All Chapters of Second Chance At Love: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
59 Chapters
Ugh, the story of my life - having to work twice as hard just to get half as far as everybody else. It's like the universe hands you a little something, but then instantly snatches it back with the other hand. This struggle? It's been my constant companion. “Sophie, come down! Breakfast is ready, and you’ll be late for work,” called my mom, the one person in my life who hasn’t turned into a burden. “I’ll be down in a minute, Mama,” I replied, rushing to the dining table. “Good morning, Mommy,” greeted my child. Yes, I have a child too. Now you know there are two people in my corner. “Good morning, baby,” I said, planting a quick peck on his cheek before almost inhaling my breakfast and ignoring my mom nagging about taking it slow. I was too pumped for this new job to care about little indigestion. With food still in my mouth, I squeezed both of them and hurried outside, ignoring my mom’s reminder to drink some water. “Be good, sweetheart. I love you,” she called after me. At wo
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I was flipping through each page of the file, trying to identify what needed to be changed, but I couldn’t place my finger on it. I was still engrossed when they all returned from meeting the new president. Laughter and friendly banter filled the air. "Oh. My. God. He is so dreamy like something out of a romance novel!" Mia gushed, giggling like a schoolgirl. Derby, who's married, chimed in, "I can already picture having his babies!" "Hey now, keep those babies to yourself, Mrs. Taken! The rest of us single ladies call dibs," Mia playfully nudged her. I wished I could join in this conversation, but the pressure to deliver wouldn’t allow me to act like a normal human being. Celine did one of those loud cough-clears to get everyone's attention. "Alright ladies, that's enough daydreaming. Let’s get back to business!" As everyone shuffled back to their desks, Celine zeroed in on me. "You. Yeah, you over there. Can we have a word?" I looked around, realizing she meant me. "Who, me?"
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I got to the office super early, eager for the presentation. It was an avenue to show my prowess and I would make the most of this opportunity. My sleepless night can’t be in vain and it’s time I make Celine see I am in the right place. As I hurriedly arranged the file, I whispered to myself, rehearsing exactly what I would say to him.“Good morning” Mia greeted as she walked up to me.“ Good morning Mia” I was surprised as this was the first time she had spoken to me since I got the job “ Don’t tell me you will be meeting the president looking like this” she remarked with scorn on her face, her hand scanning me from my head to my toe“And what’s wrong with what I’m wearing,” I said angrily “Nothing anyways not like you stand a chance.” She said with a dangerous smile and she added before sitting “ That’s my man so do the business you’re being paid to do and don’t get carried away”“You must be crazy,” I said under my breath “What did you just say” she asked but I didn’t dignify he
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PASTI was working at a café to save up for college because my family was struggling financially. We could barely afford basic necessities, and my dream of going to school felt like a distant luxury. But I kept pushing myself, knowing that education was the key to a better future for us. “Mom, you should rest today. I’ll stay with him at the hospital” I insisted “Oh, baby, don’t worry. You just got back from work and you must be exhausted” my mom replied her worry evident in her tired eyes “I want to feel useful and to be by his side because I know he would do the same for me” I explained trying to ease her burden “We’re your parents and that’s our responsibility,” she said her hand on my face. “Your food is on the table. Make sure to close the door properly” “Okay mama,” I said hugging her tightly. I might not see you before I go to work in the morning but I will be good, I promise so don’t worry about me.” She nodded before saying Goodnight and then exited the house while I ma
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PASTA few days had passed since my encounter with the handsome stranger. He hadn’t called or texted, even though he had my number. I kept checking my phone at every beep I heard, hoping it was him, only to be disappointed every single time. He didn’t even show up at the cafe anymore. I finally accepted the reality that he wouldn’t contact me. Perhaps he didn’t feel the attraction I thought he did, or maybe it was all just in my head. I decided not to dwell on my feelings for someone I barely knew when I had other stuff to focus on, like going to visit my dad on my day off.Although he couldn’t speak to me anymore, I still loved spending time with him. I got dressed and headed towards the hospital, determined not to let this silly thing with the handsome stranger consume my thoughts any longer. He shouldn’t have this much influence on me.I was stressed from overthinking; I could sense my head about to explode, so I made the decision to take a walk and clear my mind. I took a longer r
