All Chapters of Twisted Betrayal and Revenge : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
194 Chapters
"What happened, dear?" Julie, an old woman, came to me. She looked worried as she stared at me."G-Grandma is not responding! She is not breathing at all! Please, help me!" I said in between my sobs."Oh, god! Lucio!" She called her son who was walking near their house. Lucio went to us and I told them about what happened. They call for some help before we went back to our house. They carried my grandmother. We used one of our neighbors' car to rush her in the hospital. I was crying so hard as we were inside the car. I was begging the driver to drive faster. My heart was aching miserably. I hugged my grandmother in my chest. I cried on her hair.I could not even breath when we finally reached the hospital.We waited outside the door until the doctor came out. And the news she bombed infront of me, ended my world."I am sorry. But she is dead on arrival. She got heart attack and you rushed her here a bit late," she said in a soft voice.My knees weakened as I tried to process her words
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"How are you now, Nieva?" Hale whispered. She invited me to eat outside. She said that she wanted us to have some bonding time."I am fine now," I whispered and gave her a small smile. She looked at me for a moment before she let out a deep sigh."Do not pretend infront of me, Nieva. I know you. It is not wrong to be sad. There is no need for you to pretend when you are with me," she said in a soft voice. I bit my lip as I felt it trembling. I swallowed hard. It has been almost a month since grandma left but the wound is still there. It is still too fresh. It is like it just happened yesterday, or earlier. Every night, I cry myself to sleep. I always visit her room, hoping to see her there. Hoping to hold her for the last time but I know that is a wishful thinking."I miss my grandma," I said in a trembling voice.Hale sighed softly as she held my hand on the table. Her eyes were bloodshot as she looked at me with pity and sadness. "I am here, Nieva. You are not alone. You know that I
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I gasped. "What do you even mean? How did you have such a huge debt? Where did you spend it?!" I yelled. I do not think they spent the money here in our house! Hell!"Why are you even asking, Nieva? And could you please stop acting like we are a bad person just because of our debt!" Leona said angrily. I stared at her in disbelief. I could not believe she said that!"No! You are worse than that, Leona! How would you even pay for it? $50,000?! Where would you find that large amount of money! You can't even pay the electric bill!" I can't helped but snapped at her.She rolled her eyes. I can't believe she still has the guts to act like this infront of me."We will surely find a way to pay it!" She said before she turned her back on me. "Let's go, Levan!"Levan looked at me for a moment before he followed Leona. I sighed as I watched them walked away. I gritted my teeth. It should not even be my problem but when I think about it, I can't help but be stress out! What if they would not be
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I am not sure how I fell asleep in here. When I woke up, I could feel all the soreness in my body. I winced as I tried to stretch out my body as I sat on the ground. I was laying on the dirty ground. I am still grateful that I had a place to sleep in. But now, I need to find a decent place. I will not be able to stay longer in this kind of place. It was still dark but I am not sure that it is already dawn. Maybe around four in the morning or so.Where should I find a place? I am not familiar where I am. I walked for around thirty minutes until I found a person."E-Excuse me," I said in a soft voice. She stopped and knitted her brows at me."Yes?""I just want to ask if you know a place where I could stay like an apartment or something. A small place is fine with me." I gave her small smile.Her eyes widened a bit. "Oh? I have am apartment! And I still have one available bed space for you, dear!" She was smiling widely like she was very happy.I can't help but be surprised. Is this rea
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"Dear, didn't you tell me that you want to continue your study?" Minda said as we ate lunch.Minda and Henry asked me to live in their house for almost a month now. They are Brett's relatives. Minda is his mother's sister. They do not have a child. They are comfortable in life and both of them have stable jobs. Brett recommended me to them when they were looking for someone to clean their house.At first, I refused because I know that having a privacy is the best in the world and I do not want them to have another person in their house. I am just being considerate. But Minda was she one who begged me to live with them. Now, I do not have to pay for rental or any other bills. That is why I am doing my best to be helpful in here."Uhm, I want to but it's really not my priority as of the moment," I whispered."I will enroll you at the near state university," Minda said in an excited tone. I can't help but widen my eyes at her words. That is too much! She does not have to!"N-No. I apprec
