All Chapters of Rejected Luna: He wants me back : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
100 Chapters
51 : Her Real Face
ELIJAH“Two attacks on Rena. One at the exhibition, the other at the Mountain Cross Pack train station. Both are connected since the assassins tried to hurt her belly.” I say as I stare out the window, the sun disappearing behind a thick layer of gray clouds, mirroring the storm brewing inside me. Since leaving the Moonlight Pack, I haven't slept, haven't stopped digging for answers. My only hope was the Silver Club, a secret network reserved for elite Alphas. It is run by the High Council and the Alpha king. It took years to gain access, years to prove myself worthy. All that hardwork has paid off as now I can gain all the information from the Club network. There’s no information the Silver Club does not have. "Couldn't this investigation wait for the office?" Joshua asks from the couch, his eyes glued to the data I meticulously gathered."I needed to fake sickness to fool a certain someone," I reply, my voice tight. Joshua understands. "Man," he chuckles, "you almost had me conv
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52 : Theon's Threat
ELIJAH"You're working with Theon and he’s after the pack, that much is clear," I say, locking eyes with Nixie. Her gaze narrows, guarded. "But Rena left the Iron Claw Pack. Why target her?"Nixie feigns disinterest, casually inspecting her nails. "Theon's the one after the pack. My motives are different."My breath catches. Is this about more than just the pack? Is Nixie after Rena specifically?"Rena's been your target all along, hasn't she?" I voice the suspicion that dawns on me, my tone laced with realization.The smirk that spreads across Nixie's face is purely evil. "Took you long enough, Alpha. You and your precious pack never interested me. Verena, however..." Her voice trails off, replaced by a venomous glint in her eyes that burns with pure hatred. "Explain yourself! Why are you after Rena?!" I roar, fury coursing through me. Rena's not the type to make enemies. She's always been driven, focused on her work, a peacemaker at heart.Nixie's eyes darken, an emotion I can't dec
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53 : Visiting The Alpha King
ELIJAHA flash of movement catches my eye, and I whip my head left to see Sophia, Irene's wolf, running beside me. Her dark charcoal fur stands out against the green backdrop of the forest. "Thought you might need a little back-up," Irene's voice rings clearly through the mind-link.Joshua's voice joins in, overriding Irene's. "We're here to protect our Luna too." I glance at Maxwell on my right, racing alongside us. Their concern for Rena warms me – she truly has a way of drawing people in with her kindness."Alright then," I say, resolve hardening in my chest. "Let's go kick some ass."With our enhanced wolf speed, we cover miles in a short time. The sound of our pounding paws echoes through the trees as we near the Moonlight Pack territory.An hour later, I stare down at the scene before me – ten bodies lie unmoving on the forest floor, faces contorted with blood. Theon wasn't bluffing. He had ten men positioned near the Moonlight Pack border, hidden and waiting for a chance to st
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54 : Disrespect
ELIJAH"My apologies, General!" the guard mutters, baring his neck in a brief gesture of surrender. He turns to me with a look of annoyance,“You may enter.” There is no sincerity in his voice. His annoyed glare lingers as he steps aside.I return the glare with a smirk and walk past the gates. Seconds later, Cyrus leads me down the silent castle hallway. Our shoes click rhythmically against the polished concrete floor. The walls, adorned with panels of dark, striated marble at intervals, hint at the castle's modern renovation despite its historical reminders. Every few paces, a sculpture of a ferocious beast – sharp canines, long nails – stands as a stony reflection of the royal bloodline. Our ancestors. This is only my second time here. The first was for a royal party the King threw to celebrate his birthday. "Apologies for Nile's behavior," Cyrus says over his shoulder, his voice lacking sincerity. "He's new and unfamiliar with protocol." There's no way a royal guard wouldn't be
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55 : Her Escape
ELIJAHA jolt rips through me. The Iron Claw Pack? Fuck, no!"Easy now," Rowan smirks. "You stay Alpha, but like a… what's the word?" He furrows his brow in mock thought. "Ah yes, a puppet Alpha." My chest tightens.Rowan leans back, a sinister glint in his eyes. "Basically, you dance to my tune. Any changes I’ll demand, anything I need from the pack – you follow my orders. Disobey, and you lose the Alpha title completely. Faster than you can say ‘rogue’" His aura turns icy. "Think carefully, Elijah."My head spins. Since childhood, my eyes have been set on the Iron Claw Pack – a pack rivaling a king's power. It was my goal, the reason I pushed myself to the limit, surviving every poisoning attempt by my own family. This fight with Theon, it's all to protect that dream."So?" Rowan's voice cuts through the fog. "Deal or no deal?"Silence stretches, thick and heavy. My body's frozen, my voice stuck in my throat. The Pack or Rena?Rowan sighs, downing his drink in one go. The glass slam