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I pulled a long, calming breath and started to move away from the wall; my feet alternated after each other. There was work to be done, a new project awaiting my attention. Dwelling on the ghosts of my past was a luxury I couldn’t afford not when my future was on the line. As I approached my desk, Celine’s stern voice cut through the air. “Sophie, Mia has expressed her interest in the landmark project, and I’ve approved it. She’s in the best position to handle it, I didn’t even know why I gave it to you at first. Take over hers and start working immediately. I would need it ready by next week Thursday.” “Understood, Celine. I’ll ensure a smooth transition and have everything ready by next Thursday,” I replied “Good” she acknowledges before stringing away I turned to my desk, sat down, and opened my laptop; finding the email from Mia regarding her project that was now mine. However, before I could even begin reading it, Mia herself approached me. “Sophie, is there anything speci
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The sound of my alarm pierced the silence, marking the beginning of yet another workweek. I groaned, longing to linger in bed a little longer, but responsibility beckoned. I reluctantly rose from the bed and began my morning routine.When I arrived at the office, I settled in and started reviewing the file I'm to report on this week. I was making good progress when suddenly Mia burst into the room, her eyes red and her face visibly showing she was heartbroken."Mia, what's wrong?" I asked, concern etching my features.Without a word, Mia strode up to my desk and flung the file down in front of me, papers scattering everywhere. "Didn't he like it?" I asked, looking at the papers and then to her face."Wouldn't that be better? At least then he would take a look at it to decide," she said, frustratedly."Then..." Before I could even complete my thought, she chimed in."He wouldn't even look at me or the file. He asked why I'm the one doing it and not you. I even explained it's because I'
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I couldn't help but marvel at the stranger I had just conversed with, as he was not the sweet and ever-loving Alex I was used to. I quickly sent him the file he had requested, but a reply was nowhere in sight. The minutes ticked by, each second feeling like an eternity as I waited for some kind of feedback.At last, an email notification appeared, signaling a message from AlexMy heart pounded as I opened it, hoping for some positive response or at least constructive criticism. However, what I read left me stunned."Rejected. Not up to standards. Revise and resend."That was it. No specific feedback, no explanation of what was lacking or needed improvement. I felt disheartened and annoyed by his rejection. I couldn't wrap my head around why he was making things so complicated. I went over the document I had sent examining each word and image carefully. I couldn't spot any errors.I was set on getting to the bottom of this so I crafted a reply asking for an explanation."Mr. Hernandez,
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I quickly returned to my desk replaying Alex’s words in my mind. One thing I knew about him was that he didn’t say anything he wouldn’t follow through on. I had to save my job. I took a deep breath and tried to focus just then Celine’s sharp voice cut through the air. “Sophie, my office. Now.”I swallowed hard forcing myself to my feet and making my way to Celine’s door. She was already seated behind her desk, her eyes narrowed as I stepped in.“So, I hear Mr. Hernandez rejected your proposal again,” Celine said her voice dripping in disdain.I nodded “Yes and he gave me an almost impossible deadline with my job on the line”Celine scoffed leaning back on the chair .” Of course, he has. The man has to impress our client and they will be here in two days so you can’t fault him for doing his business.”I hesitated unsure of how to respond.” The clients are having the first review in two days?”“And that’s not all. You will be presenting your work to the client at that meeting.” Celine a
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“I don’t envy you right now,” Derby said as she saw me scavenging through several files on my desk I looked up at her, a wry smile cut on my lips. “Me and you both” Derby leaned against the edge of my desk her brow furrowed in concern “Is there a way I can help?” I have noticed you always end up doing most of the work and yet you never receive any recognition for your effort.” I shrugged, trying to downplay the situation. “It’s all good, Derby. I’m sure they see how much of an asset I can be so they are trying to harness that.” Derby’s eyes narrowed slightly and I could tell she wasn’t buying my forced optimism. “So what got you so worked up now? I thought you had everything all under control,” she pressed “I thought I did but no matter what I present to him, it never gets approved. It’s just so frustrating.” I complained as I sat on my chair, and before I knew it, tears started gushing from my eyes Derby didn’t utter a word, she just placed a gentle hand on my shoulder and that
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