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"Miss," the man sighed. "The boss is waiting for you. We can't stay any longer here. We have to go. Come out now," he said. I could sense that he wanted to yell at me but he was trying his best not to. I swallowed hard as I shook my head multiple times. How did I even get here again?"P-Please. I changed my mind! Just find someone else to be your maid. I am not interested anymore," I said, begging him but he just sighed. He pulled out something from his pocket and I was horrified for a moment, thinking that it was a gun but when I saw that it was a phone, I sighed in relief. He turned his back on me after sending me a murder glare. I think he called someone. I could not hear what he was saying and after a few seconds, he went back to me."Come on now, Miss Dasha. We are not here to hurt you. You wanted a jo, right? Here it is. You are hired."I do not even know why he thinks that he is going to convince me with those words!"No. I am sorry. I do not want to work anymore. I told you. I
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I stared at the very huge mansion infront of me. It was sitting on top of a hill. And the crazy thing was I had to ride a helicopter to reach this mansion. Whoever that friend of Madam Violet must be so damn rich. This mansion is not just a mansion. No. It is not. It is a damn palace! I have not even seen like this even from a movie. Well, maybe I have but... this one is almost impossible. I feel like I am in some kind of a fairytale.A maid wearing a uniform suddenly showed up while I was outside. She is a bit old but not old enough to be called grandmother."Please, follow me," she said before she went inside the mansion. I closed my lips which have been parting since I got here. I do not even want step on the shining floor of the mansion. Every corner of this place is screaming wealth, power and authority. I was suddenly scared to face Madam Violet's friend."Please, sit here. I will call Hilda." The maid walked away even though I have not even responded.I was scared to even sit o
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I wanted to ask about the owner of this mansion but I kinda feel embarrassed to talk to the other maids. They are not talking at all. I also noticed that they barely look at each other. Hilda did not say anything about this. I wonder if she forgot or... She probably did.I can't stop looking at the foods as we prepared the long rectangular glass table. I was literally salivating by the sight of it. I do not think this is for some party of anything like that.This amount of food must be for over ten family members. That is such a huge family then, huh? Maybe their in-laws are also living here? In this kind of huge mansion, even 100 people could literally fit here and it is even possible for them to not see each other or bump to each other. And I am not even exaggerating it.My heart pounded so fast in fear nervousness when I heard couple of footsteps coming. I could also hear hushed deep voices.The maids suddenly stood in line, as if getting ready to welcome whoever will enter. Of cou
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"Oh. Babysitter? I was also a babysitter before!" Joy giggled a bit. I smiled at her. We talked about some random things in life while we were sitting on my bed. She mentioned that she has one daughter who is at the same age as me."She got pregnant by some asshole guy and he left her. He left his responsibility," she said with sadness in her tone. She shook her head. "And you..." she stared at me for a moment. "You should be wise when it comes to choosing your partner. Have you ever had a boyfriend? I bet you have, right?"I bit my lip as I slightly shook my head. "I have not," I whispered. Her eyes widened as though I said something very shocking."What? Stop lying, dear! I do not believe you. There is nothing wrong with being in a relationship! It is normal!" She laughed as she rolled her eyes.I winced. "Uhm, it is true. I have not been in any relationship. I just do not have time for it..."Her lips parted as she scrutinized me. "You are kidding! You are so freaking beautiful, Na
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I woke up at four am. That is when the maids are usually waking up every morning according to Linda. She told me about the things that we are allowed to do and not allowed to do. So far, I could say that the work here is easy. Well, not too easy but bearable. Not to mention it is tiring too.I helped Linda cooked breakfast for us this morning. She said that every two maids here is tasked to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner at different days. Basically, they tasked me to cook today with Linda. We fried some eggs, bacon, hotdogs and garlic rice. I also made them coffee.Britney is the first one who entered the kitchen. She immediately raised her brow at me when our eyes met. I smiled a bit even though I know that she will not reciprocate it."Good morning, Britney," I greeted her and as expected, she just ignored me as she pulled out a chair and sat there. I bit my lip as I looked away, feeling a bit embarrassed. I caught Linda looking at me with pity in her eyes as she quickly glanced
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