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56 : Little Pup
VERENAThe sterile room hums with tension that I feel in my bones. Each contraction feels like an organ tearing at my insides, the pain stealing my breath. My frantic gasps fill the air, which is vibrating with the murmurs of the medical staff around me.It has been seven months since I learned about my true identity and started living in the Moonlight pack. My dad has been extremely caring towards me and has left no stone unturned to make sure I am healthy while my belly grows. A part of me still can’t believe that I am the lost princess of the Moonlight pack. It feels like a dream, or a scene straight out of a movie.That’s why it's scary. Whenever good things happen, I fear that they’ll all be taken away from me. That fear has taken form in my mind at this moment in the operating room.A young nurse, barely past her twenties, holds my hand, her grip surprisingly firm. “Okay, Miss Verena. We need you to stay calm for the baby.”I squeeze her hand back, finding a sliver of comfort in
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57 : A Father's Wish
ELIJAHPain rips through me with every step towards the maternity ward. Reaching Rena, my heart pounds as I find her sleeping peacefully. But there’s a figure in the attire of a nurse by the bassinet - Nixie. Her hand inches closer to my pup. "Don't you dare," I growl. She whirls around, eyes widening in shock. "You!" she snarls back, venom dripping from her voice.I knew she’d be here. I ignored the doctor’s recovery orders, shifted, and let Rolf run like hell to get here. Infiltration in the hospital was easy. I just put on a surgical mask, stole some doctor's coat. Thank the moons I made it in time. I stalk towards her, the coat billowing. Her face drains of color, mirroring the white coat. "Listen close," I hiss, voice low and dangerous. "We're leaving quietly. Any funny business, and I’ll kill you.” Nixie's glare is pure defiance, but she doesn't fight back when I grab her wrist and drag her towards the door. She knows I mean it. Warmth floods my chest as I glance at the peace
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58 : Live
ELIJAHCarlisle's booming voice rattles the hallway. "Spill it, Donovan! Stealing the baby? Talk now, or—"A hacking cough explodes from my throat, a metallic spray painting the floor red. Carlisle's grip slackens, his blue eyes widening in shock. "What the hell? You okay?""Poison," I rasp, the world tilting on its axis. The harsh fluorescent lights blur into a swirling mess. Darkness creeps in at the edges, and the last thing I register is Carlisle's face morphing from rage to genuine concern. —--------------------The harsh smell of disinfectant stings my nose as I crack open an eye. White ceiling. I am definitely not waking up in my own bed. I groan, turning my head to find myself in a sterile hospital room – Moonlight Pack Hospital, to be precise.A man in his fifties with glasses perched on his nose appears beside the bed. Doctor, by the looks of the white coat. "Mr. Donovan? You alright?" he asks, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.Before I can croak out a reply,
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59 : A Luna and A Mother
VERENAFour years later…The heavy oak doors groan open, shattering the orphanage's peace. A furious woman in her fifties storms in, her face twisted in rage. "What is this intrusion, Luna Verena?" she roars. "This is my orphanage, you can't just waltz in here!"I meet her gaze, my own turning icy. "Lower your voice, Warden Susan. I am the Luna of the Moonlight Pack." My voice booms with authority, silencing her. “I have received disturbing reports about the treatment of omega children in your care. Rumors of mistreatment and…worse.” Panic flickers in the warden's eyes, replacing her anger. "Lies!" she sputters, voice cracking. "I'd never hurt a single hair on their heads! I love them all dearly."My gaze darts to a young girl cowering behind me, her body shaking. She peeks nervously between me and the warden, the source of the whispers. “Apparently, this girl has a different story to tell,” I say, my voice softens for her. "Right, Mazie?"The girl flinches, but a spark of defiance ig
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60 : Who sent the cure?
VERENAA wave of emotion crashes over me as I ruffle Ezra's black hair, the same shade as his eyes. He's his father's twin, and the resemblance clenches my heart. Elijah. No matter how much I fight it, the past clings to me, a constant reminder.Being Luna means endless events and pack politics. The biggest thorn in my side? Alliance proposals from the Iron Claw Pack, each one hand-written by Elijah himself. Each one gets a firm rejection. A few months back, our paths crossed at an event. He looked…different. We didn’t talk as an urgent matter demanded my attention. Drake, Dory, and Irene are still my closest friends. Yet, they don’t mention Elijah in our call conversations. It's like they're hiding something.Sometimes, I wonder if he’s alright. News reached me about a major battle with his brother, Theon, but that was years ago, when Ezra was just a baby. Back then, vivid dreams plagued me, dreams of Elijah begging for help."The Goddess gem fulfills prayers made with pure intention
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