Thriller novels are a type of stories covering wonderful plot designs and careful structures, which requires authors to have a strong logic. This kind of novel usually leaves a puzzle at the beginning of a story and all plots in the whole novel are designed to solve the puzzle and reveal the truth, which need to reflect a reasoning process with logic. This kind of novel captures readers’ curiosity and leads readers to explore the final truth step by step, which is a process to cultivate your patience and logical thinking. Would you like to have an experience of being a detective? Maybe it’s difficult to realize in reality whinin a short time, then why not read a mystery novel just now?

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Blood Thirst
Albert Edison
Sarah is a dominating CEO who has a dark mysterious past. She was born in an unchartered island in Southeast Asia. Having experienced poverty at a very young age, she vowed to be the first female in their place to be successful in life. Lucky enough, a benefactor supported her financially so she can get into college and achieve her dreams. This is where she met Mark, the lone heir to a multi-million dollar company based in the Philippines. Their relationship went sour when Mark got depressed and broke up with her brought by jealousy since Sarah was able was able to graduate and he did not because of his carefree attitude. In spite of what transpired, Sarah continued pursuing her dreams. It is at this time that her past starts haunting her each time there is a blood moon. At nights like this, she transforms into a creature known as a manananggal, a half-woman with the wings of a bat who sucks blood out of her victims. Unfortunately, Mark’s mom and dad became one of them. Mark promised to kill Sarah and avenge the death of his parents. He even went to the extent of hiring a group called the ghost hunters to try and track her down. He also posted a price on the head of Sarah so the bounty hunters would go after her too. In one of their skirmishes, Sarah was captured. Mark devised a plan to save her and was successful. They both ran away into the mountains to escape their inevitable demise. But fate has its way of unfolding. Sarah bore a son out of her relationship with Mark. At first, they were not sure if their son inherited the curse of the manananggal. Their son inherited the curse of the blood thirst.
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