All Chapters of You Are Mine For Keeps.: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
116 Chapters
A past
Brett cupped her face and pressed his forehead to hers. "Neither of them is an option. Whatever it is, we’ll figure it out."Daisy pushed up onto her toes and pressed her mouth to his. Their tongues stroked and dipped, their kiss became wildly passionate. Their focus pressed on each other that they were vaguely aware of the multitude of people moving around them, the buzz of numerous conversations, and the steady rumble of the ceaseless midtown traffic. But none of these mattered while she was sheltered by Brett, cherished by him. He was both her tormentor and pleasure bed, a man whose mood and volatile passions rivaled her own. "There," he whispered, running his fingertips down her cheek. "Let that go viral.""You’re such a crazy and stubborn and you're not even listening to me. I have to go.""We’ll ride home together after work." He backed away, holding her hand until distance pulled their fingers apart. When Daisy turned toward the restaurant, she saw Donald and Ethan waiting f
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Opening Up
Brett hurriedly went into the kitchen and threw the broken glass away, shattering it further. Daisy set her own glass down carefully, her hands were now shaking. She heard cupboards opening and closing forcefully. A few minutes later, Brett returned with a tumbler containing a straight shot of gin in his hand. "Sit down, Daisy." She stared at him, his frame was rigid, his eyes icy-cold. He scrubbed a hand over his face and said more gently, "Sit down.......please." Daisy's weakened knees gave out and she sat on the edge of the sofa, pulling her robe tighter around her. Brett remained standing, taking a large swallow of gin. "Tell me exactly what happened." Daisy took conscious breaths, trying to calm herself. "The day we arrived at the camp, I strayed a little at night and I got kidnapped. I don't know what I was thinking, but I just wanted to be alone for a few minutes. So, I moved aside a little. My abductor was some boy, I've seen him attend therapy once or twice, I'm not su
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Don't Give Up On Me
Brett stared at Daisy as if she'd grown two heads. He was confused. Everything she told him was driving him insane. He was trying so hard not to believe that he pushed her into grief and into pains.He recalled the dream she had the previous day and rubbed his hair roughly with his free hand while holding the tumbler a bit too tight with the other hand. He looked up at her and his heart shattered into several pieces."I don’t think you know how you make me feel." She wrapped her arms round her bossom, covering her breasts, suddenly feeling naked in the worst way. "Daisy, I........" His voice faded into silence. He wanted to say something to make her understand that he was crazy about her and at the same time, mad at the stupid son of a fool that took advantage of her. She felt his distance and a tear trickled down her right eye while she calmly and carefully loosened her robe. She stepped out of, naked while staring at Brett. "Look at me, Brett," she called softly. "Look at my bo
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Never Going To End
"I have dreams too. At least I used to. Some really bad ones. But I've not had any for maybe a month or two." Brett said.Daisy nodded and waited for more. But that was all he gave her. He was back in his shell of limited expression. She touched his face, hair and shoulders, and looked him in the eye, realizing he had a lot he was yet to tell. He might just be as broken as she was, in a way she couldn't place just yet. "I need something from you, Brett." "Anything. Just tell me what it is.""I've told you my deepest secret, so it's only fair that I get something in return, don't you think?""Yes Sunshine, anything." "Okay. I need you to tell me something new that I don’t know about you, everyday. No matter how small. Can you do that?" Brett eyed her warily. "Whatever I want to tell you right? It doesn't have to be something of your choosing." She nodded, unsure of herself and what she might get out of him. Brett exhaled. "Okay." He finally said and she kissed him softly, a silent
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This Is Love
"We met for the first time at Lilycity, when I paid a visit to my grandma during one our school's holiday. She was the kid around the block that I got to play with. Because of her, I visited my grandmother more often until she got admission to study Law at the University of Bronx." She smiled recalling all that sweet memories."Fortunately, I got into the same university same year." She chuckled. "We ended up as roomies. After graduation, I went back home and applied for internship at the Hockey board. Was dabbling a little into ads, designs and presentation.""That was where we met, the hockey game. You were working for the board. I remember.""Yes," She nodded and set her hand over his to still its upward slide on her leg, smiling at the mischievous glimmer in his eyes. "After that incident, we moved to Fairview and Ugo came with me. She suggested this amazing therapist who supposedly had mad skills. So I and my mother started seeing the therapist and that was where our healing beg
