A paranormal novel is a type of fiction to design plots and character settings in stories with imagination beyond normal expectation. Paranormal novel series cover massive elements, such as romance, horror and so on, while supernatural elements are their core. Usually, something mysterious that can not be explained by natural laws are contained in it. This kind of novel can open your mind and bring you an unique experience. Why not experience a paranormal world in your boring life?

GoodNovel offers a vast collection of popular paranormal novels and books online. The best paranormal novels suitable for both adults and teenagers are supplied here for you to select and read.

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Shan Maslow
Since childhood, Shamila has been living in the orphanage with other children. The clothes she own once belonged to other people and she doesn't even know who named her Shamila. When she gets a scholarship to study in one of the most prestigious Schools, Maslow High School, she thinks it is a game changer. Little does she knows what awaits her, the students in Maslow High school are all evil and they have divided the school into two cults each headed by a prominent and rich bully. Before long, the two bullies fight over who will own her and amidst all the bullying, Shamila discovers the untold secret of the School. More then half of the students have supernatural blood running in them and the school is merely a ground to numb them and hide them from the society. Her original adoption documents also say her name is Shamila Maslow. Will the bullies bow down to her new supernatural state as the vampire who could perhaps be the next in line owner of Maslow High School and other royal properties, or this is just a prank that has been carefully organized by one of them to make her believe she is an important vampire so that the aftermath can make her ashamed and humiliated beyond repair. This is Maslow High School and students only go home at the end of the school year, Shamila has no home and all she has at the end of the year is the orphanage. Is this her real home, are the people surrounding her also numbed by centuries old magic enemies, friends or family? she has one year to find out, either she arrives at the truth or die as a result of the gruesome bullying by the bullies before the year ends.
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