All Chapters of Trades And Orgasms: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
487 Chapters
Chapter 0031
"You own homes? As in homes plural?" I ask with slightly wide eyes. I know as a younger person, many people in my generation will never be able to afford a home, even with mortgages and loans. It would only be possible if you won the lottery, got famous or married rich. He smirks and nods as he lif
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Chapter 0032
"So, you didn't leave some boy broken-hearted back there did you?" He lifts up his head and focuses his eyes on me. We talked about this briefly on our first date. I told him that I don't like boys my age, not that they would even notice me anyway. Maybe that's why I don't like them. When I told him
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Chapter 0033
He sighs and stands up straight, folding his arms across his chest. Oh no, he's going on defence. "I like it better this way, they know what I expect from them and they know what I can provide them with" His tone is flat, and it's bullshit, it's complete and utter bullshit. He's trying to convince m
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Chapter 0034
Rhodes's P.O.V "Can I help clean up?" Amelia asks after we both finish eating, I take both her plate and mine and load them into the dishwasher. "No, I'll just get the maid to come and do it later" I reply as I give both of the pots a quick rinse, I was never very good at cleaning anyway, why star
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Chapter 0035
I'm about to move my body closer to hers when my phone starts to incessantly buzz from within the pocket of my pants. "Son of a bitch" I grit my teeth and take the wretched thing out of my pocket as Amelia let's out a soft giggle from behind her hand which she clasped over her own mouth. "I'm going
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Chapter 0036
"We've been in negotiations for the last three days Rhodes, they've come down from asking for 拢20 million. But they don't want to play ball. Maybe we should consider looking at another location" "If we look for another location it will take another year of our time. They wanted to play ball when I
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Chapter 0037
"Well maybe the people he's dealing with are just really difficult? Some people in business can be rather hard to deal with" I smile when I get the reference, yes darling I can be hard to deal with, you have no idea. "Tom assured me he could handle it when I offered him the job, says he can take on
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Chapter 0038
I'm exhausted by the time Ambrose drops me off back at my place, even though it's only 9:30. What a whirlwind day. At the beginning I thought I was destined to spend the next six months in hell with this man, and now I'm sad I won't see him for a week. I lock myself into my apartment for the night
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Chapter 0039
"Relationships are never easy hon, welcome to the world of dating" I hear Poppy say from her seated position on the floor. I close my eyes for a minute, I'm exhausted all of a sudden. "Did you go through the same sort of thing when you started doing this" I already know the answer to my question, P
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Chapter 0040
He's so unbelievably cocky but in this scenario it's kind of cute, this is the sort of thing that genuinely excites him. The chase of the deal. "I hope you're being nice to Tom, he's probably shit scared now that you're there" I remind him as I lie myself on my stomach at the end of the bed. "His
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