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Coping Strategy
"Don’t....... don't fucking touch her! No, don't you dare come close to me. No, stop it, stop saying that to me. I didn't do it, it wasn't me. Please......" Brett's cries had Daisy swerving up in the bed, her heart thudding violently. She fought for breath, glancing wild-eyed at the man thrashing next to her. He was snarling like an angry beast, his hands fisted and his legs kicking restlessly. Daisy moved back, afraid he would strike out at her unknowingly in his dreams. "I didn't do it, leave me alone." he panted. "No, you leave her alone too. She's innocent. Don't you dare touch her." "Brett, wake up." "Get off me. You're sitting on my head, I can't breath." His hips arched upward with a hiss of pain, his teeth gritted, then he collapsed and suddenly jerked again before bouncing off the mattress. "Brett," She reached for his arm, her throat was burning. "Brett," she called again. He was writhing in agony, thrashing so violently that he shook the bed. She walked around and put
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We Should Celebrate
Daisy walked briskly into lobby of her apartment, not giving a care about the furtive looks she got from the doorman, the lady at the front desk and a gentleman that she didn't spare a second glance until she perceived the faint fragrance of Ugo's perfume on him.She forced herself to give him one brief glance before she walked past him into the elevator. She stepped out of the elevator and found Ugo opening the door to her apartment. When she sighted her, she straightened and opened her arms to Daisy. "Come here, Daisy baby." Daisy walked straight into her and hugged her tight, smelling a man's cologne on her. "Who’s the dude that just left.""Dark and dangerous." Ugo replied with a smile. Pushing the door of the apartment open.They stepped in together before she continued. "Well, he invited me out for dinner at this cozy restaurant that happened to be closer to your apartment than mine. So, I decided to crash here tonight, instead of going all the way to mine." Ugo explained."D
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Big Girl
The next morning dawned with an odd surreality. Daisy was able to make it to work. Most part of her day went-on in a kind of chilly fog. She couldn’t seem to get warm enough, despite wearing a cardigan over her blouse and a miserable looking scarf that didn’t match anything in her outfit, a mishap she would never allow in her styling, ordinarily. Especially with Ugo present.Brett made no contact with her whatsoever. Nothing on her cellphone. No mail, no text, no inter-office call or note, nothing. The silence felt excruciating. Especially when she checked the hot gist for the day and saw pictures of herself and Brett at Floyd park. Seeing how the both of the them looked together, the passion and painful longing on their faces, and the gratefulness of their reconciliation. Pain twisted in her chest.'Brett, If we can't work this one out, would I ever stop thinking about you' She thought. Wishing so desperately that there would be a way, an easy way for them to settle this nightmare
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Drama And More Silence
Daisy was briefly reminded of Brett's anger the last time she spent time with Ray. But she figured he trusted her now to handle herself. "I’m going to the restaurant up the street," she said. "Are you sure you want to head down with me?" "Absolutely."They started walking. "What did you want to see me about?" She asked, too curious to wait. He reached into the cargo pocket of his jeans and pulled out two formal invitation in a grey envelope. "I came to invite you to a little celebratory party we’re having at my uncle's estate on Sunday. It's a mix of business and pleasure.""By your uncle, you mean the Mayor?"He nodded. "My family will be there too. My band is working on a new music. We might perform one or two of the new sounds. "We're still working on the rest." He informed her. "Sounds like something you might like?""Maybe, is there more to tell?""Yeah. It's been finalized that Bronx city will now be under the Mayor's jurisdiction. So, it's part of the big celebration. Lots o
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Baring The Mind
"And he wanted to know where the Julian boy is." Bridget sobbed. "He wanted to know everything."Daisy hissed. Confusion crowded her thoughts. She wasn’t sure what Brett's intentions was, but her mind went strongly to the possibility that he had dumped her because she opened up about her past and he was now making sure that whatever scandal would come from her past would not in anyway affect him. Her heart twisted in pain at that thought.Initially, she had thought it was his past that was driving a wedge between them, but now, it made even more sense that it was hers. For once Daisy was grateful for her mother’s self-absorption, which kept her from seeing how devastated she was. "It's only right that I tell him." Daisy managed to say with a voice so raw that it sounded nothing like her own. "And he has a right to try to protect himself from any blowback." She added. "You’ve never told any of your other boyfriends. Not even Raymond. You've known Lexington for barely three weeks and
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