All Chapters of The Mafia Boss’s Deepest Obsession: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
49 Chapters
Chapter Twenty-One: Battlefield
The next morning, as like my body knew what I had to do today, woke me up around 4am. As I rub my eyes a little and check the time, I find Vito sleeping peacefully next to me, the blanket only covering his below parts whilst his arm wrapped around my chest. Memories of the hot and heavy night that we shared last night soon fill my head where a deep red fills my face, it was definitely, a night to remember and one I knew would eventually, transpire at some point with Vito. Looking over at his face as he slept, I took all of his many features in as my finger delicately ran along his jawline, he was so incredibly good looking, one of the best men I have ever seen! It still blows my mind how he’d want to spend his time with someone such as me, I mean he could get any girl that he wanted without much effort, I will be honest, I did fear he was only after one thing from me, the thing we had done last night. I had to tell myself that if that does happen and I don’t see him again, it was ni
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Chapter Twenty-Two: Dangerous Man
After sorting through the mess in the back, I emerge into the main section of the café where I spot Shane wiping down one of the tables a customer just ate at. Once finished, he turned back to the counter and looked at me with a smile. “It’s great to see you back there Coraline, work wasn’t the same without you.” He smiled walking behind me to place the dirty dishes in the sink and clean the cloth he had used, whilst I just smile staring ahead as even more customers leave where I send them a kind wave. “Oh, before I forget, some people kept stopping by the café asking for you a few times.” He says clicking his finger as like the memory had just flashed into his mind, I was a little confused as I turned to look at him. “What kind of people, regulars?” I ask thinking perhaps some people were a little worried that they hadn’t seen me in a few weeks, but once he shakes his head walking into the back before emerging with a card, I got a little worried. Looking down at the official looki
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Chapter Twenty-Three: Tiptoe Around.
My mind races with the same thought over and over again, I had been with a man who these trained police officers are telling me is beyond dangerous, I have opened up to this man and have spent so much alone time with him where I didn’t even suspect for even a second that he was this horrible individual. I kept telling myself that someone that looks like Vito and is so kind and compassionate doesn’t exist or would be interested in me, why didn’t I trust my gut and back off?! But the even bigger question, what does a man such as him want with me?! I knew I shouldn’t have allowed myself to fall so quickly and deeply for a man I don’t even know! “Thank you for your time, Miss, here is my card, if you think of anything which will be of any help, don’t hesitate to call.” Owen smiles snapping me out of my thoughts handing me his card, where I soon put that same smile on my lips taking it from him. “I will.” I smile feeling as though I wanted to cry but also throw up at any second, I didn’t
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Chapter Twenty-Four: Face Value
After finishing the call with Vito, I sat in the bathroom staring up at the door for what felt like a lifetime. My head was spinning with the little bit that I did know but hurting worried about the gravity of what I didn’t. I couldn’t deny that the feelings I feel towards Vito have grown in the week we spent with each other, I told myself at the start to not fall for him that quick, but it appeared I didn’t listen. Even though I don’t fully know him at all, it hurt my heart to feel as though I had been lied to. Vito had been the man who helped me with my father, he found that I was injured and remained by my side whilst I healed without even knowing me. And then when my father was attacked, Vito was right there beside me. To me, he was this wonderful man who truly cared about a person he didn’t even know, which is why it’s so incredibly hard for me to believe he’s really this huge criminal which would be better off in jail. I couldn’t help but cry as I looked down at the floor in f
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Chapter Twenty-Five: Desperation
After taking a deep breath in, I make my way towards Vito’s waiting car, with each step that I would take, the more nervous I became. Seeing that my hands were full of my things, Vito leans forward in the car and opens up the door from the inside, where I simply send him a little smile as a thank you climbing in. “Hello Pequeño, how was work?” He asks with a smile whilst I place my purse down at my feet along with the cake that Shane had gotten me which was half eaten. “What is all of this?” He asks with a smile when I didn’t answer his first question, once I was fully in the car and closed the door, I look at him out of the corner of my eye. “The big box is holding the half-eaten cake that Shane brought me as a welcome back gift, whilst this box holds the cupcake that I brought for you. I know you said you were with a client all day, so you probably hadn’t eaten.” I explain holding up the little brown box which had been balancing on the cake box, the one that Shane had to catch bef
