Break Up

“Oh shit.” Blakeley muttered and sat up as she read the text message she got from her fiance. Taking her time to process the message, she read it repeatedly and let out a gasp as she finally took it in.

As her hands trembled, tears welled up at the corner of her eyes, she dropped her phone and exhaled, and the tears rolled down her cheeks. 

“Oh my God.” She muttered. 

The door to her room opened and she looked up to see her best friend. She gave Blakeley a confused look seeing her in that state, she rushed to her and Blakeley burst into tears. 

“Hey, what's wrong?” Malia, her best friend asked as she wrapped her arms around her.

“Dylan broke up with me.” She cried.

“What? Why? Did you do something wrong?” Malia asked and Blakeley shook her head in response. 

“Hey, it's going to be okay.”

“No, it's not. We are getting married in two weeks, Malia, everyone knows about this, my parents are excited about it.” She replied and Malia sighed.

“I really don't know what to say.” She muttered and Blakeley sniffed, she tried her best to console Blakeley. 

Glancing at the time on her phone, she knew she would have to leave soon and it was a long drive from Blakeley’s house to hers. 

A while later, Blakeley sniffed and pulled away from Malia. 

“Don’t you have to be on your way now?” She asked and Malia nodded.

“Yeah but are you going to be fine?” 

“Yes.” She replied with a fake smile and Malia sighed, she hugged her one last time before picking up her phone and car key. Blakeley watched her till she walked out of the door.

Blakeley and Malia have been friends since high school. Their friendship seems kind of forbidden because Malia is from a wealthy family while Blakeley is from a family where they live from hand to mouth. 

Malia’s family was against their friendship but they didn't let that stop them, Blakeley got into the high school they met through a scholarship which made her feel unwanted. 

After they graduated, Blakeley thought their friendship would come to an end when they ended up going to a different college but it didn't. Instead, it became stronger. Malia went to Havard while Blakeley went to a local college in the city. 

As they were both done with college, Blakeley met a friend of Malia, in a flash, they were in love and he proposed to her. Blakeley didn't think twice before accepting his proposal, apart from being in love with him, it would be a great advantage to her.

She would be married to a CEO, she would be recognised in Los Angeles, she would get her parents out of their old house and give them the best life and she would also live her life the way she had ever wanted. All her life she did various jobs just to support her parents at home. 

They all prepared for the wedding and it was in two weeks time, her parents and everyone was excited for her. Although Dylan’s parents were against the marriage, he stood up for her and insisted on getting married to her.

Everything was going smoothly till the moment his text came in, he called off the wedding and broke up with her. He did it over a text with no explanation.

“Blakeley, the wedding is off and this relationship can't work out. Have a nice life.” She read the message again and sniffed. She stared at the ring in her finger and slowly took it off. She felt like her world was about to crumble, she had no hope again. 

Dylan was her last hope and solution. She thought about how she could break the news to her parents, everything just happened so fast, and it all seemed wrong. 

Her dad was out of town on a job and her mother was at work, she teaches as a preschool teacher at a local school in the town.



Blakeley stared at the mirror in the bathroom and she sighed, her eyes were swollen due to too much crying. She needed to talk to Dylan so badly. There must be a reason he broke up with her. 

She washed her face with water and cleaned it with a clean towel, she walked out of the restroom and glanced at the clock. Her mother will be back anytime soon. 

As she was about to walk to her bed, her eyes drifted to her table and she found Malia’s files. 

“Shit.” She muttered and rushed to the table. She recalled Malia talking about how important the files were, she will be needing them tomorrow during her meeting with one of her investors. 

She picked up her phone and dialled her number, she wasn't picking up and she sighed. She looked at the time on her phone and it was almost dusk.

Blakeley thought about the distance to Malia’s house, she couldn't let Malia lose her investors, she always talked about how they could help her company.

She got dressed and picked up the files and her phone, she walked out of her small room, got to the living room and dropped a note for her mother saying she went to Malia’s house.

She walked out of the house and realised she didn't have enough to take a cab, instead, she decided to take a bus. After a little walk, she got to the bus stop and got into the bus heading close to Malia’s estate. 

After a while, the bus got to where she would highlight and she got down, she walked down the street that led to the estate. As she got to the entrance, the security let her in since they knew her.

After a few minutes' walk, she got to the front of Malia’s house and pressed the doorbell. She moved out of her parents house a few months ago. 

Blakeley pressed the doorbell again but got no response.

“Is she not home?” She muttered and twisted the knob, the door opened and she walked in.

“Malia.” She called and got no response.

“Where the hell is she?” She asked and climbed the stairs, she walked in the hallway and looked around. 

She got to the entrance to her room and walked in, Blakeley froze at the sight before her. Her hands shook and the files from her. 

“What the fuck?”


Hello lovely readers, This is another lovely story I have brought to you all! I hope you love and enjoy it! It is going to go a long way and be a rollercoaster of emotions but trust me, it's worth the read. Don't forget to subscribe and drop comments about what you think. Thank you!

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goodnovel comment avatar
Annalyn Finuliar
Great story
goodnovel comment avatar
Madilyn Marcelino
So awesome

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