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Chapter Twenty-Six: The Pact
Walking into my apartment, both Vito and I were dripping wet from the rainstorm we had decided to stand in, well, I stood in first and he followed. He’s going to have to get some kind of cloth to clean his car seat, the leather is also very wet from when we ran back into the car. I place my things to rest on the counter, the boxes of cakes a little wet too. “Hey, you never eat the cupcake.” I say picking up the little box I had gotten from the café and holding it in the air, Vito only smiles placing his coat beside mine to dry whilst taking the little box from me, my eyes going to the messy look of his hair due to the rain, I couldn’t deny that it made him look that much hotter. “I was a little too preoccupied.” He smiled pulling open the little box to find the double chocolate cupcake I had picked up for him before I clocked out, yes, I paid for it! “Do you not want some?” He asks with a little smile holding it up before he took a bite, but I just shake my head with a smile walking
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Chapter Twenty-Seven: Game Plan
The sounds of the bin opening and closing causes me to jump awake from my sleep, my breathing fast and heavy as I looked around my bedroom as like the attacker which touched my bin was going to jump through my bedroom door and start attacking me! Once my brain had drifted away from sleep and I was no longer in a dream state which always fears the worst, I turn to the side of me where the space Vito lay was empty and the clock showing me it was 3am, why would Vito be walking the house at this hour? Thinking he may be having some trouble getting to sleep, I throw the covers from my legs and wrap my thin throw blanket around my naked body, it was freezing, and I don’t know if I feel comfortable walking about the house in the nude. After securing the blanket around my body, I make my way over to my bedroom door which was open ajar and walk down the hall and out into the kitchen, where Vito was sat at the table drinking what appeared to be coffee, well that isn’t going to help him sleep!
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Chapter Twenty-Eight: Eggshells
After an inventive early morning workout with Vito, I wake up much later than usual due to me getting a later shift at work. When I rang Shane to tell him I was getting back to work, he insisted that I take things slow the next day so offered to take the opening shift, at first, I thought he was just being nice but after all the events of yesterday, I think I need the break. Brewing my own coffee around 10am, I allowed my thoughts to wonder as I looked around my empty house. A few weeks ago, my father would have been laying on the living floor after a full night of drinking, I’d have to be so quiet not to disturb him due to his raging hangover. Talking of my father, he is doing so well in the hospital and is healing wonderfully. He would have been home by now if it wasn’t for the alcohol, due to how badly my father sunk into his drinking habits, the withdrawals are really putting strain onto his body. The doctors explained to me that it would be much safer for him to wait it out in
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Chapter Twenty-Nine: Secret Conversations
Once the flat white that he had ordered was done, he takes it with a smile telling me some of his friends may join him and proceeds to walk over to the one table right at the front of the shop by the window. This not only meant that he had full view of the entire café but outside too, why were more of his friends joining him, were they also police officers coming here to watch me? Most of my questions were answered when the certain person I had been questioned over yesterday, walks through the door with a smile on his face, mostly looking over at me. Instant panic begins to spread throughout my body in that moment, I played it dumb yesterday and acted as though I didn’t know Vito. Could I be arrested for lying?! I knew I once again needed to play dumb and hope that Vito catches onto what I’m doing. “Good morning, sir, what can I get for you?” I ask with a smile saying what I do to all the regular customers, Vito catches onto me seeming to act as though I didn’t know him where he sen
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Chapter Thirty: Ominous Feeling
After handling some of the last of the customers and closing up the shop, I climb into Kevin’s car and begin to give him the directions for Shane’s apartment. I had only been there a handful of times before, one when Shane was throwing this huge party for his 25th birthday and a couple of times he’s forgotten something at work, and I’ve had to walk it back to him. I couldn’t shake the ominous feeling which hung in the air, it was as though deep in my gut I knew what had happened, but my mind just wasn’t catching up with it. I have a tendency of fearing the worst in any situation, so my mind was taking up the time that it wasn’t listening to my gut and begin to make up even worse scenarios in my mind. What if Shane fell down the stairs to his apartment and is currently laying on the floor unable to get up? What if Shane got into some altercation and is injured somewhere and needs our help? What if he crashed his car? There were so many different things going around my head, I began t
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